ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Child of the Moon' Photo Preview - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Child of the Moon’ Photo Preview

October 29, 2012 by  

It’s time for another Ruby episode on ONCE UPON A TIME!

On the November 11th installment of the ABC drama, Ruby finds herself fearing the consequences of being curse-free in Storybrooke during a full moon and we also flash back to Red’s time in the fairytale land.

Take a look at some photos from the episode, including guest star Annabeth Gish (THE X-FILES)…

ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Child of the Moon'

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ONCE UPON A TIME - "Child of the Moon" - Ruby's fear about turning into a wolf during the first curse-free Storybrooke full moon is confirmed when one of the town's residents is viciously murdered, and Ruby is the prime suspect; Decker - aka King George - threatens to expose David as a shepherd, not a prince, and not fit to run the town as sheriff; and Leroy stumbles upon some treasure in the Storybrooke mine that could help bring Mary Margaret and Emma back into our world. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Red Riding Hood finds a kindred spirit in Anita (Annabeth Gish), a charismatic and mysterious leader of a pack of humans who, like Red, turn out to be wolves, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/JACK ROWAND)MEGHAN ORY, ANNABETH GISH

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8 PM on ABC.


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One Response to “ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Child of the Moon’ Photo Preview”

  1. Joey on October 30th, 2012 2:23 pm

    I can’t wait for Once Upon A Time. They’ve done a great job with the new season and character development. I work most Sunday nights at DISH so I’m glad I have my Hopper DVR. It has PrimeTime Anytime which automatically records all the shows in prime time from the four major networks automatically without setting a bunch of show timers. I can’t wait to see what happens to Ruby, but I think Regina’s story is more interesting.