September 29, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

CHICAGO P.D. — “Let it Bleed” Episode 1002 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Lori Allen/NBC)
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
CHICAGO MED: Well, the new doctors…sure didn’t waste any time in making an impression. (Good luck to them.)
Poor Will, he really just does not have any luck. With the building now demolished, I’m curious what he ends up doing with the land.
THE MASKED SINGER: The Harp is so good it almost makes up for how aggressively bad this season’s format is. So, anyone who competes early, essentially, is at a major disadvantage? The Harp is incredible, but having to do multiple performances to move on could mess things up for her game later, whether using a big song at the wrong moment or even just overuse/losing her voice after X days of filming. Again, look, this isn’t unknowns trying to change their lives, but ugh. And think of how many good performances we might have lost from Montell Jordan and/or Chris Kirkpatrick, who certainly would have made it beyond a single freaking number in the previous format. Sigh.
CHICAGO FIRE: Severide being Cruz’ hypeman to Javi?! My whole damn heart exploded. Loved seeing Javi at the firehouse. (Also loved seeing Mouch and Trudy support Brett post-breakup, in their perfectly, uh, unique way.)
Really, really love that Kidd wasted no time taking Carver under her wing and supporting him. I don’t expect things to be perfect or entirely smooth sailing, but it’s so important he knows they have his back.
So, on a scale from 1-10, how bad is Gallo hooking up with Herrmann’s niece going to shake out? I’m at a 47 right now…
CHICAGO P.D.: Oh, Burgess and Ruzek are going to be traumatized by watching a young girl die; Patrick John Flueger and Marina Squerciati were great in the scene. (And I can’t imagine how much Burzek hugged Makayla when they next saw her.) I’m glad they took the step forward to have Burgess move in with Makayla…it’s one thing when Burgess and Ruzek were back and forth, but they have a kid to think about. I’m glad they’re talking some of it out and prioritizing their family.
I’m torn and a bit confused by what’s going on with Halstead. Even knowing Jesse Lee Soffer is leaving, I would have guessed Upton would have been more likely to get entangled with Voight’s mess. (We have certainly seen it in the recent past, and Halstead was the one to be the voice of reason.) What are you doing Halstead?! Even Voight seems more composed at the moment…which makes me very, very nervous.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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