Take It or Leave It? DEFYING GRAVITY - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Take It or Leave It? DEFYING GRAVITY

August 3, 2009 by  

Did you watch the premiere of DEFYING GRAVITY last night on ABC? I did. I can’t say that it drew me in…at all. Ron Livingston is great, but the story was all over the place, the editing was a mess, and after two hours I didn’t feel myself drawn to the plight of any of the characters. The only scene which drew me in was the tearful goodbye to the two astronauts that were left behind after their “sickness” was revealed.

So it wasn’t for me. But what do I know?

Should I give it another shot? Were you digging it more than me?  Take the poll. Share your thoughts in the comments below. Why should people watch it…or not waste their time?

Filed under TV News


8 Responses to “Take It or Leave It? DEFYING GRAVITY”

  1. Kimber on August 3rd, 2009 10:23 am

    I felt that the first hour wasn’t as good as the second, however weird that may be. I didn’t really feel “drawn in” with the intro, and it was pretty “all over the place”, but the second hour was great, as more of the “coming to be” story was revealed, and I did grow attachments to the characters. As I mentioned, I am a fan of both Christina Cox and Laura Harris, and I felt they did fantastic jobs. I really enjoyed Laura’s Zoey, as well as Christina’s Jen, especially when she and her husband Rollie had to be separated on the ship.

    I’ll definitely be tuning in again, and hoping for the best for this show.

  2. Lise on August 3rd, 2009 10:34 am

    I agree on the first hour… I was channel surfing and kept coming back to it, but it didn’t draw me in enough to keep me there for long. The second hour I couldn’t seem to turn away from. I have all sorts of questions… but I’ll speculate on them later if anyone else decides to stick around and watch too.

  3. GMMR on August 3rd, 2009 11:13 am

    Go for it Lise. I too enjoyed the second half more than the first. I’m just not sure i enjoyed it enough to stress about getting it in with all the other Sunday night shows I watch.

    When Rollie had to leave, ugh…I got a little teary.

  4. Ken on August 3rd, 2009 1:23 pm

    I wish the vote above had another choice – somewhere between ‘loved-it’ and ‘hated-it’ I’m definitely intrigued enough to keep watching – for now. But, I wouldn’t go so far as ‘loved-it’.

    One thing, though … and this has been an issue of mine with virtually all space adventure-type shows – all the way back to Star Trek (yes, I’m a fan). Given that it takes so much of everything to get a space-ship into space … why would they move around all of this wasted space. Did you see the size of some of those corridors? This is a ship, in outer space, we’re talking about … (stepping down from soap-box) but, I liked the pilot – and will watch for awhile longer … at least long enough to find out what the big secret is … 🙂

  5. Lise on August 3rd, 2009 2:47 pm

    I liked the idea of the moving/rotating pods so that you realized there was space that was there that was only accessed when needed. Oh and I liked the fact that they tried to explain why they walked like they had gravity, but other things floated. No matter how bogus the reason is the lack of explanation is one thing that always annoys me about space ship shows.

    The following questions are based on having seen the episode… so if you don’t want to know don’t read.

    OK on to my thoughts questions… what is in pod 4? It is obviously sentient, and has the ability to make things happen medically but can it traditionally communicate and is it a physical being. Is it trying to lore Zoe into the pod with the crying or drive her insane? Was it trying to kill her by opening the door, or was it protecting her by putting her in a situation where they could find it out about the leak before venus? Why does it need Maddux and Ted there? Why venus before telling everyone?

  6. Kerry on August 3rd, 2009 11:23 pm

    I just watched and will definitely stick with it for awhile to see how it develops. I felt the same way after watching the Virtuality “tv movie event,” though, which I’ve seen this compared to, so it will be interesting to see how this handles the similar elements and if it gains the audience Fox didn’t think they could get.

  7. biggerbox on August 3rd, 2009 11:31 pm

    While at first I thought they were trying for “Grey’s Anatomy” In Space, I think actually they are trying for ….wait for it …. “Lost” In Space. (wacka-wacka)

    It was mostly OK, but I wouldn’t mind a bit of science in my science fiction, or at least common sense. They have steel cable tethers in the airlocks, but they aren’t attached to a winch with a remote control? They’re planning on pumping her up to 5 atmospheres pressure, but they had her on plain air, and didn’t have plans for decompression? And why couldn’t they pressurize the suit without her in it? And for that matter, why’d they wait until the suit had been on the ship for six months before pressure testing it? Or test it before they left Earth orbit, in case they needed a new part? Doh!

    With geniuses like that running the mission, they’d better hope that alien intelligence or whatever it is really wants them to make it, because they’re too stupid to do it themselves.

    I hate when lazy script writing leads to the sound of grinding gears in the plot mechanism. Which reminds me, why didn’t they just go for a “we’re spinning the ship” gravity hand-wave? How does nano-magic in the uniforms keep Zoe’s hair hanging straight down, or all the other things obviously NOT FLOATING? Though I guess they do earn points for getting the zero-G sex scene into the first hour.

  8. seeleybaby on August 4th, 2009 5:06 pm

    I agree with Ken, and wanted to vote, but didn’t love it or hate it. I think maybe the two hours in a row were too much for me. I might check it out again.