July 7, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

Backstage Boss on BIG BROTHER Wednesday, July, 6 (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+. Photo: CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
BIG BROTHER: No one really stood out to me in the premiere—people seem fine, but there’s no, “OH, HELP, THEY SEEM AWFUL” or “Absolutely rooting for them”—but the Backstage Boss twist was interesting. I figured there would be immunity attached, but I guessed it would be they could also put up X number of people up on the block. Pooch, frankly, made the right call by giving his bonus passes—which could, possibly, jeopardize the holders—to the people who got knocked out first.
But it felt weird how unbalanced the competitions were? The fake piercings seemed SO much easier than the t-shirt holding or the memory game. It was a crap shoot who played what, but it was kind of a bummer.
THE CHALLENGE USA: I came into this having never A) watched a moment of the previous CHALLENGE series and B) only familiar with the LOVE ISLAND contestants and most of the BIG BROTHER people. Kyland’s approach of studying was brilliant, frankly. I didn’t really know what to expect from the show or the new contestants.
I’m really happy for Azah and Kyland that they weren’t instantly knocked out, because, phew, that having to go all he way back up was awful. But Cely and Javonny could have been fun to keep around. Alas.
The algorithm changing up partners could be really interesting. It made smart sense in episode 1 to target people who hadn’t been on your show, but this keeps anyone from getting comfortable and good people could be paired with less than ideal partners…and could torpedo everything. And it feels like some people really, really, really should not be paired together. (Sure Cash and Kyra were able to be partners, despite splitting, but it sure seems like Cashay and Cinco wouldn’t handle it as well.) We’ll see how it shakes up next week.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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