FRINGE Exclusive First Look Photo: 'Making Angels' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

FRINGE Exclusive First Look Photo: ‘Making Angels’

February 1, 2012 by  

It’s taken four seasons, but FRINGE is finally giving us more insight into the two Astrids with this Friday’s brand new hour, “Making Angels.” Plus, not only is Jasika Nicole (Astrid) getting some well-deserved screentime, but for the first time in any timeline, the Astrids will come face-to-face!

We have an exclusive photo from the hour, so take a look at what you can expect from “Making Angels”…

Is it me, or is it still a little weird to see Astrid out in the field? (Though, I do wonder what sort of nonsense Walter is telling her in her earpiece!)

UPDATE: Fox officially released a few more photos from “Making Angels,” so take a look at 8 additional shots from the hour…


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FRINGE: Olivia (Anna Torv) investigates a mysterious lake house in the "Making Angels" episode of FRINGE airing Friday, Feb. 3 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2012 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Liane Hentscher/FOX

And FRINGE fans, I talked with producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman earlier this week, so you’ll want to check back on Thursday for some teases about what’s on the way for the mind-bending show…

Are you excited Astrid is finally getting the spotlight?!


FRINGE: Joshua Jackson on Peter’s Reunion With Elizabeth, Olivia’s Fate and More
Jared Harris Talks About His FRINGE Return and the New Season of MAD MEN
FRINGE: Jasika Nicole Teases ‘Back To Where You’ve Never Been’

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2 Responses to “FRINGE Exclusive First Look Photo: ‘Making Angels’”

  1. ollie on February 1st, 2012 8:05 pm

    Hey marisa, since Jeff and joel give very vague, non answers to questions in their interviews, next time you interview them could you ask them about past episodes as they’re always happy to talk about process and their thinking behind episodes that have already aired but are loathed to talk about what’s coming up. It gets frustrating reading interviews from them where the essentially say nothing and the interview feels like a waste of time (not referring to you, just their interviews on the whole.) It’s gotten to the point where i could almost answer those type of questions myself because i know exactly how they’re going to answer. THANKS

  2. Marisa Roffman on February 2nd, 2012 3:26 am

    Hey @ollie! I definitely understand why it can be frustrating at times for you guys. It’s a little harder to do that sort of reflective interview at this point in the season since we haven’t even reached the halfway mark, but I’ll certainly keep that in mind.