Thursday Night Redux - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday Night Redux

January 19, 2007 by  

The following post discusses the latest episodes of My Name is Earl, Grey’s Anatomy, The O.C. and The Office (regular ep & producer’s cut). If you haven’t seen the show, then it’s a spoiler alert to you.

My Name is EarlMy Name is Earl: I can’t say that I watched the whole episode, but what I did see was funny as all get out. Especially the bit at the end poking fun at us web dorks. Oh, and there was something so wonderful about watching that scene in a live chat room with my online friends. Is this a show I should be watching? I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, but maybe I’m wrong.

Grey's Anatomy CastGrey’s Anatomy: Yeah, check out this post again later, when I have a chance to calm down and talk about it without breaking out into tears. All I know is that I need to take some Valium, Xanax…some kind of prescription drug that will help me keep my emotions in check while watching this show. The waves of crying have just got to stop. It’s not right.

UPDATE: The crying has stopped, but it’s just under the surface. Just the sight of TR Knight might make me lose it all over again. For the second week in a row George O’Malley made my heartache. He’s so passionate about everything and I want nothing more than just to hold him. It was sad to see him deal with the death of his father. But George once again demonstrated how much more of a man he has become this past year when he had to make the tough calls for his family.

Alex and Addy have mad chemistry and I hope we get to see a little more of Karev and Big Red. Unfortunately lacking in chemistry and a storyline is McSteamy. Will they give him something to do already besides bang women and whine about how Derek was his best friend? Get over it. Why are you still in Seattle? Whoa, that might have come out wrong. I’d like to redact that last statement. Please stay. Just find something to do with yourself. Perhaps learn how to make coffee.

Christina and Burke continued to bore me with their 8th grade mockery of a romance. And how long are they going to carry on the Meredith snoring storyline? Seriously? Seriously.

Thursday Night Redux: The O.C. and The Office after the jump.

Ryan and Taylor, The OCThe O.C.: It seems almost cruel that this show is leaving us in a few weeks. I love it as much as I did the very first season. A special bravo to Ben McKenzie and the writing staff for completely reinventing Ryan Atwood this season. The brooding, the fighting…that all went away with Marissa. Ryan is at his best this season, especially in his scenes with Taylor.

I’m still not sure what’s going on with Che and why he is around so much, but I love me some Chris Pratt so don’t take that as a complaint. What you can take as a complaint is the stunt casting with Chris Brown. Sorry, but you missed the mark on this one. He’s just not an actor, and it’s quite obvious when he’s paired with Willa Holland (Kaitlin).

Julie is still being Julie which means I am still worshiping at her feet. But the woman will never learn her lesson. Can a woman have Peter Pam syndrome? Hmmm.

Seth and Summer are of course in this weird and quirky place. I know, I know, but I mean more so that usual. I think it’s going somewhere though. I still kinda wish they were getting married. But then I remember that they’re just babies and I can deal with it. Speaking of babies, did you see the scenes for the final 5 eps. I sadly didn’t get any advanced screeners or anything, but didn’t it scream a ‘Kirstin is preggs’ storyline? I’m down with another little Cohen, as long as it’s a boy and he’s born with Seth’s Jew-fro, and he has a love for Death Cab.

The Office CastThe Office: Best episode of the entire season for me. Hands down. Some will disagree, this I know, but I was laughing my ass off, and then the nod and the “Yes”. Oscar’s back, Dwight is back, Jim Halpert is back and still in love with Pam. Sadly, I think this is the beginning of the end for both Andy* and Karen, but they were great while they lasted. Michael was so very not Michael for the past two episodes, yet I loved him all the same. Has Jan already made Michael a better man? Did she in fact complete him? Hmmm. I’m heading off to watch the producer’s cut of the show over on It’s like second drink.

Update: Ok, I just finished watching the Producer’s cut online, and as expected that should have been the show they were allowed to air. Why can’t this show be an hour? I just don’t get it. If you haven’t seen it, then you might not want to read any further.

The new and improved Angela is just as fantastic as the hard nose bible carrying bitch we are used to (and I mean that with love). I love that she spilled the beans to that provocatively dressed Hussy, Pam (and we know your a Hussy – we saw the E! video…’nuff said). But since that didn’t make it to air, does it count as a storyline? Does Pam really now know about Dwangela? Phyllis had the laugh out loud moment of the night. Why was that scene not in the original ep? It was dawesome! The producer’s cut was more inline with the episode description that had Oscar questioning his return to Dunder Mifflin.

*But OMG the ending? WOW!! I have soooo many questions, and I know you will too. I already fired off an email to someone that will hopefully be able to help us understand what the ending of the producer’s cut really means. If so I’m so unbelievably excited. Genius!! I can’t wait to discuss it with you. Since so many haven’t seen it, I’m going to leave my thoughts in the Office section of the GMMR forums. We SO need to chat about this!!! (I got a little more scoop on the ending, so click here to hear more.)
By the way, I’m NEVER watching the Yahoo! clips again. Done and done. I enjoyed the ep so much tonight, but I felt for those who felt much of it was old news since they had seen it on Yahoo days earlier.

