MOM Season Finale: Gemma Baker Previews Christy’s Win
May 9, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Darren Michaels/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. é 2018 WBEI.
MOM’s Christy (Anna Faris) has had a tough go of things throughout the first five seasons—including an eviction; a reconciliation and then the loss of her father; the ever-present drama with her mother Bonnie (Allison Janney)—but she’s getting a significant win in the season 5 finale.
“She does get to graduate from college,” MOM co-creator Gemma Baker teases in the video below. “We get to have that moment.”
Check out the video for more from Baker.
MOM, Thursdays, 9/8c, CBS
- MOM: Gemma Baker on Guest Star Patti LuPone
- MOM: Mimi Kennedy and Gemma Baker Preview Marjorie’s Breakdown
- MOM: Allison Janney Teases Bonnie and Adam’s Dynamic Shift
- MOM: The Cast Previews How Their Characters are Handling Jill Falling Off the Wagon
- MOM: Anna Faris Previews the Group’s Turmoil
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