CHUCK vs. The Giveaway! Enter to Win - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

CHUCK vs. The Giveaway! Enter to Win

April 20, 2009 by  

All your efforts to save CHUCK are about to pay off.

Wear your support for CHUCK for all the world to see.  The CHUCK team over at NBC have given us some tees to share with YOU.  I don’t have pics right now but I’ve been told we’ve got some great ‘Orange Orange’ and ‘But More’ shirts coming at you!  And CHUCK creator Josh Schwartz has also offered up some classic ‘Jeffster’ shirts just for GMMR readers!

To enter:

(1) Please share with us ONE thing you have done to help promote CHUCK (twitter posts, facebook updates, blog posts, etc).  Be honest!

(2) Tell us your favorite CHUCK character and why.

I’m not sure how many shirts we’ll have to giveaway but it will be more than a few, so enter now!

Filed under Chuck, Save CHUCK


109 Responses to “CHUCK vs. The Giveaway! Enter to Win”

  1. Linz McC on April 20th, 2009 12:21 pm

    Ohhh!! I want a shirt!!

    I have written blog posts about the show for a while now as well as excessive gabbing about the show to everyone I know! I can’t comprehend how this show could get canceled… 🙁

    It is too easy. Chuck is my fave character. There isn’t any competition for me. He is the perfect mix of geeky and adorable and sexy! Plus, he is a little more realistic than your usual spy show hero.

  2. Janet on April 20th, 2009 12:29 pm

    I’ve been talking about Chuck on my FaceBook page so much that it has been a bit obsessive! Chuck has replaced The Office my favorite show!

    It’s hard to pick a favorite character because I love them all. But I’d probably have to say Sarah… No I’ll say Chuck or maybe Casey, Lester? Jeffery? Anna? Awesome? Ellie? Asking me to choose one is like asking me which one of my children I love more than the other!

  3. Hilary on April 20th, 2009 12:35 pm

    1. I’ve put it up on my facebook status (to which my friend replied: “um, no. House.”) and sent out a few twitter messages, even after the episode aired. And blogged about it some, especially mentioning the promo for tonight’s episode.

    2. Hmmm, I kinda love Morgan. He’s always there for Chuck, and such a great character. Even when Morgan has no idea what is going on, he wioll still due it for Chuck. And I just want to hug Morgan after some episodes. (:

  4. Katie on April 20th, 2009 12:55 pm

    I have updated both my Twitter Status and Facebook status as I watch this show, imploring people to give it a go. I have gotten my friends to give it a try and some have even kept up with it. It is the only show that I watch live, without my DVR (it is recorded so that I can re-watch during the week).

    My favorite character would be a toss-up between Morgan and Casey, primarily for the same reason. They both (no matter what the circumstances are) have Chuck’s back. Morgan, with no questions asked as Chuck is his best friend and Casey because it is his duty and he has developed a soft spot for Chuck.

  5. Sarah on April 20th, 2009 12:56 pm

    1. I’ve donated my facebook status to the noble pursuit of helping more of my friends discover the brilliance of Chuck (aka forcing them to come over to my house on Mondays at 8 to watch it). I’ve also twittered about Chuck and lamented over the fact that so many people are missing out.

    2. Hands down my favorite character is Casey. Every time I see a picture of Reagan I think about Casey apologizing to the picture before having to smash it to save his life. Also, I love that he was a choir boy and can hit a high C.

  6. Kelly on April 20th, 2009 12:59 pm

    I have to start out by saying that it’s awesome (yes, Awesome) to know that the Chuck people know about and appreciate all of our efforts. Knowing that and seeing the creep up in ratings makes it worth it.

    So, now down to business (yay giveaway!):

    1. I’ve tweeted and Retweeted my thoughts and links to blogs (since I don’t have one of my own) and updated my facebook status tons – which I’ve actually gotten a few “I love Chuck!” responses which is always fun!

    2. I guess the easy answer would be Chuck because how could you not love him? But I always look forward to Casey’s comebacks and jabs too!

  7. Casey on April 20th, 2009 1:12 pm

    I have updated my facebook status all week counting down the days, and have taken to leaving my dorm door open and puting my laptop w/ chuck playing in front of the door. at least 3 people walking by have stopped to ask what movie i was playing. I had to tell them it is not a movie, but rather the most awesome tv show ever, available to everyone mondays at 8 on nbc.

    My fave character is definitely Casey, and not just because he shares my name. I love how he has grown to like Chuck and hates the idea that their mission may be to terminate him. Dear God, I love this show!

  8. Erica on April 20th, 2009 1:15 pm

    1. I sent in a “SAVE CHUCK” postcard to NBC studios, writing that for the past two years my roommates (two different sets of converts!) and I have spent Monday nights with CHUCK, loving every minute, and the tradition needs to continue!

    2. I love Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah–I agree with Alan Sepinwall’s assessment of her value to the show. Not only does she kick-ass Sydney Bristow-style, but she adds a certain amount of gravity to the storyline. No matter how ridiculous some of the characters get (Morgan, Jeffster, Awesome and of course, Chuck), Sarah’s internal conflicts (with Chuck, with her dad, with the General’s orders and even with Casey) gives the show a solid dramatic element–despite its comedic intentions–and Chuck is the better for it.

  9. P D Yerf on April 20th, 2009 1:32 pm

    I have been consistently posting clips of Chuck as well as promoting it on my livejournal here: I’ve been posting facebook statuses and talking about it to my friends nonstop, earning both a few converts and a few very annoyed friends^^
    And my favorite character of all time has got to be Casey. Not just out of Firefly love solidarity for Adam Baldwin, but because out of every character on the show I have adored his character arc the most. From gruff and in love with shooting, Casey has turned into someone who not only works well with others but is able now to even respect unconventional methods that do not necessarily involve following orders. I am very much looking forward to how he reacts tonight to Sara’s choice–i think his decisions may surprise 🙂

  10. Lauren on April 20th, 2009 1:42 pm

    1. I’ve blogged about my top ten reasons to watch Chuck.

    2. My favorite character is Chuck. An adorable geek with a big heart, what more can I say.

  11. Tracy on April 20th, 2009 1:43 pm

    1. I’ve posted about the show on my Facebook page and have talked it up big time with friends and coworkers, to the point that I finally convinced a few people to try it out last week and they loved it (of course!). It’s one of those shows that people seem to overlook for some reason but, once they watch it they love it. I’ll be sending in my postcards soon (I’m organizing people first, lol).

    2. Favorite character is tough because I think it’s the chemistry between the whole ensemble that really works, but I have to say that Chuck is the star of the show for me. He’s believable (which, on paper, seems hard to believe) and I’ve loved seeing him grow and begin to believe in himself and his future. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  12. Tanya on April 20th, 2009 1:46 pm

    I work at a grocery store and every Sunday and or Monday when I am working I’ll tell all my customers to watch Chuck. One day I even had a customer call in to my manager saying she did not approve that I was telling her to watch Chuck instead of House. I got a counsiling statement. Oh well. But to make up for it many customers have come back and told me thanks for the advice on what to watch.
    I love the character of Casey, I always feel like there is a underside of his character that actually is really proud of Chuck no matter how many times he does something to disparage that theory.

  13. scott on April 20th, 2009 1:50 pm

    I am all about the free stuff, especially if it is Chuck themed.

    I was one the first to answer your call on “Inside the Intersect,” when I blogged (read: pleaded) that everyone should turn all their televisions in their house on to NBC. Last Monday at work, I sent out a memo announcing I would be holding a meeting in the break room to tell everyone about Chuck and then held a follow up meeting on Tuesday to answer any Chuck related questions. Oh, I have also tweeted reminders to watch Chuck, but since I only have about 20 followers I didn’t think that would carry as much weight.

    My favorite character has changed several times throughout the show’s short duration, but I have finally landed on Casey. He is the man and salutes a framed Reagan 8×10.

  14. Kathleen on April 20th, 2009 1:51 pm

    I posted your original post about the week long Chuck fest on my Facebook page and begged and pleaded with all my friends to watch!

