Working 9 to isn't all bad - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Working 9 to 5…it isn’t all bad

August 1, 2006 by  

If your favorite fictional TV workplaces were hiring, exactly what would the job listing look like? Well leave it to GMMR favorite Julie of TV & Sympathy to figure it out. See if you can guess which fictional place of business is looking for the following the following employees:

Job #1
Description: Seeking well-dressed, customer service-oriented front desk clerk with a desire to serve the whims and charms of small town occupants and visitors.
Requirements: Must be able to tolerate manic and eccentric colleagues and customers. No college education required, but must be able to think on your feet.
Benefits: All the witty banter and gourmet food you can stomach.

Job #2
Seeking qualified salesperson with intimate, detailed knowledge of paper products and trends.
Requirements: Must be college educated, creative, assertive, communicative, and willing to be bored out of your skull by never using any of the skills or qualities previously listed.
Benefits: One amazing coworker.

Job #3
Description: Seeking medically trained intern for life-saving and liaisons.
Requirements: Scalpel skills essential. Must be able to tolerate negative feedback, function with minimal sleep, and flourish under pressure.
Benefits: Around every corner, you’ll run into an attractive coworker who can cut you right to the heart–literally. Plus, there’s always a someone to gossip about.

Job #4
Description: We’d tell you, but we’d have to kill you.
Requirements: Fluent in at least 10 spoken and programming languages. Skilled with blades and weapons of all kinds. Willing to let yourself, and your personal relationships, take a hit for the job. Strong sense of patriotism. Superman (or Superwoman) complex optional.
Benefits: The knowledge that you could take anyone out. At any time. No questions asked.

Do you think you know the answers?! Well click here to head over to TV and Sympathy to find out where you would be working if you took one of these jobs. And check out the other famous job descriptions she has posted. And while you are there, leave Julie a comment and challenge her to come up with a few new job descriptions…come on, just try to stump her. (She’s going to kill me…ha ha)

Filed under TV Comedy, TV Drama, TV News

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