Jon & Kate Plus 8 is No More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Jon & Kate Plus 8 is No More

September 29, 2009 by  

Today it was announced that the show known as JON & KATE PLUS 8 will be re-branded KATE PLUS 8 come November.

“Given the recent changes in the family dynamics, it only makes sense for us to refresh and recalibrate the program to keep pace with the family,” said Eileen O’Neill, the president and general manager of TLC. “The family has evolved and we are attempting to evolve with it; we feel that Kate’s journey really resonates with our viewers.”

It seems that Jon will still appear on the show, but in a diminished capacity. The show will focus on Kate and the kids. I’m not sure why TLC would be interested in distancing themselves from such a darling like Jon Gosselin.

Jon – I was so on your team. Why did you have turn about to be such a asshat?

Filed under Jon & Kate Plus 8


9 Responses to “Jon & Kate Plus 8 is No More”

  1. tw111 on September 29th, 2009 2:00 pm

    Good riddance….. what a douche Jon turned out to be. Not that either of them would win husband or wife of the year, but he was just an insufferable brat.

  2. Sara on September 29th, 2009 3:34 pm

    He should have let Kate keep controlling his life. That’s the only way anyone was sympathetic towards him. I haven’t watched the show since the season premiere and I don’t miss it. Ok, I miss Leah and Aaden a little bit but not enough to suffer through an episode.

  3. Toast with JAM on September 29th, 2009 3:48 pm

    Does that mean Kate will have to pay support now?

  4. Katie on September 29th, 2009 6:22 pm

    Seriously as a former teacher, current nanny, and overall child advocate… this show needs to be CANCELED and TLC is not helping Kate and that family by renewing their contract. I too have stopped after their big announcement show and am disgusted it is still on the air. Those poor kids have had zero time to regroup and establish a sense of normalcy since the huge change in their family dynamic. She continues to say she does this for the kids but I think her “for the kids” and “for the money” lines have crossed.

  5. Brittany Floyd on September 29th, 2009 9:23 pm

    Jon disgusts me. No wonder Kate was such a bitch to him.

  6. Toast with JAM on September 30th, 2009 1:47 am

    Yea! My gravatar works! I loved this routine with Lauren and Neil! It was fun chosing a picture (already have 2 back-ups: Tony DiNozzo of NCIS and Michael Scott with his foot in bubble wrap after burning it on the George Foreman Grill!)

  7. Toast with JAM on September 30th, 2009 1:49 am

    I suppose I need to get a gravatar picture of JAM as well, since they are my screen name! 🙂

  8. Kelly on October 1st, 2009 12:39 am

    All I have to say is: bye, Jon! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! It’s been so clear since the beginning of this season that Jon is just phoning it in to get a paycheck to support Homewrecking Hailey and buy Ed Hardy douche-wear, ginormous earrings, and massive amounts of booze.

    Before Jon and Kate split, I used to hate how Kate talked to Jon, but I also detested how unwilling Jon was to take some initiative in the family. He always seemed passive aggressive to the extreme.

    Now I’m definitely more Team Kate than Team Jon, but more than anything I’m Team Eight– well, Team Seven (minus Mady)).

  9. Harry on October 6th, 2009 6:57 pm

    Jon fans and non-fans alike: check out his “appearance” in this funny or die video. preeeetty funny