SUPERNATURAL Returns - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


October 5, 2007 by  


Last year I took an informal poll of GMMR readers and one of the shows that you wanted to read more about here on GMMR was SUPERNATURAL. Now you know me…I can’t really write about show I don’t watch. I’d feel like a fraud. As great as I hear it is, SUPERNATURAL just wasn’t one of those shows that I was going to add to my TV roster. But I know some of you really like it, so I’m going to do my best to report on it from time to time. If you ever find SUPERNATURAL news, feel free to pass it on.

For now, here’s a full and very funny recap of the SUPERNATURAL premiere by my friend (and Supernatural junkie) Ducky.

The Winchesters are back and we’re all doing cartwheels with happiness but let me tell you, there are a bunch of demon hunters that are doing anything but. They’re cursing our boys because all the demons that Sam and Dean released into the world are roaming around doing a huge dance number from Buffy’s “Once More With Feeling”! Things are not right in the world… well except for us because our boys are back!

Folks, if I’m taking out the trash one night and a huge swirling black cloud of devil dust is taking over the horizon, I can guarantee you that I’m not going to investigate the rumblings coming from my trash cans. Not like I’d be running either because seriously when it came down to it, you know I’d be the older sister in Poltergeist standing in the front yard screaming “WHAT’S HAPPENING?” as that demon cloud flies into my mouth. (Continue reading Ducky’s recap of the Supernatural season premiere)

Filed under TV News


One Response to “SUPERNATURAL Returns”

  1. SUPERNATURAL Returns — All This Nonsense on October 5th, 2007 1:45 pm

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