About Last Night…GHOSTS, GREY’S ANATOMY, ELSBETH, and More
November 15, 2024 by Marisa Roffman

“A Star Is Dead” – Alberta offers to help Sam prepare for an audition for a community theater production. Also, Sass finds a new reason to interfere in Jay’s dreams, on the CBS Original series GHOSTS, Thursday, Nov. 14 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Pictured (L-R): Rose McIver as Samantha and Danielle Pinnock as Alberta. Photo: Bertrand Calmeau/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
9-1-1: Oh, Athena’s trainee was trash. Disrespectful, in the job for the wrong reasons, and actively harmful. I’m just thankful he didn’t get her hurt. I love that she didn’t give up on training people, but good lord she deserves better next go-round.
And now Brad has decided to shadow Bobby? Oh my God. I’m not sure how to feel?! Like, at least Bobby is back with his people, but Brad is going to be a lot to have around 24/7.
(I’m sorry for Buck that he’s going through so much heartbreak, but a) his baking sounded delicious and b) him realizing Maddie was pregnant was so sweet.)
GHOSTS: So small, but I laughed out loud at the LAW & ORDER mention since they just had a recurring L&O person on last week. I’m guessing it wasn’t intentional, but as someone who watches/covers both, it was unexpectedly funny.
Sass accidentally dating Jay—in Jay’s dreams—was a funny, funny twist. I had wondered how they’d be able to manipulate Jay into dreaming about Marisa frequently enough, but didn’t really think that Jay didn’t know her enough to give her a fully formed persona; instead, she got Jay’s interests. It’s sweet that Pete offered to try and find a non-tethered ghost for Sass; I’m curious if that will come to pass or if the hope of it will be enough for now.
And, man, I loved Alberta coaching Sam for her audition. How lovely that when it seemed like Sam might freeze up, Alberta was able to be with her on stage and give her the needed support? Rose McIver and Danielle Pinnock sounded incredible singing together at the end, too.
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, but Wallen was brought back for another episode where the hour was split into two cases, much like her first installment, “Blood Out.” And like the first episode we met her in, Wallen’s case here was the only one of the paired stories that actually worked for me.
To be clear: It’s awful Wallen was attacked again, and it’s even worse knowing when we met her in season 24 that wasn’t even the first time she was assaulted. In a perfect world, it would be nice if the survivors we met only had peace and happiness after their time on the show. And while I’m grateful the cold opens are getting shorter, it’s even harder to watch a character we know nearly died last go-round get brutalized; watching Wallen get dragged here was really difficult. If we were going to see the tape later, anyway, why not have it shown a bit there versus subjecting us to it in the cold open?
But, that being said, the Wallen portion of the episode was great. Fin and Bruno are truly a fantastic duo (who did really cement their fantastic dynamic in “Blood Out”) and it was great to watch them center stage, working to gain Wallen’s trust again. I’m glad Wallen has a son now and is really trying to get her life on track. As nice as it was to see her, fingers crossed she doesn’t actually need the squad’s help again. Maybe if she returns it can be in some kind of social worker capacity down the line.
MATLOCK: Flashbacks! I loved the juxtaposition of Julian and Olympia working the big case a couple of years earlier with their marriage falling apart…and now having the chance to revisit it and maybe rekindle things. (Does it make it difficult to know there’s a two-thirds chance Matty is actually going to hold one of them responsible for her daughter’s death? Yes.)
And now Matty is moving to pharma! I doubt she’ll get answers any time soon—we’re only a third of the way through the season—but I’m happy for her that she’s at least a little closer to getting answers. Maybe. Hopefully.
DOCTOR ODYSSEY: Oh, the body turning something into alcohol is always a fascinating, horrible storyline to witness…especially when a character is sober, like Craig was. But, hey, the Craig and Captain brotherhood bond was very sweet. It’s nice the Captain was so accepting and actually did believe his brother, eventually, and he was able to help solve the problem.
It felt like the Max, Avery, Tristan triangle was going to be super messy since Max made it clear he wasn’t comfortable doing the long-term throuple thing, but then that fall finale promo happened, so…yikes.
CRIME SCENE KITCHEN: I’ve never heard about a comic book cake before?! Whoa. It looked delicious.
(I also feel like I have no real attachment to the contestants, which is a bummer this deep into the season. But that just may be me.)
FOUND: Kelli Williams and Shanola Hampton were just phenomenal in their final scene. I’ve said this before, but it makes sense for Margaret and Gabi to not be in the best place right now. It hurts! It hurts a lot to actually witness, even if my brain logically gets it. But it makes sense. That doesn’t change the fact that these women are found family (no pun on the show’s title intended), they’d do anything for each other. Everything around M&A keeps changing (sometimes it feels like five times an episode; they need a break), and all they can really count on right now is each other.
GREY’S ANATOMY: Well, we knew there was no way they were going to end the episode with no one dying. (By mid-episode, I figured Mika would be safe, but there was at least a ten percent chance Levi would be killed*, somehow, as an unexpected switch-up/twist from the obvious accident storyline.)
But Levi got his happy ending. (Complete with a montage?!) Mika woke up, and got life-changing, devastating, news about her sister’s death. Sigh. I’m so glad Bailey was able to be there for her, literally and figuratively. But, man, that’s rough.
(Also: How much time will have passed? We saw the sped forward time as people were in and out of Mika’s room, but was it days? Weeks? Presumably not months given Jo’s pregnancy.)
*And to be one hundred percent clear, I’m very glad the show didn’t partake in the “bury your gays” trope. I was dreading that possibility.
ELSBETH: Oh, wow, it never dawned on me that Elsbeth and Kaya living together might be seen as a conflict of interest given Elsbeth’s literal job, but it makes sense. (But let’s keep them together forever, please. The best part of the show, for me, is their friendship.)
Not entirely sure what to make of Elsbeth’s past case coming back, though. She was bound by attorney-client privilege, so how was she supposed to let any potential new spouse know this man might have been abusive? (I get why the new now-ex-wife would be angry and resentful! But I’m not sure how much legal wiggle room there would be for Elsbeth to have said anything…)
But it’s very funny Chef Veev’s desire to do her job well…got her caught. If she had just faked being knocked out the whole time, it would have been hard to prove Elsbeth’s suspicions. Instead, because she turned the duck so it could still be served, it blew her “I was attacked and unconscious the whole time” story out of the water. The important lesson? Work less. (Also don’t kill. That’s probably the number one lesson, but, also…the work thing.)
I know it won’t be possible in every episode, but, man, it was also nice to have so many main and recurring characters together at the end for that poker game. (And, frankly, smart to bring back past suspects/characters when they fit into the show world, too. Hi to former suspect Nadine!)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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