GOSSIP GIRL Spin-off Starring Rufus & Lily - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

GOSSIP GIRL Spin-off Starring Rufus & Lily

December 11, 2008 by  

Update: I just heard from Josh Schwartz who said that this is a rumor based on the webisodes. The webisodes won’t star Lily and Rufus either. They will be about Dorota. To which I say YAY!!!

According to Star Magazine (and let’s stop right there and give pause to the source), the recently announced GOSSIP GIRL spin-off will center around Lily van der Woodsen and Rufus Humphrey. No, the ‘rents aren’t leaving their ilk behind, the rumors are that the show will feature a young Lil’ ad Rufus – during their courting days.

According an a network insider, “The show will focus on the early romance between Lily and Rufus. It begins when they first meet, during a time when Rufus and his band are at the height of their career. The show will follow the high society and rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle in New York.”

The source also supposedly said that two new actors will be cast as Lily & Rufus: the early years. A flashback coming later this season will be the catalyst to the new show.

This all seems to make sense given the storyline of Lily and Rufus this season. And now that it’s been revealed that [SPOILER ALERT] they had a baby together in their teen years, I can see the foundation being laid.

I’m going to see what I can dig up.

A Lily & Rufus spin-off? Your thoughts? Will it work? Will you watch? Hey, if it’s got the same tone as GOSSIP GIRLS I’m definitely going to give it a shot.


2 Responses to “GOSSIP GIRL Spin-off Starring Rufus & Lily”

  1. allthewine on December 11th, 2008 9:31 am

    Rufus and Lily in love as kids…isn’t that Dan and Serena??

    I’m not quite sure how this can be an entire series…maybe a movie or a 3 part series.

    I’ll watch it though to see if the kids have anywhere the chemistry of real life Rufus and Lily.

  2. ika on April 13th, 2009 4:41 am

    love it already!!!