Top 5 of Anything - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Top 5 of Anything

August 30, 2006 by  

Give Me My Remote, GiveMeMyRemote.comIn case you are bored, some of the GMMRers started a little game in the GMMR Forums called “Top 5 of Anything“. Basically, it’s just a fun way to pass some time.

Make up a category and name your top 5. It can be about anything: TV, music, food, websites, your family…now go have some fun, and meet some other readers.

Filed under GMMR News


2 Responses to “Top 5 of Anything”

  1. Scooter on August 30th, 2006 8:45 pm

    Ooo, I hope this is a High Fidelity reference.

  2. Jessica on August 31st, 2006 5:38 pm

    that is exactly what I thought the first time I saw the topic.