24 recap Archives - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

24: Day 7 | 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.

January 27, 2009 by  
Filed under #1 featured, 24, 24 Recaps, Posts by Philboy

It’s going to be a short review this week. I’ve got three pages to write about old newspapers (long story) and, plus, there were only a few big moments this episode.


  • Fear not, true believers. As many of you mentioned in the comments from last week, Jack dispatched Chloe and Bill to go save Renee. The three of them joined up with Jack and Tony, who had taken over the kidnapping operation. Jack convinced Matobo and his wife to be kidnapped by Dubaku in an attempt to stop him.
  • President Taylor refuses to pull troops out of Sangala. In response to this, Dubaku crashed two planes into one another, right outside the windows of the Oval Office. Still, with the possibility of Matobo being found, she isn’t willing to pull back. In the wake of her decision, her Secretary of State resigned.
  • Brian killed Samantha and was in the middle of staging Henry Taylor’s suicide when Henry found the strength to take him out.

Agent Philboy’s Assessment

First off, I was completely uninspired by Agent Moss’ speech to the FBI team. Seriously, this was a chance to challenge Coach Boone in “Remember the Titans” and the best he could come up with is, “We’re the only ones she’s got.” Seriously?! Lame. This guy keeps going up and down on my radar. First, he’s kind of stalkerish. Then, he defends Janis to the ends of the Earth. Then, he loses an amazing oratorical opportunity.

Last week, I was so caught up in the moment of Renee “dying” that I forgot that Chloe and Bill were all over it and listening in on everything. One quick shot and our favorite new FBI agent was back with us, only slightly confused.

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