Farewell Alias - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Farewell Alias

May 22, 2006 by  

AliasMy therapist has prepared me for months, but I’m still not ready to say goodbye to Sydney and Jack Bristow, Michael Vaughn, Dixon, Marshall, Sloane, Tom and Rachel…aw, who am I kidding, I’m so ready to say goodbye to Tom and Rachel. But tonight is the series finale of Alias, and as a diehard from Day One, I’m sad to see the it leave.  I’ll be the first to admit that the show has declined among the weight of the ridiculous Rimbaldi mystery, but Alias set a new stage for the action-drama, and it has definitely had an impact of TV as we know it today.

Do you think we would have Lost without Alias?  No way.  There is no way that a network would have agreed to do a complex show like Lost if it was created by the guy whose main credit to date had been Felicity.  It was Alias that made JJ Abrams the powerhouse that he is today. MI:III, Lost, hell, even What About Brian would not have had the greenlight if it wasn’t for Alias.

Sydney Bristow is and always will be one of the strongest female characters ever to grace the small screen.  The strength that Jennifer Garner brought to Syndey, mixed with Syd’s vulnerability made her one of the best fictional heroines of all time.  And man could that girl kick a little ass. 

Alias will go down as one of my favorite shows…EVER, and tonight I will watch sadly as this era ends.

I’m sorry I can’t give this show the send off is deserves, but I have to run to a day full of meetings. 

Filed under TV News


4 Responses to “Farewell Alias”

  1. Sus on May 22nd, 2006 12:37 pm

    I, like you, have been watching since Day One and while I am not one who cries, I have a feeling I’ll be needing a tissue or two tonight. Ahh, Alias. May it always be remembered.

  2. Fatback on May 22nd, 2006 3:42 pm

    It seems like it was just 5 to possibly seven years (if you count that 2 year absence in season two) ago that out little Syd wore that red wig and gave herself and her fake ID a mole with a sharpie and stole our secret files and our hearts. We’ll miss you Syd.

  3. Meladara on May 22nd, 2006 6:24 pm

    I’ve also watched from day one and even during the crappy times I have loved Alias. Yes it was cheesy at times but by then I was so emotionally invested in Syd/Vaughn/Jack that I wouldn’t have ever even considered not watching. I think I am still in shock that my beloved Alias will not be back. Tonight is it! Wow! I will definatly need the tissue tonight.

  4. Julie on May 22nd, 2006 7:25 pm

    I will try to do the finale justice in my recap! I’ve been a faithful fan since the beginning just like y’all, but when writing about it I’m a bit worried that I’ll default to mockery rather than tears, even though I know I’ll miss it! Ah, the walls I’ve built around my heart…