    I have to go with John Casey. Not only is Adam Baldwin a men among boys but Casey has to be one of the most nuanced characters on TV. Most of the time he’s this gruff hard military guy. But there are times you can see that being around Chuck and Sarah and the Buy More gang has had an effect on him. Like when the General gave the kill order at the beginning of the season and he had to sneak in. You could see that he really didn’t want to do it, but followed orders because that is all he knows. I’ll be very interested to see Casey’s part now that Sarah has taken Chuck on the run. Does he follow orders? Does he buck the system to help Chuck? Does he turn a blind eye? In the hands of a lesser actor, John Casey could be very one dimentional and hard to watch. What Adam Baldwin has managed to do with the character is nothing short of amazing. Well done Adam. Well done!

  15. SB on April 20th, 2009 1:52 pm

    WOW, Casey, I love the dorm room idea! That’s so awesome!

    I typed my fool fingers off for Chuck week and made a Facebook status using a song and replacing the F-word with “Chuck”! 🙂

  16. strunkette on April 20th, 2009 1:54 pm

    I have been badgering my friends, family, neighbors, total strangers on the street to watch Chuck. I also watched Chuck LIVE (absolutely unheard of in my house) to help boost the ratings.

    I hate to pick a favorite I really do. They are all so special and amazing in their own way (except Ellie…don’t know what do to about her character….) If I had to pick it would have to be Chuck for all the reasons Linz brought up. He is my #1 TV boyfriend…and that’s saying a lot 🙂

  17. Dio on April 20th, 2009 2:05 pm

    I made 4 video’s (click my name) at least one more coming after the last episode for the last stretch until May 5th with a message to help Chuck get a third season and where to go to know how you can help.

    Favourite character would be Sarah in most part because of Yvonne’s acting. She can kick butt, be vulnerable, sweet, funny, intense in just one scene. All those layers make Sarah a great character. Sarah’s character makes the show feel real amidst all this crazy comedy and spy stuff.

  18. Lisa! on April 20th, 2009 2:12 pm

    I post my love for Chuck on FB on Mondays, during my runup for the show. (I’ve twittered once, but that’s only because I just started twitting.)

    I really feel the love for Casey… he’s my kind of tough guy.

  19. Gail Parker on April 20th, 2009 2:23 pm

    I’ve touted Chuck on my facebook and to everyone I know. It’s going to suck if NBC cancels it and replaces it with another lame reality show.

    Chuck is great. He’s adorkable, but has a huge heart and is finding out he’s really pretty brave too. And Casey is hilarious. He’s Mr. Tough Guy, but I think he’s coming around to Chuck’s way of thinking.

  20. Alyson on April 20th, 2009 2:35 pm

    1. Besides constantly reminding my friends to watch Chuck b/c it’s awesome, I’ve also taken the opportunity to declare my love for it on Facebook.

    2. One of the wonderful things about Chuck is that it’s got so many amazingly awesome characters that it’s hard to pick a favorite. Not only are the supporting cast amazing — from Anna to the General, but all the main characters have garnered my respect and love. That said, I think I have to choose Casey. Not only have I loved him since he was Jayne on Firefly, but I think his character has developed so well over the course of two seasons. Also, he’s got great lines, and he pulls them off.

  21. ericaa13 on April 20th, 2009 2:38 pm

    1) I’ve updated my facebook status every Monday since the season premiere. It’s gotten a few people to watch. Mostly though, I just got comments saying, “What’s a Chuck?” So two weeks ago I put out an update saying I would volunteer myself to hold Chuck viewing parties to get people caught up even if it meant I had to watch the episodes again and again… and again. I didn’t want anyone to be able to use the excuse, “I tried to watch, but I didn’t know what was going on.” Since then I think I’ve gotten around 13 people to watch. Not too shabby for 2 weeks!

    2) My favorite character is Chuck because he’s so relatable. And let’s face it… Is there anyone on the plant more adorable than Zachary Levi?

  22. Jordan on April 20th, 2009 2:44 pm

    I’ve spread the greatness of Chuck by word of mouth to friends, family and coworkers (and maybe a few strangers while waiting in line).

    I love Chuck the most; he’s a great, normal guy trying to do the best he can while in an impossible situation with his job and friends and family. He’s easy to relate to and sympathize with, because how many people don’t have trouble sometimes balancing work and a personal life?

  23. kelseroo on April 20th, 2009 3:21 pm

    I I tweeted “save chuck!” with a link to your site. I have also talked about Chuck on other TV sites that I frequent, like

    My favorite character is Morgan. I love how he is such a Loyal friend to Chuck, how he can be so oblivious to things sometimes (especially when he is in real danger), and how he can be so productive and focused on things HE wants to do- not work related, of course. I always know his scenes are going to be hilarious!

  24. Jackie on April 20th, 2009 3:26 pm

    I’ve spread the word by telling my friends and actually telling my best friend that Chuck is totally her type of show. I’m making her watch the whole first season.

    I love Chuck because he’s a person that you would want to get to know and play video games with. He has such a loveable family and I’m just in love with the dorky type of guys. I also love his attraction to Sarah; it’s amazing! You just want to route for the guy and see him succeed. Lastly, I love how he is developing throughout the seasons. He’s really taking risks and getting involved in the assignments.

  25. Gina on April 20th, 2009 3:34 pm

    I’ve posted about Chuck on my facebook page, in my status and as a top fave tv show.
    I have a hard time choosing my favorite character. I think it’s a draw between Chuck and Casey. I especially love the dynamic between the two of them. Casey knows that he will inevitably have to kill Chuck, and Chuck almost hero worships Casey. Such a great show!!!!!

  26. Jari on April 20th, 2009 3:41 pm

    ~ My Part: Apart from usual, posting on the NBC msg boards, and supporting the show by buying DVDs etc what I have done.

    Yesterday, I wondered, who would be really interested in a show,whose main character is a computer geek?! The answer is computer geeks! (I don’t mean that others won’t like it, but geeks and nerds, I am sure they would. I call myself geek! ) Now, where to find such an audience easily?! Best buy?! Any electronics section of super market?!

    Yesterday, I was wandering in walmart for my grocery, and with above idea, I headed to DVD section. Picked up Chuck dvd and talked to a guy, in charge there. He looked quite a geek with thick-framed glasses!! So I started talking to him about Chuck and he seemed interested.

    Right at the start, I told him, why I was talking to him about this show..a) He might find it really interesting considering his interest in computers/electronics, b ) I was trying to promote the show, so that we get more viewers..which would increase the chances of renewal. ( I also talked a bit about why the renewal is uncertain)!

    I also gave him TV timings, and info on how he can watch it online..,, etc..but I wish I had something printed that I could give to him, so that he does not have to remember… I am not sure how good that sales pitch was(so to speak), but doing my BIT to spread the word.

    ~ My Fav Character? For me, Sarah! I like gals, who’re caring yet strong, and can kick some ass(like my gf :D). What I totally love about Sarah is the way she cares about Chuck and always stands by him, no matter how tough the situation gets. She loves her nerd, and does all that protect him and show her care (now, not necessarily in an obvious way). If it wasn’t for Sarah, Chuck would’ve gone to an underground bunker a long long time ago!! Also, I totally love Yvonne’s acting. She’s superb actress

  27. Jana on April 20th, 2009 4:15 pm

    1) I introduced my 2 brothers and their BFF to Chuck and we spent 3 days watching Season 1 in its entirety. They are officially hooked and spreading the word, themselves!

    2) Morgan is my favorite character. He is full of hairy, nerdy amazingness. He gets the funniest situations, the weirdest girlfriend, and some of the best lines in the show. Rock on, Morgan!