The Office t-shirt

So tonight I TiNo’d Ugly Betty and 30 Rock. I think those are both staying TiNo’d until Saturday.


21 Responses to “Thursday Night Redux”

  1. Angelica on January 19th, 2007 12:35 am

    I must concur with your assemssment of tonight’s episode! Defininitely one of the best of the season. I laughed so hard that I was more thankful for tivo (which of course, I’m already thankful for) because I had to rewatch certain parts because I missed them due to uncontrollable laughter.

  2. LaLa on January 19th, 2007 1:08 am

    FINALLY!! And with Jim’s little nod and “Yes”, it looks like The Office peeps will finally finally stop dragging this thing out to the point of exasperation, and finally work on putting JAM together! It’s been a long time coming… and I think The Office fans have waited looooong enough.

    Other than that, I have to agree GMMR, this episode was definitely one of the funniest of the season – I laughed really hard. Definitely in the top 3 for me for this season, along with Gay Witch Hunt and Traveling Salesman. And BTW, did you notice that all three of those episodes were either written or directed by Greg Daniels? Coincidence? I think not. (the man is an absolute genius!!) 🙂

  3. Team Pam A.K.A Stamford Worker on January 19th, 2007 1:48 am

    I don’y have Tuvo or DVR (I’m liveing in the dark ages) So the P.C. was a blessing! I really hate Andy now but the ending with Jim and Karon was just…. dawesome!!!! JAM is going to bring the sexyback to Scranton! 😉

  4. andi on January 19th, 2007 1:54 am

    Okay now I’m really hating the fact that I’m a Canadian and therefore cannot get access to the Producer’s Cut of this episode. I don’t understand how that’s not possible when I can watch all the other video clips online at but not full episodes. If this was just a matter of not having rights outside the country like the BBC websites I would understand but I don’t think that’s the case. Does anyone know?

  5. Susan M. on January 19th, 2007 1:56 am

    The Producer’s cut was worth staying up too late for. It really filled things in nicely. Plus we got to see Creed and that’s awesome.

    I can’t believe we have to wait until February for new episodes! How they toy with us (and how we love it!). Yay for giving Yahoo clips the boot. Everytime I get tempted to watch them, I remember Casino Night. I was utterly spoiler-free for CN and it kicked my ass big-time. No preview can ever be as cool as that. Stay stong, sista!

    Why do I have this sinking feeling that JAM isn’t a done deal?

  6. Sus on January 19th, 2007 7:48 am

    Oh man, that “yes” was the most painful and wonderful one I’ve ever heard. I haven’t watched the producer’s cut. I’m hoping it’ll still be online when I get the chance.

    I liked Ugly Betty last night. I just hate that I can only watch the first half and then have to flip back and forth between it and The Office. It just isn’t right.

    And OH MY GOD, someone on here had it so right about who the mystery lady was. I was shocked.

  7. Brie on January 19th, 2007 8:16 am

    OMG!!! Grey’s Anatomy totally used to be my all time favorite show and I still love it and I watched the Office here and there but after Casino Night and had to rent Seasons 1 and 2 of The Office and haven’t missed an episode this season. The Office is officially my new all time favorite show. I wanted to jump off the couch last night when Jim said yes!!!! JAM all the way!!!

  8. Tory on January 19th, 2007 8:20 am

    Totally best episode of the season. I feel cheated as well that I can’t see the producers cut – what did Angela say? And Phyllis?? The big ending??? Argh! Why, why am I Canadian. And seriously, why can’t us Canadians see the producers cut on – stupid.

  9. Melody on January 19th, 2007 8:21 am

    I completely agree – my favorite episode of “The Office” this season. (Maybe…”Grief Counseling” really rocked my world.) The only problem is that it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to stay in denial about the fact that Andy and Karen are maybe probably going to leave. I’ve gotten awfully attached to those two.

    Which makes me think, wow, writers of “The Office.” Last summer, I was so grumpy about the fact that they were bringing in these new characters and actors, and it’s turned out to have me whining and pouting at the thought of seeing them go!

  10. GMMR on January 19th, 2007 8:25 am

    Melody…go check out my comments in the GMMR forums under “The Return” – you might like what I have to say. Again it’s possibly spoilerish so I didn’t want to post it here.

    Angela tells Pam about her relationship with Dwight. And Phyllis shakes her morracas (sp?) for

  11. cam3150 on January 19th, 2007 8:43 am

    I read the guide and, being a total JAM fanatic, I was not looking forward to seeing the three of them involved in some prank. But, the good ole days are coming back!!! Jim & Pam finally came together to pull a hilarious prank on Andy.

    It was so GREAT to see them back together in that capacity.

    The moment at the end where he admitted to Karen that he still had feelings for her, it made me so happy and it kinda broke my heart at the same time. It was so obvious that he was just resigned to the fact that he has feelings for Pam and, no matter how hard he’s tried, there’s just nothing he can do about it, especially when he’s around her. It was almost like he didn’t want to have feelings for her but he just can’t help it. I was squealing and “awww”-ing at the television!

