HELLCATS and NIKITA: Grade The CW’s New Shows
September 9, 2010 by Marisa Roffman
The CW’s fall season got off to an early start this week with viewers tuning in to their new series, HELLCATS and NIKITA.
Now comes the fun part…judging them.
Sure, you just saw the shows’ pilot, but first impressions count for something, right?
Give us your grade for HELLCATS and NIKITA in the polls below and tell us in the comments why you voted the way you did.
Will The CW earn passing marks from you this year?
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Filed under #1 featured, Hellcats, Nikita, The CW
Love how (as of my typing this) that those who watched Nikita (sans my Michael!) loved it and the other quarter of responders didn’t watch it at all.
I watched Hellcats…this week..
Apparently the CW is all about girls’ stomachs this season….And showing them.
Hellcats was awful but I watched it anyway. I can’t resist the siren call of cheerleading.
Watched an encore showing of #Nikita…sorry not impressed!!