About Last Night…PRODIGAL SON, FBI, BIG SKY, and More
January 27, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

PRODIGAL SON: L-R: Tom Payne and Lou Diamond Phillips in the “Alma Mater” episode of PRODIGAL SON airing Tuesday, Jan. 26 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2021 Fox Media LLC Cr: Phil Caruso/FOX
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
ZOEY’S EXTRAORDINARY PLAYLIST: Aw, poor George. But, yikes, Zoey firing people did not work well.
I did find this episode a lot more fun than last week’s; David and Max/Mo’s numbers in particular delighted me. But, uh, what should we be thinking of Zoey’s old neighbor?!
PRODIGAL SON: Man, we knew Malcolm was damaged, but it sucks how much he was tortured beyond the torment his father put their family through. It’s honestly shocking he’s not more messed up?
(Malcolm mimicking Gil at the end was pretty perfect, and was such a lovely light moment in a dark episode.)
FBI: This case was twisted. But also crazy that it feels relatively rare to have a revenge case go this far. (Which is honestly kind of shocking given it makes sense and can be a bit more sympathetic??)
I also don’t blame Maggie at alllllll for being frustrated Nestor had kids and didn’t tell her. It’s not like he told her, she found out because she swiped too far on his phone.
BIG SKY: Wow, a lot went down. I really wanted Rick to be dead, but I’m curious to see what he is like now that he has woken up.
In many ways, it felt like this was a re-pilot of the show. They found the girls. Cassie and Jenny committed to working together. So, uh, what now? Is it just Ronald trying to cover his tracks? Digging into the larger kidnapping ring?
FBI: MOST WANTED: Huh, I wonder why they didn’t save this episode until Clinton could be a part of it. Crosby’s speech at the end about the difficulties was great, but it felt like this could have been a good showcase for Nathaniel Arcand if the timing worked out differently.
NURSES: I’m glad Grace finally dumped her, uh, boyfriend. It’s also just terrible—but plausible—Grace would try and tell the truth about the harassment she went through and every single avenue she went down was filled with people trying to shut her down.
Wolf what are you doing?!? I know he’s exhausted—and that elevator situation was a lot, compounded by the fact that the patient was Damien’s friend—but don’t go down this path to get out of your money problems…it won’t end well.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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