American Idol Sucks - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

American Idol Sucks

March 14, 2007 by  

American Idol Sucks

Sanjaya is staying and the FABULOUS Brandon Rogers is leaving. I’m sorry but I can’t write much more right now. This is complete bull. What the hell is wrong with America? People have the obvious right to choose who they want, but people must understand that they are hurting the integrity of the show by voting for someone who is unquestionable the WORST singer on the show. That’s not really subjective. Sanjaya is the worst singer. Maybe people are voting for his hair, or his innocent little boy thing – but this is a singing competition.

Filed under American Idol


37 Responses to “American Idol Sucks”

  1. Carly on March 14th, 2007 8:35 pm

    stupid human race.

  2. Melanie on March 14th, 2007 8:40 pm

    What the frak!? Who is voting for Sanjiya? How many weeks is this going to go on? Very disappointed. 🙁

  3. mg714 on March 14th, 2007 8:53 pm

    I didn’t see the shows this week, but I read about Sanjaya ‘s performance last night. I haven’t been at all impressed the times I have seen him so I also totally don’t get what’s with the people who are voting. I haven’t been regularly watching this season, but I hear that the finalists as a whole are probably the worst group so far of all the seasons, though there are some good singers, I’m sure. I guess it doesn’t matter how bad they are, millions are still watching!

  4. Martha on March 14th, 2007 9:05 pm

    yeah he is the worst singer, but he’s cute as a button and UNFORUNATELY people are apparently voting out of pity. the good news is he won’t last much longer, i’m sure.

  5. srah on March 14th, 2007 9:12 pm

    Wow. I figured since everyone liked Brandon’s eyesex (which just grossed me out) he would be there till the end. Oh well! There are so many bad people to get rid of. It will take weeks and weeks to get rid of them, but Sanjaya will go eventually.

  6. Jon on March 14th, 2007 9:18 pm

    Called it.

  7. jejey on March 14th, 2007 9:19 pm

    Never really cared for that guy, Sanjaya and his hair make the show intresting.

  8. Bill on March 14th, 2007 10:04 pm

    I definately agree with your headline, even though I don’t know about any of the ppl you are talking about.

  9. silsont on March 14th, 2007 10:06 pm

    Sorry, but Brandon was the worst last night. Forgeting the words is unforgivable in the final 12. Not to mention that awful crack in the middle of his performance.

    I don’t think Sanjaya should’ve made it to the final 12, but I voted for him last night because he wasn’t the worst.

    BTW, AI never truly had any integrity.

  10. Cara on March 14th, 2007 10:08 pm

    At least he was in the bottom two. It would be worse if people were really voting for him and keeping him totally safe.

    Give it a week and the permed one will be gone. I’m crossing my fingers. 🙂

  11. Bill on March 14th, 2007 10:16 pm

    I read your headline and agreed with it. Haven’t actually watched the show much this season, cuz I definately agree with your headline.

  12. SaraPMcC on March 14th, 2007 10:24 pm

    Ugh, I knew Sanjaya would stay and Brandon would go. Just terrible. What are people thinking? You can’t blame the Idol, though, you have to blame the Americans. They’re voting.

  13. Emmaxoxlee on March 14th, 2007 10:32 pm

    isnt there some website that always votes for the worst?
    well there yah go.
    and im sorry but sanjaya creeps me out.
    so i dont see how the cute little innocent boy card works.
    hula dancing? wow.

  14. Emmaxoxlee on March 14th, 2007 10:33 pm

    isnt there some website that always votes for the worst?
    well there yah go.
    and im sorry but sanjaya creeps me out.
    so i dont see how the cute little innocent boy card works.
    hula dancing? wow.
    but i do feel bad for the kid
    because he KNOWS he shouldnt have gone this far.

  15. SaraPMcC on March 14th, 2007 10:38 pm

    Ugh, I knew Sanjaya would stay and Brandon would go. Just terrible. What are people thinking? You can blame the Idol, though, you have to blame the Americans. They’re voting.

  16. CrazyGringa on March 14th, 2007 10:46 pm

    Sanjaya? WTF!! Come on America, wake up!!! Who is voting for Sanjaya???

  17. American Hospital Directory » American Idol Sucks on March 15th, 2007 1:19 am

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  18. Uggy on March 15th, 2007 6:55 am

    Go there and see who the big cartoon banner is promoting to vote for, you’ll have your answer.

  19. Becky on March 15th, 2007 8:10 am

    I actually stopped watching the show this season. There is no one on there with any personality or any interesting singers. I also stopped watching because I can’t stand looking at Sanjaya. Seriously. His face and his hair and everything about him is hideous to me and has been since the moment I saw him. Hopefully next season they will actually bring on some talent.

  20. Ashlee on March 15th, 2007 8:32 am

    Okay, it was just announced on the today show that Howard Stern is endorsing the web campaign Vote for the Worst on his highly listening to trash radio show. Check out the website here:

    We need to not let the evil forces win. I personally think that you should only be allowed one vote. And true American Idol fans need to vote!

  21. Becky on March 15th, 2007 8:40 am

    Yeah, I heard about that Vote for the Worst too. What a horrible waste of time for people that don’t even care about the show. Also they are saying that teenage girls are voting for Sanjaya because they think he’s cute. Ummm….they know he doesn’t like teenage girls right? So what’s the point? Vote for talent!!!!

  22. LT on March 15th, 2007 8:54 am

    I can’t stand Sanjaya but seeing he was in the bottom 2 made me feel better. Sorry but I’m not sad to see Brandon go. He has a good voice but his personality grates on my nerves. He’s so cheesy all the time and I can’t stand the ridiculous faces he’d make at the camera. Sanjaya will be gone next week!

