ALMOST HUMAN 'Movie' Trailer - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

ALMOST HUMAN ‘Movie’ Trailer

November 13, 2013 by  

With only a few days until ALMOST HUMAN premieres, Fox has given the new sci-fi drama a “movie” trailer (similar to what was often done with FRINGE, and not coincidentally, both done by Fox special ops guru Ari Margolis) and it’s pretty freaking awesome.

Take a look!


Also, if you’re super creative (or just simply inspired by the promo), Fox wants to hear from you. If you have the time (and/or skill) to recreate the promo — or just your favorite scene — make sure to enter the ALMOST HUMAN fan promo contest for a chance to be a part of the fan version!

ALMOST HUMAN’s two-night series premiere event kicks off Sunday, November 17th at 8 PM on Fox, followed by its time period premiere, Monday, November 18th at 8 PM.


J.J. Abrams on What Sets ALMOST HUMAN Apart from the Other Bad Robot Shows
ALMOST HUMAN: Watch the First 3 Minutes of the Pilot
ALMOST HUMAN: Watch 8 Minutes of the Pilot

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Filed under Almost Human


One Response to “ALMOST HUMAN ‘Movie’ Trailer”

  1. shelly baldwin on November 16th, 2013 3:35 pm

    Wow, this trailer is GREAT!!! Cannot wait for this show.