Is the End of the Writers' Strike Near? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Is the End of the Writers’ Strike Near?

February 2, 2008 by  

I’ve been refreshing United Hollywood and Nikke Finke’s site (obsessively) all day in hopes of hearing some news about the end of the WGA strike. Sources say that a deal is thisclose to being announced and some think word could come as soon as Monday (I guess the WGA and AMPTP will be watching the Superbowl with the rest of us tomorrow). I’ve been cautiously optimistic all week, but now I’m damn near giddy. We could be nearing the end, folks.

Of course it’s not over until the fat lady sings, but if you listen closely you can hear her doing her vocal warmups backstage.

For more, check out the New York Times article “Deal to End Hollywood Writers’ Strike May Be Near

Filed under Writers Strike


4 Responses to “Is the End of the Writers’ Strike Near?”

  1. Is the End of the Writers’ Strike Near? — All This Nonsense on February 2nd, 2008 10:39 pm

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  2. mg714 on February 2nd, 2008 11:59 pm

    I so hope we get some good news on Monday! I’m so excited at the prospect of possibly getting at least a few more new episodes of shows before the summer – I hope especially that The Office, FNL and Lost can get back into production in time! Let’s all cross our fingers!

  3. Emily on February 3rd, 2008 12:00 am

    I don’t care about my shows returning (wow theres a sentence I never thought I would say), but I am excited that they will no longer be on strike, because its been a rough few months.

  4. hanncoll on February 3rd, 2008 10:51 am

    Oh, man, I hope you’re right. Maybe it’s not too late to salvage this season.