  23. Brad on March 15th, 2007 9:45 am

    I totally agree!! How that little twerp has hung on so long is a mystery to me. His performance Tuesday night was clearly panned by all three judges. And the crowd didn’t boo when they critiqued him. Nor did they cheer when Sanjaya got to stay.

    I must say, though, that Sanjaya doesn’t bug me as much as Kevin Covais (sp?) last season. But, like Kevin, Sanjaya needs to go.

  24. Nadine on March 15th, 2007 11:06 am

    Thanks for spoiling the results for me 😛
    However, I am really disappointed in this season. I haven’t watched Season 1 to 4 but I really enjoyed Season 5. This year I don’t even really have a favourite. I mean, there a lot of good (female) singers but I just don’t favor any of them. I don’t know, I think they’re too boring.
    I like Blake and Chris and almost everyone of the girls. But I don’t really root for them the way I absolutely LOVED Taylor last season (please, don’t comment 😉 ). Besides I think last year’s finalists were way more talented… Sad…

    But I still enjoy the back and forth between Seacrest and Cowell. If this was a drama series they’d probably hook up in the series finale 😉

  25. coloradokila on March 15th, 2007 11:43 am

    What is this with the comments about voting for Sanjaya, and Brandon forgetting the words is unforgivable?????

    This is a singing competition – Sanjaya can’t sing, Brandon forgot a word, and still held it together and has a terrific voice. He may have been nervous but his performance was still leaps and bounds above S. I understand he is not the best in the competition – but give me a break.

    This is where I get frustrated. It is about singing, stage presence and song choice. Not about pity.

    Interesting that the bottom 3 where all boys – at least American got that right.

  26. sanjaya to win on March 15th, 2007 4:09 pm

    Sanjaya is the only reason this show is interesting and I totally hope he wins because this show NEEDS to end. And to the people who think and Howard are evil and horrible it’s called HUMOR people. I for one will be backing the campaign to make Sanjaya the WINNER! This show was never about integrity or talent nor will it ever be.

  27. yayayoyo on March 15th, 2007 5:36 pm

    To those afraid the “integrity” of the show is being threatened you do realize that at the end of the day the producers pick the winner.

    Go to the website:

    You’ll see that Sanjaya was actually in the TOP 3 not the bottom 3.

    I love the fact that so many people realize this show is a joke and are voting for Sanjaya because it pisses so many of you idol fans off. I for one can’t wait to see Sanjaya perform “Jenny from the block” when J.Lo visits the show this season it will be the best epi ever!

  28. Dewy Petals on March 17th, 2007 4:18 am

    melinda doolittle
    lakeshia jones
    jordin sparks
    phil stacey
    chris sligh
    blake lewis
    chris richardson
    stephanie edwards
    gina glockson
    haley scarnato

    A little late, but this is my ranking of the top 11 now soley on their voices. Stephanie was hard to place because she has a powerful voice, but somehow it gets pitchy everytime. Melinda & Lakeshia was very hard to place, but I think I like Melinda’s tone of voice more & her humbleness… she’s so sweet 🙂

  29. Kris on March 17th, 2007 3:23 pm

    Personally, i could care less who wins Idol. I watch the show for mere entertainment, but that’s where i draw the line. I don’t vote, nor do i buy any of the winners’ cds/listen to their music. My taste in music is very different from what is normal on Idol (i mean, the judges didn’t even know who 311 was), though i’m a fan of Michael Buble (and i think they’ve slaughtered his songs, in my opinion).

    However, those that mention integrity and humor (when it comes to votefortheworst), have no integrity when it comes to the music biz. Sure, i laugh my ass of at the stupidity of the show sometimes, but the votefortheworst crowd needs to give it a break.

    Think about the actual contestants for a second. To allow people who actually have talent to be kicked off while someone w/ no talent whatsoever stays is a slap in the face to those who are really trying to make music. I don’t care how much they think the show is stupid, but let true talent win, b/c letting Sanjaya win is just going to hurt him in the long run, as well as the talented contestants who would lose.

    I think the show sucks, and i wouldn’t care if it ended, but, for the sake of music and actual talent, let someone worthwhile win.

  30. ????? on March 20th, 2007 8:40 pm


  31. greg on March 20th, 2007 8:42 pm


  32. jay on March 22nd, 2007 1:48 pm

    you guys ad fuel to the fire..if you dont watch it . it will go away..stupid human race…just dont watch or talk about it…its just that simple..

  33. Jay Boogie on March 28th, 2007 11:05 am


  34. Left Caoster on April 2nd, 2007 1:56 pm

    American idol? What is it, really? A commercialized pice of crap known as “reality TV.” Like most othersuch shows, Idol focuses on fame and fortune which are the current generation’s favorite mantra and reflects their upbringing. The show COULD be good (for a while), but all these shitty antics that go on are staged exactly for the reason that viewers swallow them whole. Who cares iof people can sing? Who cares id Simon is what he pretends to be? It’s good for the show. The whole idea is RATINGS, nothing more.

  35. Ray on May 24th, 2007 8:43 pm

    WHY IS THIS STILL ON!?!?!?!?! This show need’s to go!!! PLEASE Stop watching it so it can be canceled!!!! America PLEASE HEAR MY CRY!!! Even BAD Publicity is PLABLICITY!!! Even this message is not good. Let it be like pong, good for a first but it’s time to move on and grow into something better.

  36. peterpan on February 29th, 2008 6:03 pm

    worst show thats ever been broadcasted

  37. DARK on May 14th, 2009 12:24 pm

    Anybody who loves American Idol, anybody who participated on American Idol, and all of the people providing American Idol whether it be hosting, judging, or producing deserves to die a slow and painful death but not before being brutally tortured and burned alive.