June 14, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

BEAT SHAZAM: Contestants in the “Daddy-Daughter Time” episode of BEAT SHAZAM airing Monday, June 13 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2021 Fox Media LLC. CR: Lorraine O’Sullivan/FOX.
Let’s talk about Monday night’s TV!
DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Okay, I don’t get the strategy of so many of these contestants. If you know an artist or category very, very well, why not save them until the later in the game? Why waste a song you know when it’s 3 words versus getting rid of categories, say, you know very little about. Those earlier rounds, you have a better chance of at least knowing the chorus or being able to use your lifeline to get you past it.
And, ohhhh, Tamalyn…rethink those lyrics!! (I was wondering how this show would handle multi-episode players, but a cliffhanger which could lead to an immediate dismissal will be a depressing twist. Hopefully she realizes her mistake before locking in her final answer.)
BEAT SHAZAM: I’m so happy for Molly and Bobby that they were able to beat Shazam at the end, but ohh boy, that was a gamble. They were right that wedding songs could have been virtually anything. I’m really happy for them it was a (surprisingly) easy song.
But, uh, also kind of awkward the final category for a father-daughter game was…wedding songs? Not even father-daughter dance songs? You’d think it would have been a little more themed at that point.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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