THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: Netflix Releases First Trailer of the Graphic Novel Adaptation
January 24, 2019 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Netflix
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY—the graphic novel from Gerard Arthur Way and Gabriel Bá—is getting a live-action adaption on Netflix, which debuts Friday, February 15.
Per Netflix, “On the same day in 1989, forty-three infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a billionaire industrialist, who creates The Umbrella Academy and prepares his “children” to save the world. But not everything went according to plan. In their teenage years, the family fractured and the team disbanded. Now, the six surviving thirty-something members reunite upon the news of Hargreeve’s passing. Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Vanya and Number Five work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father’s death. But the estranged family once again begins to come apart due to their divergent personalities and abilities, not to mention the imminent threat of a global apocalypse.”
The series stars Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Robert Sheehan, David Castañeda, Aidan Gallagher, Cameron Britton, and Mary J. Blige.
Check out the trailer!
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