BIG BROTHER Recap & Spoilers: Butter Me Up - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

BIG BROTHER Recap & Spoilers: Butter Me Up

July 8, 2007 by  

The weather being what is was this weekend, I can’t say I really watched any TV. But it’s Sunday night and BIG BROTHER is back so let the recap commence.

Daddy & Daughter
Danielle, Big BrotherDick, Big Brother
Tonight we saw the aftermath of all the houseguests meetings for the first time. Dick and Danielle are both quite emotional about their reunion. Dick claims he’s not going to use, lie or back stab his daughter. I guess only time will tell. I’ll give him this much, he certainly was persistent with trying to connect with Danielle, which was quite impressive since he spent much of his first week name dropping celebs he “supposedly” knows. Dick made a point to mention Danielle’s weight, or lack thereof. Something tells me this is going to come up a few more times before the summer is over.

Veronica & Betty
Carol, Big Brother Jess, Big Brother
Carol and Brainless Jess are a bit bewildered why they were thrown in the house together as enemies. Carol, being somewhat mature, doesn’t seem to really have a problem with Brainless Jess since they haven’t spoken since Freshman year and she’s quite over whatever issues they have. Jess continues to act brainless to the point I want to stick her in closet so I don’t have to hear her talk.

The STD Twins
Dustin, Big Brother Joe, Big Brother
I’ve chosen a gay and his name is Dustin. I’m so over Joe. Ugh, he’s such a little bitch and he seems to be obsessed with telling his houseguests (and those of us watching at home) about his STD. We get it. You have gonorrhea!! Move on already. While Joe was busy talking smack about Dustin, Dustin was busy making friends and real connections (aka playing the game). The drama between these two is surely going to put one of them out on the street sooner than later – let’s hope it’s Joe.

The Crying Game
Jen, Big BrotherSpeaking of drama. My Lord Jen has got some issues. In one of the most dramatic and hysterical scenes in Big Brother history, Jen had a major meltdown when the cast pictures were revealed. She thought the angle and lighting was bad and it resulted in her breaking down in tears both in front of her housemates and in the confessional. Talk about being completely self-centered and superficial. Just for that, I’m on the hunt to find your house picture so I can post it and further embarrass you (although you did a great job yourself).

Amber, Big BrotherSadly, Jen wasn’t the only one boohooing tonight. Amber also let the tears fall when speaking of her family and how she wanted to win the game for them. A bit too much too soon but at least it was a somewhat legit reason to be emotional. But I have to ask – have either of these women ever seen Oprah? Don’t you know that you should avoid the “ugly cry” at all costs? Especially on TV? If you have to cry, then tilt your head back so your face doesn’t get all read and bloated and you don’t ruin your make-up. That’s a tip from Oprah to me to you.

Do you want to form an alliance? Absolutely, I do.
Kail, Big Brother Zach, Big Brother Mike, Big Brother Nick, Big Brother
In the first real moment of game play, Kail and Mike for an “alliance”. Ugh, I can’t tell you how much I hate that word. Kail thinks she’s really cool and a great game player. She’s not. But she did form an alliance with Mike, Zach and Nick early on so she should be safe for a few weeks at least.

The Food Competition
The first food competition of Big Brother 8 had me dry heaving it was so nasty. Basically the house was divided into two teams (Red and Blue) and each team was doused in melted butter which had to be transported to a huge bucket of popcorn across the yard. The teammates had to rub the butter off each other in an attempt to get the most butter onto the popcorn. Yes, it was as nasty as it sounds.

Jen was overly concerned with Dick touching her and rubbing the butter off (and for once that’s not a euphemism). Get over yourself – Dick could care less about touching you and your fake boobs. Brainless Jess is still annoying and I have to believe that her dumbness is an act because I don’t know how she could get through life, none the less cross a street on her own if it’s not. Joe was worried about being distracted by having to touch Nick – ok, I’ll give him that one, as I would be distracted as well. Meanwhile, Danielle was freaking out about having to be that close to food since she obviously never eats.

In the end, Amber’s 80’s style hair proved to be crucial to the win (the butter coming out of her hair was like water from a faucet). The Red team wins food for the week while the Blue team is stuck with Big Brother Slop.

America’s Player
Eric, Big BrotherThe audience gets to vote on the first America’s Player challenge of the series. Eric is going to have make-up a traumatic story about this life in order to (hopefully) get sympathy from one (or more) of his housemates. We get to vote on whom he should share his story with. Click here to vote. (I went with Dustin. I figure Eric could come up with something good and Dustin wouldn’t be able to keep the story to himself, and in turn Eric could get some real traction on his tall tale).

Nomination Ceremony
In the very first nomination ceremony of the season, HOH Kail put up Carol and Amber. Kail was quite diplomatic as no one could really take issue with her nominations since Carol and Amber came in last in the first HOH competition. The ladies now have to fight to win the coveted Golden Power of Veto to save themselves from the chopping block. It’s week one so they can’t count on any of their houseguests saving them.

Amber, Big Brother Carol, Big Brother

GMMR’s Favorites
So every week I’m going to pick my favorite Big Brother houseguests based on their game play, their behavior in the house, or any other factor that got my attention (this week I’m going on facts listed in their bios) It’s early but here are my three faves thus far:

Carol, Big BrotherCarol – She’s staying under the radar which is always a good thing, and she’s showed her maturity by not getting caught up in the drama with Jess. She lists So You Think You Can Dance as her favorite show, so yeah, I’m down with her.

