About Last Night...I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE, 9-1-1, GREY'S ANATOMY, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

About Last Night…I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE, 9-1-1, GREY’S ANATOMY, and More

May 31, 2024 by  


9-1-1 – “All Fall Down” – Following the devastating fire at the Nash home, Bobby’s fate remains uncertain, while Athena embarks on a mission to uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Hen and Karin engage in a heated custody battle, while Christopher grapples with forgiving Eddie. THURSDAY, MAY 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (Disney/Mike Taing)

Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!

I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE: Eliminating two good singers in a row is a bad start, but it’s crazy the contestant also eliminated a real-life couple, unknowingly?! And then she eliminated a THIRD GOOD SINGER IN A ROW?! I know the odds were stacked against her this game, but wow.

I did feel bad she didn’t take the final gamble, even though I absolutely get it. The preschool teacher felt very obviously good, because as it was noted, him wanting to be one of the few Asian members of the Grand Ole Opry was very specific.

9-1-1: Man, I really wish last week’s episode had been the season finale.

There were absolutely elements of this I enjoyed—Bobby surviving, every incredible moment of Angela Bassett’s acting, Maddie and Chim temporarily taking in Mara—there were a number of elements that bothered me.

Most notably, unfortunately, was the Christopher storyline. Even if this ends up being quasi-temporary—and, truly, I hope it is—he’s a kid. This wasn’t something long-simmering. Or moving down the block. This is uprooting his entire life because he was (very fairly) upset. Give him a beat to calm down. Take him to a hotel for a week. Something else?! Sigh.

DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS: Oh my God, losing on the second question is a nightmare. (Also, I knew I didn’t know “Baby,” but, man, i really didn’t know anything beyond that chorus.)

The FAMILY GUY cliffhanger is funny, because she’s so close and the stakes means she should take a guess no matter what. Curious to see if she gets it right next week.

GREY’S ANATOMY: Given that a couple of the characters who had big moves in the finale are allegedly not going to be back/regulars next season…some of what went down feels messy. (Like, why tease a potential relationship arguably out of nowhere if you know half of the pairing is going to be gone?)

But some of it feels at least messy in an interesting way. They’ve set it up so almost anyone could be gone, and we’re going into season 21—outside of the names we already know are leaving, it stands to reason a few more might be going, too. Cliffhangers like this mean more when there are potential stakes.

I do wonder, though, what Meredith’s role in the show will be going forward. She got another version of a happy ending and she had a lovely scene with Richard/burned a sizable bridge with Catherine. Was this the last big dose we’ll get of her in-person, at least until the show is winding down?

(I still truly wish I cared even a little about Jo and Link as a couple.)

Which shows did you watch last night?

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