DOC: 'Day One' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

DOC: ‘Day One’ Photos

January 17, 2025 by  

Amy is allowed back to work on the Tuesday, January 21 episode of DOC.

Check out photos from “Day One”…


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DOC: Molly Parker in the “Day One” episode of DOC airing Tuesday, Jan. 21 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: FOX. ©2025 FOX Media LLC.

Fox’s take on “Day One”: “Amy, allowed to return to work under strict guidelines, teams up with TJ (Patrick Walker) to treat a patient suffering from mysterious liver problems. Sonya (Anya Banerjee) and Jake (Jon Ecker) help an elderly couple navigate the final chapter of their love story.

Cast: Molly Parker as Dr. Amy Larsen, Omar Metwally as Dr. Michael Hamda, Amirah Vann as Dr. Gina Walker, Jon Ecker as Dr. Jake Heller, Anya Banerjee as Dr. Sonya Maitra, Scott Wolf as Dr. Richard Miller, Patrick Walker as Dr. Theodore ‘TJ’ Coleman, Charlotte Fountain-Jardim as Katie Hamda.”

DOC, Tuesdays, 9/8c, Fox


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