    The other ‘awww’ moment was Michael’s apology to Dwight. How sweet was that? I just loved that whole scene and how the writers really try to show Micheal’s human side. Can anybody ever see Andy doing something like that? Yes, Dwight’s back!!

    How ridiculous & psycho was Andy tonight? He was ok at the beginning but, the last 2 episodes, it’s like why is he sucking up precious time that could be spent on other characters?

    I also loved:

    -Michael’s looks of annoyance to the camera
    -Ryan making Mexican Lemonade with a magic marker
    -Angela telling Michael what really happened
    -Angela’s reaction when Dwight came back
    -Dwight’s co-worker at Staples and her “I don’t like him” speech
    -Jim’s “congratulations universe, you won” when he realized that he missed Dwight
    -Michael calling Andy a ‘big weirdo creep’
    -Dwight’s 3 resumes, including Dwight Schrute Trivia

    Kudos to a show that can have me near tears one minute (the Jim & Karen scene) and laughing the next (Dwight & the pinata).

    It’s clear that the writing is on the wall now. I think the path has been laid for both Karen and Andy to leave, likely before the end of the season. Then it will back to the original cast and life will be back as it should be 🙂


    My favorite scene, besides Phyllis, was when Michael went outside as he was heading to Staples only to find that he had left his convertible top down and his entire car was filled with snow. That shot of him digging snow out of his car was priceless. That scene was HILARIOUS and should have made the final cut.

  12. Amy on January 19th, 2007 9:31 am

    I knew that Jim couldn’t lie to Karen about his feelings for could tell he was still floored about it too. I am more concerned about what Pam is going to say when Karen confronts her in an upcoming episode. PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! Writers! Let Pam tell the truth for once to somebody!! If she says something about “just friends”, I will just lose it and break my brain….

  13. Poppy on January 19th, 2007 9:37 am

    I agree with you whole-heartedly, an awesome episode. The nod and the “yes” were priceless. 🙂 And, I just finished watching the producer’s cut of the episode which gives a bit better explanation of some of the story lines.

  14. Whirl on January 19th, 2007 10:46 am

    I hate that by living in Canada I miss out on seeing the producers cut. What do you mean by the “ending”….AHHH!

  15. cam3150 on January 19th, 2007 10:51 am


    At the very end, Andy is giving an interview from his car where he tells us that Michael has sent him to Anger Managaement Classes. He says the classes last 10 weeks but that he plans on getting through them in 5 weeks. His last words are something like, “Don’t worry, Andy Bernard will be back.”

    Not sure how it will play out though since, technically that part didn’t happen.

  16. javier neira on January 19th, 2007 11:31 am

    i’m so bummed… i’ve just watched last night’s office, and i can’t watch the producer’s cut because i don’t live in the us… does anyone know if it can be watched anywhere else?… thanks

  17. Emily on January 19th, 2007 11:45 am

    Best episode of the season. One of the best EVER. When it was over, my husband and I immediately watched it again and laughed even more and harder.

    If they don’t get the Emmy for Best Comedy again this year, well…I will have a lot to say about that!

  18. Lisa (aka lmr722) on January 19th, 2007 11:59 am

    Hi GMMR, welcome to the unspoiled side of the world. I won’t even read your review until after the fact. I just love the show so much more when I am not sitting there waiting for the scene I’ve seen.

    As for the ‘yes’ heard (and repeated by all JAM fans) around the world – why am I still smiling?

  19. HealthcareHottie on January 19th, 2007 12:26 pm

    This episode was so great and the producer’s cut was amazing.

    I think you all have summed it up pretty good. All I can say right now is that there is this clunking noise coming from the ceiling in my office and I keep looking up wondering whose cell phone is being thrown into the ceiling.

    It’s probably just the wind or the air ducts, but a girl can dream right?

  20. Jen on January 19th, 2007 3:46 pm

    I agree, The Return was the best this season. And I just watched the Producer’s edition,and I loved it! the car! omg, and the ending! I love how Andy repeated what he said in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot, it was great. And I still am loving the perfect prank of the cell phone, it was so goodddd….

    and Halpert—oh how I love you! I really kinda feel bad for Karen though…

    and for a really random question:
    while I was watching, I was thinking, are we ever going to find out the deal with Pam and Jim texting way back in the Diwali ep.??? It would be interesting to know how that got started and whatever was really going on with that.\

    oh, and I loved the OC!! I’ll take Che just as long as I can still picture my Bright Abbott in my mind! I love Ryan and Taylor, like a lot, and I am really sad that its ending this year as I have finally gotten into it! three years late I know!

  21. Amanda on January 22nd, 2007 1:30 am

    I loved Grey’s and The Office! Both were exceptional this week! But I have one question…what happened to the Jim in Stanford who wore the different colored shirts (the nice deep blue one for example)? He’s back in Scranton, and the white shirts and black ties are back. I miss the new Jim with flair look!