November 22, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

“Shooter” – Mel’s past military expertise proves critical when McCall is hired by District Attorney Grafton (Jennifer Ferrin) to find a sniper who’s on a killing spree, seemingly selecting victims at random. Also, Delilah experiences PTSD when the sniper shootings cause her to relive the trauma of her friend’s fatal shooting, on the CBS Original series THE EQUALIZER, Sunday, Nov. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
Pictured (L-R): Victoria Lily Robinson as Tiffany and Laya DeLeon Hayes as Delilah.
Photo: Screen Grab/CBS ©2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!
THE SIMPSONS: While I feel absolutely awful for Smithers, his undying devotion to Burns probably means there was next-to-no chance anyone else he fell for would be good.
THE EQUALIZER: Mel is an absolute badass, and Liza Lapira was so, so good in the episode. And my heart absolutely broke at the expression on Harry’s face when they revealed he had been watching her fight with the sniper from afar/was why Robyn knew where and how to save her. (And, man, Terry Serpico really is having quite the fall as an ass on procedurals this fall, isn’t he?)
I really appreciate that the show is coming back to Delilah’s PTSD. She went through a deep, deep trauma, and it makes sense it would fundamentally change her, especially with a triggering incident. I’m looking forward to seeing how she and Bishop get along, now that he’s been brought into her life to help deal with this.
THE GREAT NORTH: Is it bad I now want to go on a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt?! (Maybe without the raft situation.)
BOB’S BURGERS: Of course Bob would get too into making Thanksgiving dinner at the retirement house. Of course the kids would have fun creating their own parade. Yeah, the family Thanksgiving didn’t go as planned, but at least they had an adventure.
FAMILY GUY: Okay, the Bart Simpson shout out while Stewie was in detention was pretty perfect.
Sometimes Peter is unreasonable (as are all TV characters—or real humans, for that matter), but he was right to be upset about losing the birthday celebrations. Let people find joy and breaks at work!
Which shows did you watch last night?
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