About Last Night...9-1-1, ELSBETH, GREY'S ANATOMY, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

About Last Night…9-1-1, ELSBETH, GREY’S ANATOMY, and More

May 24, 2024 by  


STATION 19 – “Ashes, Ashes” – The 118 and Tommy are presented with the Medal of Valor for their work on the cruise ship rescue. Meanwhile, Hen and Karen encounter an unforeseen hurdle in their foster care journey, while Eddie’s emotional affair develops further. THURSDAY, MAY 23 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (Disney/Chris Willard)

Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!

9-1-1: Well, that hurt. (I considered writing “pain” 200 times in a row versus what I wrote below, but…)

The Mara storyline is heartbreaking and I hope, somehow, they undo it and Karen/Hen get her back. It’s currently the thing that hurts the most and the thing I’m the most confident can be fixed. (Will I still feel the same next week? Good question. Right now, I’m going to live in my delusion.)

The Bobby and Athena fight was tough enough to watch, but then both were near-death by the end? My God, I know it’s 9-1-1, but these two really need a break. I’m torn by how worried I am about Bobby…on one hand, I’d truly hope they wouldn’t do something absolutely tragic with him. On the other…so much of the start of the episode was him prepping everyone for him to be gone, albeit in a different way, and now…

I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE: I am so glad she didn’t take the final risk—$60K was a lot to risk, and it didn’t feel worth it. She clearly made the right call.

ELSBETH: I think Laura Benanti may have been my favorite guest star of the season, both because her line reads had me laughing out loud and I also loved Nadine’s dynamic with Elsbeth.

I really appreciated seeing a different side of Elsbeth, and I do wonder how/when the writers can utilize different elements of her in the sophomore season. The complexity makes her—and the cases—interesting; it’s not a card they can play every week, but every once in a while would be nice.

(Wagner showing up at the fashion show? My heart, man.)

[For more on the episode, here’s what Carrie Preston shared.]

GREY’S ANATOMY: I mean, Teddy…of course you were going to get fired for that. Sigh.

I do appreciate that Amelia and Meredith talked about the Derek of it all, because he’s relevant to what they’re doing…and Meredith is absolutely correct that he’d want them to do whatever they could. Derek knew what Alzheimer’s did to Meredith’s life, and he wouldn’t want to risk her or the kids undergoing that same torment. (Not to mention the rest of the world.)

I am also thankful they aren’t just bringing Meredith back to do a courtesy, easy, pop-in. We’re seeing the mess of her life. It makes sense Nick would be resentful, even if this is who Meredith has always been. (And, honestly, having the Derek of it all ever-present right now, even if she was absolutely correct/valid in saying this research is mostly making her think of her mom, cannot be easy, either.)

DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Okay, I did not expect to cry at this show. But, wow, to that moment of Jareb being vulnerable. Good for him for powering through to get $100k; I was worried at the start they might be kicking off the season with a dud of a game.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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