  28. palais on April 20th, 2009 4:18 pm

    I have written a few blog posts about Chcuk and it’s general awesomeness, I have twittered about it, I have talked about it on forums ranging from IMdB to AV Club, and I keep imploring all the girls I hang out with at another site to watch it and to remember the Subway thing for next Monday. I’ve actually hijacked threads there… I’m also participating in the Subway thing, I have mailed a letter to Ben Silverman, and I will be mailing one to the guy in charge of Subway ( I don’t have the name in front of me…)

    My favorite character is Chuck himself. I am a bit of a gamer/ nerd/ underachiever with tons of self doubt and a crappy love life. I recognize myself in that character and I respond to his emotions. Plus Zac Levi is a bit of a hottie, but I digress. But ultimately, this regular guy from Southern California beomes the most important intelligence asset in the world, and he still amnages to be relatively normal and family oriented, a loyal friend, and a good guy. He still lacks a certain cynicism I was convince he would develop by this point. He still believes in and trusts everyone.

  29. little bit on April 20th, 2009 4:57 pm

    i tell anyone who will listen and even those that don’t about the awesomeness that is chuck. it is the one show i watch live and do not miss. (i cancelled mom’s night out more than once, and i’m a stay at home mom. sahm’s never cancel mno!) i’ve done stuff on facebook, message boards, etc. after seeing that jeffster shirts were added in too – i could hardly contain myself. those shirts rock. i’d be more than happy to take one off of your hands and wear it 24/7 until the show is renewed.

    as far as my favorite character, i’m all about chuck. he’s someone you root for to just win one. zac’s swoonworthyness aside, there’s something to be said for the guy who uses his most important asset – his brain. brawn and muscle only get you so far, having intelligence and knowing how to use it is a whole different deal.

  30. Wallace on April 20th, 2009 4:57 pm

    I have done nothing to save Chuck, because I’ve just started watching it! I must give thanks to this site and all you Chuckaholics because without seeing it mentioned I would have never watched it at all, even though I knew I was missing out… All of the actors lend gravity to a comedy series that I haven’t seen since, well ever! I am going to have to go with Casey for my favorite character, because even though he was oogling Sarah’s replacement (Didn’t realize Starbuck could look that hot!) He stood with Chuck when he made his successful pitch to get Sarah back…..I may be late to the party, but I hope I haven’t arrived just in time for the end!

  31. Kimber on April 20th, 2009 5:08 pm

    OMG cool Chuck shirts! I so totally want one!!

    I’ve managed to make my Facebook status about Chuck the last few Mondays, and have given links to the “All You Need To Know” video, link posted on this very site, so that people can catch up. I’ve got one friend watching this season, because I shared with her the “Truth Episode” from last year, and I’ve made comments and shown photos of the hot actors on my Livejournal blog. Other than that … just constant talk about Chuck and how amazing it is.

    My favourite Chuck character, eh? Hmm. That’s a toughie, because I love them all in their own unique ways. But I’d have to go with the cliched Chuck, because he’s such a nerd, but he’s adorable, and he manages to save the world almost every week, most often “by accident”, and still is humble enough to come home to his sister, soon-to-be-brother-in-law, and work at the Buy More for minimum wage. He’s taken the hit for his coworkers more than once, always tries to do what’s best, and looks HOT doing so. Except for that weird hair flip he’s gotten lately … but even I can forgive that because he’s an adorable tall, lanky, little boy at heart.

  32. Kay on April 20th, 2009 5:27 pm

    Well I was hooked into Chuck by my mom and brother who had watched the first half of the first season, then I caught up online and have never missed and epi since! It is one of the best shows I have seen (this coming from a total t.v. junkie) But since then I have been sure to post on all my friends walls that today is Chuck day and they all should watch, but any poor soul who comes within a 5 mile radius will hear my obession. My friends are sick of me saying “This reminds me of an episode of Chuck” or “You HAVE to watch it” ;).

    And fav character? Hmmm…well besides Chuck who is the most lovable accidental spy ever! (then again how many have there been?) It would Morgan, his B stories are some the funniest parts. I love how Chuck could be sword fighting one moment and we cut to Morgan who thinks he has the worst problem of choosing a candy bar. He is a real grounding presence.

  33. Stephanie on April 20th, 2009 5:30 pm

    Oh, yay!
    Well, I wrote letters to Silverman, Bromstad, and Subway, asking the first two to renew the show, thanking the third for supporting it, and telling all of them that I’d participate in the Finale and Footlong campaign. I also wrote a facebook note with links to a couple of campaigns, and I left a comment on a hulu ep. of Chuck about the Finale and Footlong campaign. I’ve also been watching Chuck on both hulu and

    My favorite Chuck character is probably Chuck himself, because he’s so adorably awkward, but as a Firefly fan I also have a soft spot for Casey.

  34. lemoñadé on April 20th, 2009 5:48 pm

    I’ve been using twitter, facebook and my work’s IM to put the word out on CHUCK. I just hope that we get another season of CHUCK.

    My favorite CHUCK character (besides Chuck himself) is Casey. I love it when he has these random funny moments!

  35. Isabel on April 20th, 2009 5:52 pm


    I started just posting several comments in every Chuck’s Youtube video I watched supporting Chuck’s 3rd Season. But now, I can’t stop doing more and more. Right now I’ve finished my 3 handwrited letters that I’m going to send tomorrow from Spain to NBC’s Chuck, Ben Silverman and Angela Bromstad. I never did that before and I’m expecting to do more things, RENEW CHUCK!

    My favourite character is Chuck, my lovely nerd! But Sarah, Casey, Morgan, Jeffster, Ellie and Awsome are very close. Love them all!

  36. Phyllis Vance on April 20th, 2009 6:03 pm

    Oh, I would love a shirt! I’ve been posting about the show on my facebook and on my lj, plus I’ve been talking about it over at Northern Attack (the best Office forum, ever!). I’ve convinced two people to start watching and I’ve gotten some friends to watch the show on a more regular basis. I also have a letter ready to send to Ben Silverman!

    My favorite characters (too hard to just choose one!) are Chuck, Casey, Morgan, and Anna. Chuck because he’s the best representation on tv now of my ideal guy, Casey because of my love for Firefly, and Morgan and Anna because I love their dysfunctional relationship.

  37. Tiffany on April 20th, 2009 7:01 pm

    Just one thing?!? I’ve pretty much done all of the above but I also ordered a few Chuck items from the NBC store. I wear my Nerd Herd Gear loud and proud everywhere and have started many a conversation at work over my Buy More coffee mug. I’m geeking it up as I spread the love for Chuck.

    My favorite character is John Casey. Adam Baldwin plays him perfectly – the brooding tough guy who ties his own hands with rules and regulations. But Casey is human and we have only begun to see the layers peeling off our favorite NSA operative! Plus, who doesn’t love a choir boy?

  38. Diego de los Reyes on April 20th, 2009 7:20 pm

    1.- I’ve been vocal in forums and Twitter about Chuck. But most of my thoughts are in this blog post of mine:

    2.- It’s hard, as others have said, to pin one down. And although it’s cliché, I’ll go for Chuck. I identify with him, even if I don’t carry around government secrets in my head. He’s a geek with a heart, he shows that you don’t need to be an action-hero stereotype to beat bad guys (sorry Casey), and even after being forced to operate as a spy, he is at heart the same guy he always was.

  39. Amy on April 20th, 2009 7:43 pm

    I love Chuck! I have my parents watch it for me – they are a Neilsen family, so that’s something, right?

    My favorite character is Casey and I love how SB points out his best moments in her recaps.

  40. Chuck Fanatic! on April 20th, 2009 7:47 pm

    1. I have imed everybody on my aim list and told them to watch chuck tonight, I have updated my aim status telling people to watch chuck, and I have facebooked friends and gotten at least one to change her status to watch chuck tonight at 8pm on NBC. I have also rented a large study room to watch it on a gigantic screen in the library with anybody who wants to watch.

    2. Favorite character’s Sarah Walker, obviously. NOBODY can kick major ass in a bathrobe like she could against Karina in Season One’s Chuck Vs. the Wookie. She also is quite hot, but that’s not the point. The point is she’s my favorite character as she protects chuck’s behind and makes him feel special.

    Yay giveaway, hope i win a shirt!!!

