So You Think You Can Dance Finale - Work in Progress - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

So You Think You Can Dance Finale – Work in Progress

August 16, 2006 by  

Ducky, my friend Jess and I are sitting in my apartment watching the So You Think You Can Dance finale. So first….NO ONE tell us what happens. Don’t leave a comment, and don’t email us. We are watching it on TiVo. I can’t wait!!!!!

Oh and did y’all catch Cousin Heidi’s boobage hanging out after her dance with Cousin Benji? Scandal!!!!

Update: Ok, it’s almost 1am on the East Coast and Ducky just left.  I’m too mentally exhausted to write a recap tonight (uh, I guess it’s “this morning”).  Ducky and I will be back tomorrow for our thoughts on the finale, the winner, and the tour.


One Response to “So You Think You Can Dance Finale – Work in Progress”

  1. MarcyS on August 17th, 2006 12:30 pm

    You and Ducky totally crack me up…you two are almost as enjoyable as the actual show (SYTYCD)…I have to agree with you…Ivan?…hottie…Ryan?…great dancer, love him, he will go far, but I have to say that personality-wise, I have to admit that Benji is my guy. As for the whole jail-bait thing…I hear you, sister! When did our little Ivan grow up?
    Anyway…love Cat…”all of my babies are here!”…although don’t know what she was thinking with the dress last night…fug…but…she is AWESOME…and they are crazy if they don’t have her back. Keep us posted on the tour…they don’t come anywhere near Texas, but maybe they will put out a DVD?…use your supreme blogger powers to “make it work” as Tim Gunn would say!
    OH…and I am totally with you on the whole John Krasinski thing! I get all of my updates on him from you! He just gets cuter and cuter…and he’s from the Boston area, right?…last time I was there all I saw was gorgeous guys…do you all have something in the water there?…can you send some of the surplus down here to us?
    Anyway…keep up the good work!!!