December 3, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

THE SIMPSONS: Lisa and Homer’s bond gets stronger when they start spending real quality time together, and Bart feels neglected. So Marge tries to help Homer balance his attention between the kids in the all-new “Daddicus Finch” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, Dec. 2, (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS ô and © 2018 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!
THE SIMPSONS: Homer being a softie with his kids tends to be some of the sweetest episodes of the show. (“Do it for her” gets me every time.) This was a lovely episode, and I appreciated that its pop culture reference was “To Kill a Mockingbird” versus something more timely. That sounds a bit odd, but a couple of the more recent bonding episodes were tied to very specific times—an IDOL-esque show and THE LEGO MOVIE—so this felt a bit more timeless.
SUPERGIRL: This was probably my favorite episode of the season so far, as it progressed every storyline forward. Obviously the Agent Liberty storyline isn’t close to being over—nor do I imagine he’ll stay locked up for long—but the stakes have now changed. People know his identity and his insistence that Supergirl be unmasked has changed what Kara can do. I don’t know if the show will go as far as properly outing her this year, but it makes sense why people would want to know who she really is. (And I love Nia. I’m so enjoying her story this season.)
BOB’S BURGERS: The science fair was accidentally super timely, but Tina’s reasoning for why they should be trying to reach out to the aliens was both spot-on and perfect for the kids.
Also, I had no clue there were really tiny coat racks! But of course they ended up saving the (rainy) day for Bob. Poor Linda couldn’t get her NOTEBOOK kiss, though.
CHARMED: Um, so far we’ve established these poor sisters should never, ever date. Between needing to literally erase a timeline, and now double-crossing boyfriends, dates that want to use you to be a vessel to lay eggs, and a potential boyfriend being hit by a car on the way to a date…yeah, they need a break. (Also, I absolutely expected the episode to be ghost-related with the title “Bug a Boo”—I focused on the wrong word!)
FAMILY GUY: Oh my goodness, how much time did the last name reciting/repeating take up? Way to commit to a bit! Also, I definitely thought about how many takes that might have taken Seth MacFarlane to get through all of those names (albeit probably in pieces) as he had to do both Stewie and Brian’s take on Pip’s full last name.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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