  41. Diana on April 20th, 2009 8:16 pm

    I have been forcing friends to watch it. Seriously, forcing. I’m willing to sacrifice friendships for ratings 🙂

    My favorite character? Casey! Adam Baldwin (forever known in my heart as Jayne) is a perfect fit for the role….it must be his “cop face” 🙂

  42. Nick on April 20th, 2009 9:09 pm

    1. I have been trying to get everyone that I know to start watching Chuck for awhile! I really don’t have the means to watch Chuck live (poor and overworked college student), but I watch every week online. Also, sometimes I’ll just put on an older episode for background noise while I’m doing homework. Additionally, I’ve been promoting the whole “Save Chuck” campaign in the other forums that I post at. I know it’s not much, but its the best I can do at the moment.

    2. It’s definitely a toss-up between Chuck and Casey. I really feel connected to Chuck as a character. As a engineering major who also happens to be a huge sci-fi fan, I understand a lot of what Chuck is feeling and thinking. I really like the episode Chuck Vs. The Alma Matter because I enjoyed seeing a “happy” Chuck and I can understand how much he must have loved Stanford. Casey is great for many different reasons. The Adam Baldwin/Firefly connection was the main reason I even started watching Chuck in the first place. His character is wonderful in that he appears very one-dimensional, but underneath is constantly evolving into a different person. His nuances as an actor are spot on, especially in Chuck Vs. The Broken Heart during the scenes with Beckman and the 49B. Plus, I just love how he takes everything so seriously, even stupid things around the Buy More like selling Grill Masters!


  43. Daniel k on April 20th, 2009 9:15 pm

    1. I have updated facebook statuses, lent out DVDs, talked up the show to friends, aquaintaces, and complete strangers (My screenwriting class got an earful), and made it a point to watch online so my viewership can be recorded.

    2. I think my favorite character is a tie between Chuck and Sarah. Chuck because, well, he’s Chuck. He’s a likable guy who gets thrust into these situations and rises to the occasion. I like Sarah because she’s an enigma. We know so little about her, but we like her so much. It’ll be really cool if we can peel back all of her layers and find out more about how she became who she is now.

  44. Daniel k on April 20th, 2009 9:16 pm

    1. I have updated facebook statuses, lent out DVDs, talked up the show to friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers (My screenwriting class got an earful), and made it a point to watch online so my viewership can be recorded.

    2. I think my favorite character is a tie between Chuck and Sarah. Chuck because, well, he’s Chuck. He’s a likable guy who gets thrust into these situations and rises to the occasion. I like Sarah because she’s an enigma. We know so little about her, but we like her so much. It’ll be really cool if we can peel back all of her layers and find out more about how she became who she is now.

  45. Shannon on April 20th, 2009 9:26 pm

    1) Things I’ve done to promote Chuck: I’ve talked it up to all my friends and family, I twitter about it all the time (under EMOjunky), and I eat Subway!!
    2) My favorite character is just Chuck. He’s so funny, cute, sweet…and awesome!!

  46. Raked on April 20th, 2009 9:38 pm

    Word of mouth, actually. I tend to talk it up in my circles.

  47. Raked on April 20th, 2009 9:39 pm

    Ooops. Forgot to share my favorite character. I’m an Adam Baldwin fan. I know his character can be rather questionable, but I still have a soft spot for him.

  48. Haya on April 20th, 2009 9:53 pm

    Well, I twitter about its awesomeness nearly every week, and tell all my friends how amazing it is.

    My favourite character is Chuck, but c’mon do I really have to explain; he’s funny, nice, and almost a spy. He is up there with Jim Halpert and Seth Cohen as cutest TV boys.

  49. Ryan on April 20th, 2009 9:55 pm

    I’ve brought it up randomly in conversations, let people borrow the DVD’s and they have loned them to their friends. Updated my facebook status several times. Turned my Facebook profile pic into a Chuck ID badge with my picture on it, joined the Chuck Fan page, and group called Chuck (NBC), left lots of comments on blogs about the show, and I continually have friends over to watch the show when they’ve missed it. I also have it minimized on my computer at work on hulu and (I’ll get in trouble if I actually watch it 24/7). Seems like so many people are doing so much for the show. It’s great.

    My favorite character is Lester, Vik Sehay is a hilarious man and his character matches him perfectly. All of his manurisms sayings are hilarious.

  50. Amanda on April 20th, 2009 10:02 pm

    I have forced every single one of my friends to watch Season One of Chuck on DVD and have converted almost every single one of them to fans. I have also gone on the Save One Show website to petition for Chuck as well. I don’t know what I would do without Chuck to look forward to each week!
    I can’t pick just one character as a favorite, so I would have to say my favorite element of the show would be Chuck and Sarah’s relationship. I love how they have progressed to the point where they are now. I love how every time we think it’s just not ever going to happen, both Chuck and Sarah show how much they care for each other. I am a Chuck/Sarah shipper all the way.

  51. shannon on April 20th, 2009 10:48 pm

    I have been telling everyone I know how great Chuck is and how much I love the show. I have sharing my love for the Bartowski, Awesome, Morgan, Sarah, Casey, Jeffster. I mean how can they not fall in love with one or of them.

    I have to admit I love Chuck so much. I really enjoy most of the characters on the show but Chuck is most definately my favorite. I love everything about him, from his lanky body and adorable face to his sheer nerdiness. I love how devoted he is to his sister and how much he loves Sarah. Most of all I love that he is a funny, caring, and sweet guy.

  52. Nicole on April 20th, 2009 11:00 pm

    1) My facebook status alone got 3 new fans! Especially with the awesome eps lately – it didn’t take much!

    2) Despite her lack of TV time, my favorite character is Ellie. Even though she can be naggy at times, the way she can convey feelings through few words and those eyes! She’s amazing. Don’t get me wrong, Casey, Chuck, Sarah, Morgan… and pretty much everyone is awesome. Second thought, can I pick the cast as a whole for favorite character? haha

  53. Luca on April 20th, 2009 11:29 pm

    1) I convinced a ton of people and got them hooked up to the best show on TV!!!

    2)The best character for me is Sarah Walker. She has her own unique acting technique..that can pretty much convey every little subtle feeling through her facial espressions..she’s a great actress and a stunning beauty.

    and 3) WATCH CHUCK!!!

  54. Molly on April 20th, 2009 11:38 pm

    1. I guess it’s more than one, but I’ve put reminders and links in my facebook status, written posts about the show on (unrelated) message boards I frequent, voted and got my hubby to vote several times on the Save One Show site. I was starting to feel like he and I were the only Chuckaholics we knew, but a few have come out of the woodwork!

    2. As others have said so well, I also have to go with Chuck as my fave. He’s just the nice guy you want to root for – realistically geeky yet charming and funny and pretty darn good at both his jobs!

  55. glory on April 21st, 2009 12:04 am

    1) The better question would be – What have I not done to spread the word? My friends all know every little thing about chuck, and I show them clips throughout the week with the hope that they too will become hooked. With all the Chuck activity going on on my facebook and twitter I think many of my friends have become convinced that I am obsessed (which I am). Twitter followers already know that Mondays and Tuesdays are Chuck dedicated. But I think the biggest thing that I have done to grab new viewers is write a review for Chuck and post it on my blog. The review took time and energy and I put a bunch of effort into making it as perfect as the show itself.

    2) Favorite character? Well, that’s easy – it’s Chuck! He is super cool yet genuinely a nice guy. Definitely a catch. Plus, he may not know it yet but Chuck is an awesome spy / CIA agent. ‘The Morgan’ may just be the next WMD. (Sarah Walker is a very close second – Yvonne’s acting is simply phenomenal! “Don’t you touch him!” *chills*)

  56. SB on April 21st, 2009 12:11 am

    You guys are all SO fab! I can’t believe how much everyone has been doing to promote our show, and all the great and original ideas!

    And Amy, you rock, girl! I’m so glad someone shares the Casey love, and getting a Nielson fam to watch for you is way bitchin!

  57. CJ on April 21st, 2009 12:34 am

    I’ve got about ten friends from my college dorm hooked on the show. We have a big party every monday!

