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AMERICAN IDOL Audition Catch Up

Three episodes into the new season and hardly a word from me on AMERICAN IDOL.  How rude?!

Personally I was hoping not to write much about IDOL until we got to Hollywood Week but based on the emails I’ve received, it seems that if some of you are anxious to talk about it now.  So be it…

I guess we should start off with the changes.  The producers have been talking a lot about major changes coming to IDOL.  So far all I’m seeing is the addition of Kara as a judge.  I think I like her.  I don’t know if I’ve totally made up my mind of not.  She’s feisty and I think she knows what she’s talking about. I don’t know how she’s going to be over the long run, but for now I think I’m digging her.

Please allow me to play Captain Obvious here, but my God how irrelevant has Randy Jackson become?  Paula has more worthwhile things to say than this guy.  Why is he even there?  He offers absolutely nothing to the show.  All he does is kiss Simon’s ass.  You’re a music producer and you have no original thoughts to share about the quality of the singers coming in to audition.  It’s getting quite tiresome.

As for the contestants they’ve passed through the Hollywood?  There have been a few standouts. More than a few train wrecks.  And a baffling number of talentless blokes that received the golden ticket to Hollywood.  What’s the point?  Hollywood week is supposed to be the best of the best.  Oy vey!

But here are a few of the good contestants that have really stood out to me.

Remember Emily Wynne-Hughes? No?  How about the rocker with the pink hair?  Ah, yes…her.  Emily got everyone’s attention with her take on ‘Baracudda’.e.  She’s got the rock edge that’s authentic unlike skunk girl from last season.

Then there was Scott Mcintyre who is a talented singer and musician, who also happens to be blind.  Scott had me when he auditioned with one of my favorite songs, Billy Joel’s “And So it Goes”.  As great as Scott was, it was when Ryan tried to high five him that has been the best moment of the season so far for me.

Alex Wagner-Trugman screamed awkward and dorky, but he had me with his take on James Ingram’s “Baby Come to Me”.  I love when someone who doesn’t scream “idol” shows up with some real talent.

Lil Round
s evoked memories of Fantasia both in appearance and in talent.  I’m excited about she can bring to the competition this year. And I like that she’s a bit older and brings that maturity with her.

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