About Last Night...CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE, and CHICAGO P.D. - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


January 23, 2025 by  


CHICAGO P.D. — “Zoe” Episode 12010 — Pictured: (l-r) — (Photo by: Lori Allen/NBC)

Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!

CHICAGO MED: Man, this was a sad episode. It felt clear at least one twin wouldn’t survive, and, yep, heartbreak. (I cannot fathom that loss for the survivor, either. This isn’t just your sibling, your twin. They were attached to you for your entire life. It was always going to be a jarring loss to not have them by your side constantly. And now they’re gone-gone? Ow.)

I’m relieved Hannah didn’t indulge her sister’s request for medical fraud. She probably could have gotten away with it! But it wouldn’t have been good for either of them, and Hannah had the means to help her sister ethically; I’m glad she was able to do that.

Maggie’s unhappiness in her relationship hasn’t made a whole lot of sense, but we also didn’t see most of it, so I guess…we see what happens next? I can’t tell if they’re actually trying to make something happen with her and Frost…

CHICAGO FIRE: Joe Miñoso was incredible, full stop. This was also an interesting conclusion to the story because they had the best of both worlds: In many ways, Cruz was redeemed from his season 1 actions since Severide made it clear there was nothing he could have done to save Flaco. (It doesn’t negate his not telling the truth, of course.) But Cruz was also a good man and came forward, now, willing to face the consequences of his actions. (The beat where he told Pascal he wanted to be the man his son thought he was—after we got to hear Javi boasting about Cruz being a hero…oh, my heart.)

I’m sure it won’t last, but Violet and Flynn are very sweet. And haha to Ritter tanking his own rideshare rating by canceling rides.  

CHICAGO P.D.: Ow. It hurts. First of all, Annabelle Toomy was fantastic, and bravo to her, the casting team/director/writer, and Patrick John Flueger for his dynamic working with her, because it’s not easy when a good portion of your episode depends on the performance of a child actor. But wow.

And the case was gutting by itself. Zoe knowing something was wrong, being able to communicate some of it, but not understanding the full depths of what she had been through or where she came from was terrifying. And Flueger has always been so good at working with child actors, too, and you felt every moment of how this was weighing on Ruzek.

But, man, then you add in Bob’s return and the revelation he has Alzheimer’s? An absolutely brutal kick in the gut. This isn’t something that can be miraculously fixed. Flueger and Jack Coleman were gutting in that final scene as both Ruzek men seemed to acknowledge just how bad things had gotten for Bob. This storyline is going to make me cry a dozen times, I can already tell.

[For more on the episode, here’s what Flueger shared.]

Which shows did you watch last night?

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