    My favorite character is Devon, b/c he is just awesome. Sarah is really talented as well, plus she is incredibly attractive.

  58. Meg Linehan on April 21st, 2009 12:52 am

    Lots of chuck talk at my twitter (plus the background, and I am soon to change over my icon).

    Also, totally going to get Subway next Monday and do the write-in campaign to match it.

  59. Meg Linehan on April 21st, 2009 12:54 am

    Oh damn, forgot my favorite character.

    SARAH! She is bad-ass, and Yvonne seriously knocks it out of the park every week.

    (Sorry to make it two posts. I’m still on a Chuck high from tonight.)

  60. Pieter on April 21st, 2009 1:32 am

    1)I have changed my hyves and myspace status to ‘Saving Chuck fro, cancelling’

    2) favorite character is Lester! he is sneaky, a loser, but not as muich as jeff.
    he could have been Chuck, if only he had a little more luck.. and charm and flair… and looks.

  61. Chuckfan999 on April 21st, 2009 1:36 am

    I’ve done lots and lots of letter writing. I’ve gotten my parents and my sister to send in multiple letters to NBC. I’ve also bought a Subway tonight to support the show, and will that again during the night of finale.

    My favorite character, hands down, is Chuck. After everything he’s been through, being in the spy world for 2 years now, it hasn’t changed him one bit. He stayed true to himself through the good times and the bad. And because of that, he won the heart of one Sarah Walker, and soften the hardened agent John Casey.

  62. Scott Andrews on April 21st, 2009 1:57 am

    I have arranged and taught my A’Capella group the theme song to Chuck, we had a concert and we had nerd herd outfits on while singing Short skirt long jacket! I have gathered 25 of my friends to buy subway sandwiches last week, today, and we will April 27th for the finale!

    My favorite character in Chuck is Morgan. I truly connect with his personality, humor, and the fact that he is trying so hard to grow up without losing the spunky attitude of his youth. I know he will succeed in anything and everything he puts his mind to as will Chuck, Sarah, and Colonel Casey!

    I have been a true follower of this show for it’s entirety. I have watched 2-3 episodes of Chuck a week most likely more than that! I have bonded with Family and Friends while watching the show. I have bought music that the AMAZINGLY talented music director has graced us all with! There is truly nothing that makes me happier than seeing 7:59 pm on Mondays on my clock and the opening of Chuck on my television! The time I spend laughing and having a blast with friends and the characters is a highlight of every week!

    Thank you for letting me tell you why Chuck is my favorite show! I am so happy to know the support of this show is so vast!

    Good luck Nerds and Orange Orange employees! Long Live Charles Carmichael!

  63. Scott Andrews on April 21st, 2009 1:59 am

    I have arranged and taught my A’Capella group the theme song to Chuck, we had a concert and we had nerd herd outfits on while singing Short skirt long jacket! I have gathered 25 of my friends to buy subway sandwiches last week, today, and we will April 27th for the finale!

    My favorite character in Chuck is Morgan. I truly connect with his personality, humor, and the fact that he is trying so hard to grow up without losing the spunky attitude of his youth. I know he will succeed in anything and everything he puts his mind to as will Chuck, Sarah, and Colonel Casey!

    I have been a true follower of this show for it’s entirety. I have watched 2-3 episodes of Chuck a week most likely more than that! I have bonded with Family and Friends while watching the show. I have bought music that the AMAZINGLY talented music director has graced us all with! There is truly nothing that makes me happier than seeing 7:59 pm on Mondays on my clock and the opening of Chuck on my television! The time I spend laughing and having a blast with friends and the characters is a highlight of every week!

    Thank you for letting me tell you why Chuck is my favorite show! I am so happy to know the support of this show is so vast!

    Good luck Nerds and Orange Orange employees! Long Live Charles Carmichael and Agent Sarah Walker! Ohh and of course the mystery crisper king: Morgan Grimes!

  64. Baker on April 21st, 2009 2:32 am

    I have been updating my Facebook and Twitter statuses to try to make people more aware of this great little show we all know and love. Also, I’ve been directly spreading the word to my friends and family to get them to tune in.

    Although all of the characters are awesome, Chuck is my favorite by far. His quirkiness, wit, and desire to be happy are easy to relate to. Also, the way he outsmarts his enemies after usually doing something to get captured makes him “Awesome.” He is the brains to Sarah’s beauty and Casey’s brawn.

    Long live Chuck!!!

  65. Allison McDonald-Brandes on April 21st, 2009 4:18 am

    Not a lot I can do here in the UK but I do try to recruit new viewers and spread the word.

    On Facebook & Twitter I have my status set to “Save Chuck! Pass it on” Just to see how many folks will do that too and I have my Facebook fluffpet dedicated to saving Chuck – he’s dressed as a nerd, got himself a little laptop and a nerd herd…

  66. Allison McDonald-Brandes on April 21st, 2009 4:19 am

    Almost forgot – love all the characters on the show but I think Casey may have the edge, the way he interacts with everybody is great – especially the growling!

  67. Lyn on April 21st, 2009 4:21 am

    I have sent two letters, snail mail, to NBC pleading nicely for Chucks return.

    My favourite character is Casey. He’s so multi layered with great comedic timing and dry hunour, and being very sexy as well doesn’t do any harm. Casey is the patriotic tough guy but with a heart of gold that we are just starting to see.

    I often wear my Nerd Herd or Buy More shirts and another Chuck shirt to wear would be great.

  68. Ashley Hart on April 21st, 2009 7:06 am

    1) I have signed many petitions, made a Chuck badge, friended Chuck on facebook, ferociously spread the news that Chuck is the #1 show on television and everyone should watch it, and am scrambling around for Nerds to send to NBC.
    2) Lester is honestly becoming my favorite character. His ridiculous moments make me laugh out loud and when he, Jeff and Morgan were asking Chuck about Awesome’s bachelor party, I nearly cried from laughing. His little “huff” had me reeling. Albeit the man creeps me out but his moments of laughter are surprising and refreshing 🙂


  69. Emily on April 21st, 2009 10:12 am

    I have talked about the show on Facebook and with just about everyone I come in contact with who will listen to me. This show just CAN NOT end!

    Chuck is for sure my favorite character. I just love Zachary Levi and the adorkableness that is Chuck.

  70. Denise (ddker) on April 21st, 2009 10:23 am

    Just last night I twittered an online petition to save Chuck! Also, there’s a few of us in the Office Tally chat room that talk about Chuck quite a bit, so hopefully it rubs off on the non-Chuck watchers that are in there with us!

    My fav character is Sarah. I just gotta look up to a woman who can literally kick ass like she does!

  71. Ashley on April 21st, 2009 10:35 am

    I was season 2 convert for Chuck after my roommate bought the season 1 DVDs and had a marathon. Now Chuck is like my favorite show!!!

    1) I have been tweeting and facebooking about watching Chuck and have helped convert 3 more folks into watching it by luring them to my house and getting them addicted.

    2) Picking just one Chuck character is just too hard I mean they are all WONDERFUL. I mean I love Chuck and he is so fun and cute and nerdy I would marry him, but I also really love Casey and Morgan and Jeffster and Awesome and Sarah…. *sigh* Chuck must stay, they have even brought back Scott Bakula for my weekly TV viewing pleasure!!!!!!!!!

  72. Lynzee on April 21st, 2009 12:14 pm

    Oh Chuck giveaway!!!

    What have I been doing to help the cause? I have been posting polls, links, petitions on my facebook page getting the word out about Chuck ever since you changed over your blog to “Give Me My Chuck” Anything you’ve posted, I’ve mirrored, and even found more on my own. I have actually found out that a lot more of my friends are just as Chuck obessive as I am, it’s been fantastic!

    As for favorite character? Oh geeze, how do I choose??? I’ll say Casey. He doesn’t get a lot of lines, but when he does, he KILLS it! My favorite moments of the show are his sublte movements. He’s got comedy down to an art and I love it. Casey is very Jayne-like (a’la Firefly). Adam owns it every week.

