What? A New TV Podcast? Huh?
May 29, 2007 by Kath Skerry

Despite appearances, DuckyxDale and I have not given up the dream of taking over the internet with our TV podcasts. Life, being what it is, has prevented us from podcasting the past few months, but we are coming back…I promise. If all things go well we might be back podcasting as soon as tomorrow. Yup, you heard me (but don’t hold me to it because it all depends on whether or not my hot date with Jason Dohring falls through. Veronica Mars got canceled and he needs me. He needs me more than you need my podcasts.)
Since it’s been a while who knows what the Duckster and I will be chatting about. But we do know that we want to hear from YOU. So here’s your chance to be part of the GMMR|DuckyxDale TV Podcast. If you have a question for Ducky and me about any of the Fall season finales, or about TV in general that you would like answered during the podcast then leave us a message. We might just choose to answer your question live during the podcast.
It’s super easy and free (and no, I’m not talking about Ducky) to leave us a message:
We’ve decided to keep the recorded messages private for now. So if you see “0 messages” above, don’t worry…you won’t be the first to leave a message. SO EXCITED to hear from you guys!!!
*A few rules…
– Please identify yourself and where you live (but please don’t share any other identifiable information).
– Please watch the language – our parents are listening
– Feel free to leave comments about the podcast as well ask questions. Don’t bother SPAMMING us because all comments will be moderated and kept private.
– If you don’t want to record a message that’s cool. Always feel free to email Ducky or myself with any questions you may have.
– If you want to share your feedback about our podcast with the masses, click here to head on over to the GMMR|DuckyxDale Podcast page at iTunes. That’s the best way to let others know if they should check out our podcast or not to bother because we suck (me and my truck driver mouth).
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Filed under The TV Talk Podcast, TV News
’bout damn time. I listen to a lot of podcasts but I can say unequivocally that this is my favorite. You two have such great chemistry and a love for TV that I don’t even mind listening to you talk about shows that I don’t watch. I’m afraid that if I skip through it I’m going to miss something funny. I’m going to try to come up with a great question to leave for the blog, but I’m more of a passive guy.
WOW! First off thanks for the nice comment Henry Gale…or should I call you Ben?
And for those of you who have already left voice comments, may I please say that you are making my night. SO fun to hear your voices and I can’t wait until Ducky and I can answer your questions.
So excited!! I’ve missed you two and can’t wait to hear what y’all have to say about all the season finales! Could you maybe give us your Emmy nomination choices for the main categories?
Just to tell you how much I love listening to your podcast…y’all remind me so much of me and my friends I find myself uncontrollably joining the conversation…yeah, like talking to my computer. Hopefully you take that as a compliment and not completely frightening!! I’m normal, I promise!