ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Dreamcatcher' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Dreamcatcher’ Photos

October 25, 2015 by  

ONCE UPON A TIME is exploring Henry’s first relationship in tonight’s new hour, “Dreamcatcher.” And as that is going on, the show will also dive a bit into the Merlin of it all, and Merida will start to train Gold.

Check out some photos from “Dreamcatcher”…


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ONCE UPON A TIME - "Dreamcatcher" - In Camelot, as Mary Margaret and David attempt to retrieve the Dark One dagger, Emma uses a dreamcatcher to look into the past to see how Merlin was transformed into a tree. Together, Emma and Regina figure out the critical ingredient they must acquire to free Merlin, but it's a race against Arthur, who does not want Merlin released. Meanwhile, with encouragement from his moms, Henry musters up the courage to ask Violet on a date. Back in Storybrooke, the heroes break into Emma's house hoping to locate Gold, but what they find will give them a glimpse of Emma's end game. Far from prying eyes, Merida sets about the mission Emma has tasked her with and begins molding Gold into the hero they need to draw Excalibur, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jack Rowand) AMY MANSON, ROBERT CARLYLE

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8 PM on ABC.


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