  73. Jeremiah on April 21st, 2009 1:14 pm

    It took a year, but I’ve gotten my wife and all of my friends addicted to Chuck. Just keep talking about it until they finally broke down and started watching.

    Jeff is one of my favorite characters. His nonchalant attitude towards everything is hilarious. Can’t wait to see Jeffster in action at the wedding 🙂

  74. RC on April 21st, 2009 1:25 pm

    Hi everyone. Just want to say that this is show is great and one we cannot lose.

    I’m sure you’ve all done what you can to campaign for the show. I just wanted to urge you all who is participating in the “finale and footlong” campaign to also send in your receipts and/or pledge to buy one on the Season 3 premiere.

    Continue to show your support guys! Let’s keep it up!

  75. Andrew on April 21st, 2009 1:57 pm

    I’ve been watching this show since the pilot. I have a strong affinity for Chuck, because I, too, wasted a few years out of college (not kicked out, but graduated) working for computer support/retail before getting a chance to prove myself. If Chuck succeeds, then in some strange way I can succeed. And since I’m succeeding now, Chuck must go on!

    1) I’m currently using my Facebook status as a best of Quote of the Day from CHUCK. I’ve also hand written and typed letters to both Ben Silverman and Angela Bromstad at NBC. And Footlong mania will hit my house next Monday.

    2) While Chuck’s great heart in the midst of danger is the reason I watch the show, Jeffster is my favorite character. Those two have a great chemistry and a fantastic supporting role at the Buy More. They are written with as much care and brilliance as Chuck/Sarah/Casey. No other show will dedicate that kind of commitment to its supporting case (I’m looking at you, The Office!) The battle between Jeff, Lester, and guest-star The Bus is the highlight of BuyMoria this season, hands down.

  76. Marie P. on April 21st, 2009 2:08 pm

    Sooo I live in France, and I threw a couple of parties with a bunch of my friendq to have them watch the show! Chuck is on a national channel, but on saturdays at like 4 in the afternoon so no one watches it! but now a LOT of people got into it! now they’re hooked (why wouldn’t they be?) also i made badges, signed petitions to save the show (SAVE CHUCK) and added chuck bartowski as a friend on twitter. i also talk about the show in my tweets! i’m pretty sure some of my friends are pretty mad at me for being this obsessed with the show… what can i do!

    i think my favorite character, apart from chuck, is sarah. that whole story with chuck!! and she’s such a role model!

  77. Derek on April 21st, 2009 2:13 pm

    I promoted chuck so much on facebook, facebook almost kicked me off. Apparently facebook isn’t a place for “chatting with friends”. I went to the international spy museum and introduced myself to everyone as chuck. And my season 1 dvd has circulated a solid fan base.

    My favorite character would have to be miss sarah walker. Not just because I am a guy, but because come on she put her life/career on the line to save chuck. Plus her being super attractive helps. I swear it, if Sarah were to die on the finale in an attempt to save chuck’s life and possibly end the show, I will being going through a massive emo phase in life.

  78. Elisa on April 21st, 2009 2:29 pm

    I have gotten everyone on my dorm’s floor to watch Chuck lIVE. Every Monday at 8, I knock on my neighbor’s doors, text everyone, and update my facebook status to get people that live near my dorm room to turn on their TVs and watch this amazing show. At first, new viewers were really confused, but I lent everyone the first season and encouraged them to catch up with the second one on hulu and, and now everyone loves it! The next step on my plan: send the link to all of them to sign the petitions, and of course, tell them about the Finale-Footlong. Since this is a college campus, hopefully I started a chain and the people I showed Chuck to that now love it are spreading it around amongst their other new viewer friends!

    If I had to choose a favorite character, I would probably go with Casey. He’s grumpy and grunts more often than he talks (and it was scary how he aimed perfectly at Chuck’s fireplace-picture yesterday) but he is also incredibly lovable. Just look at yesterday’s episode when he asked Chuck to invite him to help Sarah and Chuck save Steven! Or how eager he was to go to Awesome and Ellie’s rehearsal dinner. Or how he takes care of his bonsai tree. Or how hilarious he is at the Buy More in the webisodes, throwing apples at shoplifters.
    Casey is the perfect example of big and scary, but cuddly inside. And he has some kick-ass moves, too!

  79. Courtney on April 21st, 2009 3:41 pm

    1) I write for We are all big Chuck fans and I’ve written about the show a bunch of times. Unfortunately this giveaway is early, but next week in my column is ALL about the Save Chuck movement and the finale. My Facebook status this very as-we-speakond is “Be a nerd. Join the herd. Save Chuck!” with a link to GMMR, and my statuses have been Chuck-centric as of late. I’ve gotten most of my friends into the show, including my dad, who is literally obsessed.

    2) Casey (as in, Unleash The). Last night he really showed that he’ll take a risk to save Chuck’s life and Sarah’s career. The only Baldwin could possibly be more magical is if they find a way to work in the Jayne hat at some point.

  80. Kristina on April 21st, 2009 7:09 pm

    1.) I’ve posted on your comments, on the Facebook Chuck fan page and group, and anytime Chuck is mentioned over at I always comment over there. I’ve written emails to Ausiello to get all the Save Chuck campaigns noticed. I plan on buying a $5 footlong at Subway next Monday. I signed a petition months ago when we first heard NBC might not bring it back. And I just got two of my friends hooked on season 1 and I’m buying it for my other friend this week. AND the only reason I haven’t bought the episodes off iTunes is because I will get Season 2 on DVD the FIRST day it’s out because I can’t wait to see the commentaries. I always watch it live even though I’m not a Neilson viewer and, when it works, I watch it on Hulu. And if I can do anything more to help Chuck I would in a second.

    2.) Even though this is one of the few shows I watch where I love all the characters, I have to say my favorite is Casey. I love that he’s such a tough guy but all through the series you can tell he actually is human and not a governmental killing machine. Of course I love Chuck because he’s pretty much everything I look for in a guy, but every Monday I always look for the subtleties that Adam Baldwin brings to Casey that shows that he does care (ex. that little tree thing he would painfully trim or the fact that he would do anything for Chuck even if it doesn’t show it) Plus, who doesn’t love when he gives those disapproving grunts.

  81. Kerry on April 21st, 2009 7:35 pm

    Wow, this is a popular contest. . .

    1) I’ve been posting about Chuck on Facebook and Twitter, as well as fan boards for other topics. I’ve also been trying to convince friends to watch.

    2) I think I have to go with Chuck — as much as I love Casey and Sarah, he really grounds the show, and becomes the average person’s entry point into this crazy spy world. And, he’s just Chuck. . . that’s enough of a reason.

  82. Matt Crandall on April 21st, 2009 7:36 pm

    I have Tweeted about Chuck multiple times and my Facebook status has been about Chuck more than once (last night I got a friend to ask to borrow season 1 on blu-ray because of my status!). I LOVE THIS SHOW. (I’m doing more but you said ONE)

    My favourite character is CAPTAIN AWESOME. I love all the characters so it’s hard to pick a favourite, but as seen in last night’s ep, there is something about Devon that just rules…his nickname suits him perfectly because he is just that, Awesome. He really is the glue that holds Ellie and Chuck together and his interactions with Morgan are hilarious (that Bachelor Party still cracks me up just thinking about it). So awesome.

  83. RSR on April 21st, 2009 7:55 pm

    1) I have endlessly tweeted about Chuck…I am pretty sure a good 80-90% of my twitter is filled with Chuck comments. And on Monday’s it basically only consists of Chuck. I have used word of mouth endlessly to get people to watch (succesfully). I got my roommate and two of my friends on my hall to have a chuck season 1 marathon with me before this season began to prepare them and now they are completely hooked. And since we are always in my room monday nights, many others have joined and found themselves addicted as well. Both my facebook statuses and AIM away messages on mondays aim towards watching Chuck. Once I realized how in danger Chuck has been of being cancelled I came up with my very own campaign idea which can be found here ( I’m planning on participating in the buying of Subway sandwiches the night of the finale (and comment card) as well as Josh Schwartz’ “Nerds” idea if all else fails. I know…I’m going a tad overboard…but everyone that knows me gets my obsession with tv shows (When I heard about VMars being cancelled I wrote a 17 page letter to the CW….which I should do for Chuck as well now that I’m thinking about it).