Dustin, Big BrotherDustin – I’m on Team Dustin because I’m soooo not feeling Joe. Dustin is way to good for Joe and I hope he manages to boot his ex from the house ASAP. Oh, and anyone that lists The Office as one of their favorite shows is fine by me.

Eric, Big BrotherEric – America’s Player has won me over in week one. He kind of reminds me of Jason Biggs, and he seems pretty fun, so I’m liking him so far. But what really won me over? Eric lists John Krasinski (Jim Halpert, The Office) and Zach Gilford (Matt Saracen, Friday Night Lights) as two of his favorite actors. Right on my friend.
Sooo…who are you loving and hating so far? Please tell me that you all will be talking about Big Brother with me this season. If not, it’s going to be a lonely summer.

Related Posts:

  • Big Brother Recap & Spoilers: Meet the Houseguests
  • Big Brother 8 is Back
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11 Responses to “BIG BROTHER Recap & Spoilers: Butter Me Up”

  1. BIG BROTHER Recap & Spoilers: Butter Me Up — All This Nonsense on July 8th, 2007 10:30 pm

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  2. Carli on July 9th, 2007 12:22 am

    Jen’s reaction to her picture on the wall has got to be one of my favorite reality clips in awhile. I couldn’t stop laughing. What is her deal? I didn’t know that about Carol liking SYTYCD and Eric liking John Krasinski and Zach Gilford. Just for that, they’re my two new favorites πŸ™‚

  3. Jennifer on July 9th, 2007 12:28 am

    Who knew BB brings out the best in GMMR’s snark? πŸ™‚ I’m also on team Dustin, he seems pretty reasonable given the lumps in the house this year! Tell me you didn’t laugh at Jen’s picture break-down? It was definitely one of BB’s most hilarious moments in history without being intentionally funny. If you find a youtube of that moment, please put it on GMMR! And seriously, oiling themselves up in melted butter? It’s like CBS isn’t even trying to hide the smut! Something tells me this season is going to be a doozy.

  4. Amy on July 9th, 2007 2:06 am

    I definitely agree about Dustin, he seems like such a sweetheart! πŸ™‚ And ugh, Joe is such a whiney little bitch! πŸ™

    But I really hope it’s Jess that gets the boot REALLY soon! πŸ™‚

  5. Give Me My Remote on July 9th, 2007 2:35 am

    I’m sick as a dog and I slept earlier tonight so I’m wide awake now. I spent some time watching the feeds tonight and it’s already changed my opinion.

    Eric is a big dork with absolutely NO game. He was hitting on Jess in the hot tub and I was so embarrassed for him.

    After watching the feeds I LOVE Jameka. She’s a fun girl and pretty down to Earth.

    I know who won the power of veto and I pretty much know who is going home this week, but i think I’m going to put it in a spoiler only post tomorrow. People are going to get sick of BB on GMMR….oh well.

  6. Ashley on July 9th, 2007 8:24 am

    I could not stop shaking my head last night over how dumb both Jess and Jen were. Though at least Jen gave us that hilarious breakdown. Maybe it was all part of her genuis strategy- make everyone think you are so dumb that you couldn’t possibly win any competition ever or actually manage to manipulate or lie to anyone and…nope, I can’t even pretend I think she is a super genius. Also, I like Eric and I’m glad he is America’s player, though he is clearly a dork. But his nipple rings have me concerned. Seriously…?

  7. Clare on July 9th, 2007 9:55 am

    I was really saddened by the whole Danielle/Dick thing last week and was quite torn about watching this.That situation is just not funny. It looks, maybe, like he’s not going to be a total asshat to her, but still…. I don’t like this one. I think her weight is a problem, I’m remembering her reply when someone mentioned she looked like Anna Nicole, and well, I’m concerned for this girl.

    The rest of the foolish drama however, game on!! And there are some doozies haha!! Jen’s breakdown was the funniest thing I’ve seen on television in a long time. This could be a REALLY entertaining season. I love Jameka and Eric (dorkishness and all πŸ˜‰ ) and I am REALLY ready for Joe to just go home already. We’ll see how this one unfolds.

  8. Mannie on July 9th, 2007 10:02 am

    Ok, how about I pick my 3 players I can’t wait to get out of the house because when they are on TV, I literally want to poke my eyes out and my ears begin to bleed. Those would be (in order) Jess, Jen and Joe. How can someone be (in order) so dumb, so obsessed and such a whiney heifer?

  9. Whitney on July 9th, 2007 11:30 am

    I love Big Brother, and am always incredibly relieved when the season starts so that I have something else to consume my thoughts when The Office is on hiatus… because sometimes just two nights of SYTYCD isn’t enough sustain my insatiable need for nightly television.

    Anyway, I wanted to say that I feel utterly vindicated in my contempt or love of a player when I read GMMR’s recaps. Thanks for feeding my obsession.

  10. Whitney on July 9th, 2007 3:27 pm

    Hey, I’m Whitney! Someone is stealing my name Kath!

  11. Give Me My Remote on July 9th, 2007 4:01 pm

    Whitney!! Is this your first time leaving a comment on GMMR? You are just using me to get to Ducky!! Hope to see you soon, Whitney (S)