Major McJourneyman Named a Regular on GREY'S ANATOMY - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Major McJourneyman Named a Regular on GREY’S ANATOMY

November 11, 2008 by  

Seattle Grace has actually done something right this week.  Chief Webber has hired Dr. Owen Hunt as the latest full time staff member of the esteemed (well at least sometimes esteemed) hospital.

Kevin McKidd has been named a series regular to GREY’S ANATOMY.  I for one think McKidd has been a fantastic addition to the show thus far and I’m happy to know he’ll be kicking it with McDreamy and McSteamy for the foreseeable future.  Let’s just hope they don’t make him gay…seems to be the kiss of death over there.  I kid, I kid…kind of.

Anyway, McKidd’s character seems to tell it like it is, and we like that (and need that) in GREY’S these days.

A show of hands for people that think this is a good move for GREY’S?

Filed under Grey's Anatomy


4 Responses to “Major McJourneyman Named a Regular on GREY’S ANATOMY”

  1. Emily on November 11th, 2008 7:35 pm

    Fabulous news! I’m a huge fan of Kevin McKidd from Journeyman and especially Rome!

  2. Alyson on November 11th, 2008 10:25 pm

    My hand is definitely raised! I was hoping this would happen. He’s been great on the show, especially his interactions with Cristina. It probably doesn’t help that I just finished watching both seasons of Rome, and have a huge crush on Lucius Vorenus.

    P.S. I just saw clips of Mary McDonnell on Grey’s and I think it’s going to be amazing. Nothing like a little BSG to spice things up.

  3. karen (Kath's sister) on November 12th, 2008 6:45 am

    *Jumping up and down waving hands in the air*. Love him!!!!!!

  4. Michele on November 12th, 2008 10:28 am

    Waving my hands here too. I was sad when Journeyman ended – they didn’t give it half the chance it deserved. I like him so far on Grey’s as well!