December 19, 2024 by Marisa Roffman

THE FLOOR: L-R: Rob Lowe with winner Keelan von Ehrenkrook in the “Final Showdown” episode of THE FLOOR airing Wednesday, Dec. 18 (9:02-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR/ Lorraine O’Sullivan / FOX. ©2024 FOX Media LLC.
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
THE FLOOR: This was an intense finale. I’m split on whether I prefer the winner to be someone we’ve watched for weeks (I do think there is merit to forming a “bond”—or even just appreciation for gameplay—with a contestant or two over the course of the season) or it just be a close, good game. And we certainly got a number of really tight duels. (Jayna winning “Accessories” by a second was insane.)
I do think the winner needing to win a best-of-three contest at least helps because we see them for at least two battles. And, wow, Keelan really did step up when it came time to the final round. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for season 3.
[For more on season 2, here’s what showrunner Anthony Carbone shared pre-finale and post-finale.]
HOMICIDE: LIFE ON THE STREET: “Autofocus”: The gas leak was amusing me and then FRANK LIT UP A CIGARETTE and I actually burst into laughter at everyone’s reaction. (Also, Frank, dude, no. GAS LEAK+FIRE=BAD.) I’m legitimately laughing while typing this up. Such a small moment, but perfectly in character and a great way to bring a brief bit of lightness into the show.
Lewis and Kellerman partnering up was fun (and not just because they were giddy kids stealing Frank’s car); I also appreciated that the show hasn’t forgotten Crosetti, or what he meant to Lewis.
As a forever nerd for how everything gets made, I’m also fascinated by the interrogation they did in the vault in their temporary HQ. There was an off-handed comment about Frank not liking the vault because it didn’t give him the space he normally has in the box, which was true and made things claustrophobic…but I also loved it? I love how everything felt confined; I want to know everything about how the team adapted to filming there versus their normal sets.
Tim turning around and questioning Frank about his impending fatherhood was also great. (I’m torn between thinking Frank is in serious denial about what fatherhood will actually mean for him and being worried it’ll all end up being moot.)
I’m really happy that Kay got her promotion, even if she maybe didn’t handle things well right off the bat. And then the conversation with Munch in the bar and then their dance? Oh, my heart. I loved that she felt safe enough to actually open up and trust him. (Of course they’ve been working together for years, but still.)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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