BLOOD & TREASURE: 'The Ghost Train of Sierra Perdida' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

BLOOD & TREASURE: ‘The Ghost Train of Sierra Perdida’ Photos

June 18, 2019 by  

On the Tuesday, June 18 episode of BLOOD & TREASURE Danny (Matt Barr) and Lexi (Sofia Pernas) head to the Spanish mountains…but also find some time to get a little bit of dancing in.

Check out photos from “The Ghost Train of Sierra Perdida”…

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"The Ghost Train of Sierra Perdida" -- Danny and Lexi follow a clue to the mountains of Spain in search of a lost train car that may have been carrying the sarcophagus of Cleopatra when it disappeared. Also, Lexi crosses paths with antiquities dealer Simon Hardwick, who offers her new information on the Brotherhood of Serapis, on BLOOD & TREASURE, Tuesday, June 18 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured (L-R) Sofia Pernas as Lexi Vaziri and Matt Barr as Danny McNamara Photo: Jonathan Wenk/CBS ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

CBS’ take on “The Ghost Train of Sierra Perdida”: “Danny and Lexi follow a clue to the mountains of Spain in search of a lost train car that may have been carrying the sarcophagus of Cleopatra when it disappeared. Also, Lexi crosses paths with antiquities dealer Simon Hardwick, who offers her new information on the Brotherhood of Serapis. Recurring cast: Antonio Cupo (Captain Fabi); Tony Nash (Omar); Richard Zeppieri (Carlo Velardi); Karl Graboshas (Lt. Heinz). Guest stars: Alex Bego (Battle-Scarred Sergeant); Aiza Ntibarikure (Erica); Simone Bailly (Jessica Wong); Fred Nguyen (Jessica’s Assistant); Luis Oliva (Local Guide); Mathieu Baron (Luca Velardi).”

BLOOD & TREASURE, Tuesdays, 10/9c, CBS


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