Sunday, February 26, 2006

Don't Spoil Grey's Anatomy For Me

How do you people on the West Coast do it? I've got another hour and 45 minutes before Grey's Anatomy starts for me here in California. I am so tempted to check the boards and find out what happened with MerGe. Did She-Shepherd* tell He-Shepherd* anything more about her torrid affair with McSteamy? Did Alex and Izzie have dirty eyes again? Oh the suspense is killing me. But I won't do it. I won't be spoiled. But I hope you guys are around a little later to chat with me about it in the forums.

P.S. I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. But yeah, I read I spoiler & already know who won. I just couldn't resist.

*All credit to TvGasm for the new nicknames...I thought they were pretty damn clever.


Friscoguy said...

What a brilliant project! So far we've accumulated 240 signatures in less than twenty-four hours. Very impressive. Keep it up Office fans. We're going to get our extended season finale. Have faith!

2/27/2006 11:51:57 PM  

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