ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Best Laid Plans' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Best Laid Plans’ Photos

March 29, 2015 by  

The Queens of Darkness may be down one villain (Ursula), but Emma’s potential darkness might be coming to light in tonight’s episode of ONCE UPON A TIME.

Check out some photos from “Best Laid Plans”…


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ONCE UPON A TIME - "Best Laid Plans" - Hook tells Emma that her fate is at stake in Gold's plan while Regina leads the villains on a wild goose chase. Henry makes a breakthrough in his search to find the Author, but Mary Margaret and David need a moment to reconsider the best course of action. In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, Snow and Charming search for a way to ensure their child will grow-up to be a hero. When a travelling peddler directs them to visit a kindly old hermit, Snow and Charming are presented with a choice that could secure their child's goodness, but at a price that will haunt them for years to come on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, MARCH 29 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jack Rowand) ROBERT CARLYLE, KRISTIN BAUER, VICTORIA SMURFIT, LANA PARRILLA

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8 PM on ABC.


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Filed under Once Upon A Time


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