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CASTLE: David Amann Teases the ‘Fantastic’ ‘Reckoning’

February 13, 2015 by  
Filed under #1 featured, Castle


3XK/Jerry Tyson returned to the CASTLE scene in a major way with Monday’s episode, “Resurrection”: after being presumed-dead, he resurfaced (along with Dr. Nieman) long enough to claim he was another man who had surgery to look like Tyson…and for Beckett to be drugged and kidnapped, while Tyson and Nieman were at the precinct.

The second hour of the show’s nearly-annual two-parter, “Reckoning,” is perhaps even more intense than “Resurrection” (and maybe ten times as twisted), a fact CASTLE boss David Amann attributed, in part, to the team who helped bring it to life.

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