    2) While it’s ridiculously hard for me to pick a favorite character on Chuck because I actually love every single one…I think I gotta go with Casey. Not only was do I kinda love Adam Baldwin (firefly?! please), but his character is one of the best on the show. I agree with the review you wrote that in this episode the writers really kept him in character. He took orders first but you could still see the emotion beyond his stone cold face (with a jaw chiseled by Michaelangelo as Chuck might say). From his random grunts to his amazing one-liners he really adds a great dynamic to their team. Not to mention his complete love for Regan and the 80’s–haha get’s me every time. He always puts his job first, but when it comes to Chuck we do see a soft spot. Last night when he told Chuck he made a mistake by not asking to come along to save Papa followed by agreeing to go the rehearsal dinner I was in complete awe of him.

    Chuck is hands down my favorite show on television right now. If anything happens to it I’m going to have to pull a Morgan and head Hawaii just to make myself feel better. Or I’ll just track down NBC and give them a piece of my mind…that’s right. NBC better be listening or beware.

  84. Scooter McGavin on April 21st, 2009 7:56 pm

    I posted the 10 Hottest Token Hot Chick Pictures and even watched last night episode on Hulu to let NBC I was watching since I don’t have a Neilson Box to let them know that way (well mainly it was because NBC pre-empted the show and this was a week after pre-empting the Friday Night Lights finale).

    The best charachter on the show is easily John Casey, Adam Balwin doesn’t get the credit for being such a great actor and his subtly on Chuck has me on the floor laughing at least once per episode. That was around ten last night.

  85. Jacob on April 21st, 2009 7:57 pm

    1) I have lent out my Season One DVDs of Chuck to a handful of my friends in order to share with them my new obsession and to start increasing the online viewership of the show.

    2) My favorite Chuck character… now that’s a terribly hard question. Does Jeffster count as one character? Nearing the end of season 2, perhaps my favorite Chuck character is in fact Jeff. Every moment that includes Jeff is comedic gold. He is everything a side character needs to be. That is to say that I find him extremely enjoyable because he does not detract from the story and has provided many entertaining side stories (that sometimes help support the main arc). Some of them being 1) his office in vs the predator, 2) his spy gear in vs the best friend, 3) his rock band aspirations and support of Lester in vs the best friend as well.

  86. chris on April 21st, 2009 8:24 pm

    I watch every episode, rewatch multiple times online, buy each episode on iTunes, tell everyone I know and strangers to watch Chuck, update on Facebook and comment on

    My favorite character is Chuck. Chuck to me is the kind of person I would like to be. He is smart, funny, honorable and always doing the right thing. Please send me a shirt! BUT IF I DON’T GET A SHIRT I CAN ALWAYS SETTLE FOR NBC RENEWING CHUCK!!

  87. Lorraine on April 21st, 2009 9:16 pm

    Chuck FTW! As a longtime lurker, I just had to come out of the woodwork to enter this giveaway 🙂

    1. After discovering that my Public Speaking professor shares my love of all things Chuck (we actually took up twenty minutes of class time back in January discussing how excited we were about the 3D episode, much to the other students’ dismay lol), I made my midterm speech into a persuasive speech urging everyone to watch Chuck. And I actually managed to convert a handful of them! 🙂

    2. Besides Chuck, my favorite character (at the moment at least) has to be Casey. Any beefy guy that can wield a gun AND hit a high C has got my vote.

  88. Russ Nickel on April 21st, 2009 10:48 pm

    I’ve sent multiple facebook messages, kept my status about chuck, and twittered. I’ve been getting my friends in the dorm to watch and making sure my parents have it running on their tv even they aren’t going to watch it. I bought season one and have lent it to a bunch of people. Not much, but it’s something.

    Making me pick a favorite character? That’s so painful.

    Clearly Casey’s one-liners are amazing, and Chuck is so lovable, but how can I not vote for Yvonne Strahovski? Everyone in my dorm thinks she’s like the hottest girl on TV.

  89. Grant on April 22nd, 2009 1:21 am

    I have told almost all my friends to watch Chuck. And I have told the ones who dvr it to watch live, because it makes some sort of difference.

  90. Kaci on April 22nd, 2009 1:37 am

    Never before have I written a letter to a network, pleading for a show to be renewed. Never before have I so openly encouraged my friends to watch a show, using Facebook, Myspace, anything to get the word out. Never before have I participated in an online fan campaign, or let my inner geek out by telling my fellow teammates about said online campaigns.

    I did it for Chuck.

    Why? Because the first time I ever saw Chuck and he said, “Working on my five year plan, just need to choose a font,” I knew my heart was won over, by both the character and the show. Chuck and I have grown up together these past two years, and now as I stand on the threshold of “real job” adulthood and he on whatever threshold J Schwartz and C Fedak decide to jerk him upon next Monday, I realize I do not—can not allow our journey to end now.

  91. tessa on April 22nd, 2009 2:16 am

    Hey – thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I have personally gotten two other households watching. One of them had said that the would watch it once she caught up on other seasons, and I told her that there would be nothing to watch if she didn’t start now! So I sat on the phone with her while we watched so I could explain the characters. I have also made all manner of online statuses into Chuck billboards.

    2. Picking is so hard! No disrespect to Chuck or to the kick-ass Sarah, but as far as I am concerned, the show could be called Casey and Those Who Are Bound to Disappoint Him and I would still watch. A character like Casey could easily be a throwaway on another show, but the combo of great writing and spectacular acting (and comic timing), Casey is just about as interesting as everything going on around him.

  92. Nancy on April 22nd, 2009 6:26 am

    1. Mostly word-of-mouth stuff but I did change my LJ icon to

    2. Wowwww this is like the hardest thing in the world, but definitely Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah. I think probably because Yvonne plays her so well but she’s so badass yet so great at the same time. She’s exactly what you WOULD picture the perfect CIA agent as- beautiful yet deadly. I love how she’s totally sweet one minute and then the next minute could whip out a gun and kill a bad guy.

    Fingers crossed for Chuck!

  93. Greg on April 22nd, 2009 7:55 am

    1. I’m starting to turn on every available tv to Chuck, as well as sit my friends down and make them watch it with me.

    2. Gotta say Captain Awesome. I hate that kind of person that seems to have too much energy and love everything. But the way he is always there for Chuck and just wants the best for him makes my enjoy his screen time. Also how many other guys do you know that rather have a washer and dryer than a HDTV?

  94. Agent 86 on April 22nd, 2009 9:06 am

    Simply; CHUCK is great. I can’t even add why as the 93 people ahead of me have already used every superlative there is. It’s what entertainment TV is supposed to be about.

    Give me my CHUCK! (and my remote).

  95. Karina on April 22nd, 2009 3:33 pm

    I’m karina from mexico, i don’t know if i can win a t-shirt but i will be honored, i love the show, so when i noticed about the posibility of cancellation i start to search all the info about the campaigns and how i can help.

    First i start to comment in every blog i found about save the show, then i put many many many comments and change my main photos and states or i don’t know how u call it in facebook, myspace, twitter, hi5, and i get the gadget of the petition, then i start posting in a blog named things about the show, in every blog that i know about tv shows i let a comment. i send a letter to subway, i bought the first season months ago and now i bought again and i think i will buy for my friend’s birthday lol…

    And now i create a new blog named, an international campaign when i post everything that people around the world can make to save chuck coz NBC has to realize that a lot of people in other countries love the show… we want to say that we have voice and we are going to support CHUCK no matter what!!! i think i forgot more things that i made coz i’ve been days without sleep well making all i can to save my favorite show.

    myspace: /ka_pe_ja
    twitter: /kapeja85
    facebook: /ka_pe_ja (i think)

    just in case u won’t believe, and for my favorite character i love all but i love more SARAH, she is great and i enjoy how she looks chuck and how she protect i hope someday i can meet her… what more can i tell, i’m just a … CHUCK ADICT…


  96. Alison on April 22nd, 2009 10:12 pm

    Not sure if people outside the US can enter. If we can-

    1) I blogged about why I love Chuck and the reasons why I think others could love it too if they gave it a chance, with video evidence.

    2) All characters are awesome, but I’d have to go with Sarah cause it’s cool to have a kick-ass female spy on TV and she appreciates (loves) Chuck for who he is. Also, she can make a frozen yogurt like nobody’s business.

  97. AwesomeRococo on April 23rd, 2009 1:08 am

    1. I’ve sent several letters to all of the network execs, but have also been sending one postcard each to Angela Bromstad and Ben Silverman everyday for the past two weeks. Each one is different, some totally home-made and some actual postcards tweaked a bit to be Chuck-centric, with notes, quotes from the show, and other pro-Chuck messages on the back. I’m not a terribly creative person, and I’m certainly no artist, but I’ve made an exception for these- I sent off quite a few before I started taking pictures of them before I sent them, but the last few days worth are here: , including today’s where I took the Buymoria flag from the spoiler video’s of next weeks episodes and turned it into a post card.

    2. I think it would be impossible for me to name just one favorite character- every single one is so unique and integral to the story for me. But to me, the character of the Buy More is what helps to elevate Chuck from good to great. So many times, the B-plot lines of shows are really weak, and basically just a lame excuse for some light moments, and to give the main characters some time off screen. Not so for Chuck- the Buy More consistently has great B-plots, with it’s own set of strong, unforgettable and truly funny characters, and gives us the added bonus of seeing some of the A-plot folk (Chuck, Casey, etc) in a different situation. We can all identify with the dichotomy of Chuck and the Buy More, where we can do so much, have so much talent in different walks of life, but we show up at work and suddenly it’s about the little things that become important. Chuck’s spy life is our fantasy- but his Buy More life is our reality- and seeing both of those lives makes the character, and the story, to such a heightened level.

  98. PamelaJaye on April 23rd, 2009 2:21 am

    posted on Whedonesque, Scott Bakula Fan Forum, my site: BakulaNews, called friend, who wrote three letters, changed avatars to Save Chuck (got one person who didn’t know Chuck was in trouble that way on Facebook), Twittered about Chuck, batch of posts on Facebook.
    Picked up comment cards from Subway for next Monday.

    Tshirts/etc – will they arrive in time to wear as a walking billboard? Cause I’d do that too.
    Wish I had a Save Chuck – Ask Me How! shirt

  99. PamelaJaye on April 23rd, 2009 2:24 am

    (I don’t write well, so I promote, cheerlead, try to get others to write, and also to watch, of course)
    also watched on in case they are counting, and commented on – under Sepinwall’s open letter to nbc

  100. Karina on April 23rd, 2009 7:26 pm

    My friend and I are already planning our Nerd Herd costumes to wear to ComiCon this year – and I have the Blu-Ray queued up for new converts. My Twitter page (cinerina dot com) is Chuck themed, and I wrote two excellent letters to the recommended network executives. So there are my credentials. I also exhort my friends to vote and watch and will continue to do so. And I’m buying a foot-long at Subway for the finale.

    Who is my favorite character? Chuck is our lead and the heart of the show, but this show is such an ensemble, the pleasures come from the interactions, not just the stars. Though I admit Casey cracks me up more often than not with his grim earnestness and chiseled impatience. But Chuck has made me cry with empathy and spew soda with the giggles. How can anyone choose?

    NBC: Move it to a time slot that will work and stop with the terrible shows getting renewed already! (I confess I would dearly love a t-shirt to parade around in, but if I don’t get one I still mean everything I say in this post!)

  101. James on April 23rd, 2009 9:40 pm

    1) In addition to the usual writing letters to the big network execs and making all my friends fall in love with Chuck, I also started a Facebook group to get all my friends to buy $5 footlongs on the 27th and stuff the comment box. I bought Season 1, pre-ordered season 2, and watch each episode at least 2-3 times on Hulu each week. In addition to watching it on television when it airs.

    2) Hmm…just one? Orion, because, well, the guy steals Predators whenever he wants.

  102. Kris on April 24th, 2009 4:45 pm

    (1) One thing I’ve done is made posts on Livejournal, in my own journal and in multiple communities, promoting the show.
    (2) Chuck is my favorite character. He’s funny, nerdy, caring, and smart. I love his awkward nerd moments the most.

  103. Lauren on April 25th, 2009 7:23 am

    Well, I’m probably too late, but here goes.

    1. I have changed my Facebook status to reflect my love of Chuck, urging others to write–this prompted the boy from my third grade class that wanted to be a skid row bum when he grew up to say “You’re part of the Nerd Herd, how cute.” I’ve twittered and changed my Twitter background, as well. I’m also planning on participating in the Finale and a Footlong campaign–Veggie Delight on Honey Oat, please!–and I’m mailing my Nerds and letters to the execs today.

    2. While I love them all–really, this is hard–I have to say Chuck because not only is he adorkable, loyal, intelligent, and caring, as many others have stated, I can also identify with him on a personal level. We are the same age, we both went to fancy schmancy colleges, we are both stuck in jobs that are not our ideal because it’s hard to get out of (and aspects that are classified) and live at home, and yet we dream of that day we land the perfect job, get married to a beautiful guy(me)/gal(him), and have the dog and 2 kids. Of course, I don’t have a beautiful person of the opposite sex that is also in love with me, but I can live through him just a little, right?

  104. Tori Sutter on April 26th, 2009 8:59 pm

    Ok well I’ve added the chuck application on facebook which shows hulu clips and episodes… I leave it on play so i play clips and episodes, even if i’m not watching or busy. I havve signed four or five petitions, joined facebook groups, I plan on doing the finale and footlong tomorrow, and wrote letters to nbc, posted comments on show site, and tried to follow sidereel and gmmr to the fullest extent possible… oh i also bought season 1
    My favorite character is…. wow a toughy
    Chuck or Sarah???
    I know Charah!!!!
    I love Charah they are totally meant to be together. Sarah is a tough chick on the outside, but she has been dealing with issues of trust and keeping her love for chuck concealed. Chuck on the other hand has voiced his love for sarah numerouse times, putting his heart on the line… He’s funny and geeky, but he’s literally so perfect… There pasts have been difficult and different, but their two opposite personalities fit perfectly. she’s strong and she has a tough exterior hiding her true feelings for chuck, while chuck isn’t strong, doesn’t hide his true feelings, he just is Chuck…But they are meant for eachother! So Charah it is!

  105. Jeff on May 1st, 2009 11:16 am

    Thanks for your great efforts to help save Chuck. I hope they pay off.

    1. In addition to regularly watching Chuck, I’ve purchased my Subway footlong (a BLT), posted on my Facebook page, and written to NBC and Subway to let them know my support of the show.

    2. Adam Baldwin – the man can say more with a single grunt than most people can say in a minute of dialog.

  106. Isabel on May 19th, 2009 3:45 pm


  107. AwesomeRococo on May 21st, 2009 11:53 pm

    Now that we’ve all won in the fight to Save Chuck- are there any winners here? Unless starts carrying the Orange Orange hoodies, You are my only hope!

  108. Reuben on January 13th, 2010 2:25 am

    I have had a CHUCK quote or comment as my Facebook status half the time plus im sure my friends and classmates are glade season 3 started. (That and Halo 3:ODST are all ive been talking about for months.) I also watch Chuck online and have been enticing others to do the same (I must have seen Chuck Versus the Ring literally 30 times and I still love it)
    My favorite character is a toss up between Jeff and Morgan.
    Morgan is always hilarious “Do I not look like an adult to you?” plus youve gotta love the little bearded man.
    And Jeff is the keytairist in jeffster, his constant refrences to prison, his awkward, random sentence fragments, his “Prison mode”, and the fact that he won Morgans Buy More triathlon won him my respect.

  109. Reuben on January 13th, 2010 2:27 am

    oh and the extreme probability that this give away is over. not a problem