April 2006 - Page 3 of 6 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Attention Boston Buffy Fans

April 23, 2006 by  
Filed under TV News

Buffy Cast

If you are a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and you live in Boston then listen up. On Thursday, April 27th, the legendary Coolidge Corner Theatre will be hosting a Buffy sing-a-long.

Our one-of-a-kind Sing-A-Long production of everyone’s favorite monster-fighting cult TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, returns for one final night of shows! We’ll give you “Something to Sing About” at this special screening of Joss Whedon’s classic musical episode, including goodie bags full of interactive activities (and plastic vampire teeth, of course), subtitles so you can sing-a-long with Buffy and the gang… and bunnies! Ahhhhh!

After the singing, stick around for an extra episode from the series – voted for by you the audinece! Buffy nights like this are popping up all over the country, but it originated here at the Coolidge and always sells out our midnite shows. This is the first time Buffy hits prime time. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Some of my friends have gone to the Rocky Horror and The Sound of Music sing-a-longs at the Coolidge Corner Theatre and have told me it’s a blast. If you are Buffy fan, then you don’t want to miss out on this fun night.

I missed out on the Buffy-phenom (I know, I know), but I think I might go anyway. I only live minutes from the theatre, so what the hell, right?

Will & Grace Finale Pictures (No Spoilers)

April 21, 2006 by  
Filed under TV Comedy

Thanks to Jenna for sending along these pics from the finale of Will & Grace. I can’t say that I have watched Will & Grace that much over the past 2 years. In my mind, Will & Grace is still the hilarious and ground breaking comedy powerhouse that it was in its early years.

Will & Grace Series Finale

Photo Source: JustJared.com

GMMR – TV on DVD Reviews

April 21, 2006 by  
Filed under GMMR News, TV News

Give Me My RemoteDo you have a favorite show that you think Give Me My Remote should be talking about? Maybe I’m not talking about your show because I’ve never seen it. But perhaps you could help.

I’m hoping to start reviewing TV on DVDs over the next few weeks. Right now, I only have a couple of series available (Lost, Veronica Mars, Everwood, Alias, The OC), so I’m going to be a little limited. And let’s face it, if I own a series on DVD, then it’s a safe bet that I like the show enough to have already talked about it on my site. But if you have a show on DVD that you would like me to review, let me know. I’ll most likely ask to borrow it from you (lord knows I’m not rich enough to buy them), but I would pay for shipping, and I would promise to get it back to you.

It’s just an idea, and I’ll only move forward with it if I get a response from you kids. So let me know if you think I shoudl go ahead and review TV on DVD on GMMR.

NBC to Renew Scrubs!!!

April 21, 2006 by  
Filed under Scrubs, TV Comedy, TV News, Zach Braff

ScrubsNo official annoucement has been made, but my SUPER secret INSIDE sources have told me that NBC is close to annoucing their plans for the 6th season of Scrubs.

I just checked out TVGuide.com and Michael Ausiello says his sources are telling him the same thing. I’m pretty sure Michael & I have different sources, which only means that the word it out there.

I am LOVING NBC this week. First they supersize The Office, and now they renew Scrubs. Great news for the two best comedies on TV today!!

Remote Patroling…

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Logan Echolls  Logan Bo Bice Libby from Lost Rob Lowe/Sam Seaborn
Why do our favorite good girls fall for the Logan’s of this world? Click here

Ace Young says his K-Fed look wasn’t the reason he was outsted from American Idol. Click here

Is Bo Bice becoming a diva?  Why is he fighting in public? (Glitterati)

Is your favorite show on the brink of cancellation?  Then you better check out the SOS (Save Our Show) campaign being conducted by E! Online.  Um, I’m talking to you Everwood, Veronica Mars, and The Loop fans! (Random Acts of Television)

Hmmm. Looks like Lost’s Libby is getting off the island.   (Zap2It)

Sam Seaborn is back, and damn, he still looks good. (TV Guide)

Gilmore Girls Loses it’s Creators

April 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Gilmore Girls, Lauren Graham

The Gilmore Girls

April 20th update: It’s official…Amy Sherman-Palladino is leaving Gilmore Girls. Unforuntately, the news is real and legit this time. For more on this sucky news, check out The Ausiello Report.

Gilmore Girls will go on, and it will continue to be great. The creator may be leaving, but Gilmore Girls mega-fans (like Row 1 stud ShutUpRob) won’t be going anywhere.

Previous Post…

Michael Ausiello is reporting that Gilmore Girls creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino, has opted NOT to renew her contract with the show. ASP will be leaving Gilmore Girls at the end of this season. Her husband Dan has decided to leave with her. Everyone knows that Amy is the heart and soul of Gilmore Girls, and her presence will surely be felt. One can only hope that Sherman-Palladino has been grooming a new show runner to carry on in her place. This news definitely falls into the sucky category.

Breaking News!! NBC Supersizes the Season Finale of The Office

Cast of The Office

In a press release issued today, NBC has announced that the season finale of The Office will in fact be Supersized!!  Looks like our efforts paid off.  I’m sure this has much more to do with the quality writing and superb acting than our little petition, but either way this is fantastic news!! 

Jim and Pam The OfficeSo what does this mean?  I know that we were really hoping for a truly supersized season finale, as in one hour, but I’ll take what I can get.  The show will be an extra ten minutes long, running from 9:20-10pm on Thursday, May 11th.

Did you know that the season finale was written by Steve Carell?  Guess he really wet his chops writing the screenplay for Threat level Midnight.  Check out the press release about the finale as well as a brief episode description (contains minor spoilers):

Cast of NBC's The OfficeIN SUPER-SIZED SEASON FINALE WRITTEN BY SERIES STAR STEVE CARELL, ‘OFFICE’ MATES LET IT ROLL — In the super-sized season finale, Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) and the Dunder Mifflin crew hold a “Casino Night” for charity in their warehouse — and take some big gambles. Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer, John Krasinski, B.J. Novak, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Angela Kinsey, Oscar Nunez, Phyllis Smith, Melora Hardin and David Denham also star. The episode was written by series star Steve Carell.

John Krasinski & Steve CarellThanks to everyone that took the time to sign the Supersize The Office petition.  If nothing else, it was was great for the writers, producers and actors to see how much their fans appreciate them.

A special thanks to James from Northern Attack for taking my little idea and making it happen. You rock!! Thanks also to Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey & Brian Baumgartner for supporting our efforts and directing people to the petition.  Love you guys!!!

Dwight Schrute Bobblehead Now Available

April 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Dwight Schrute, TV News

Dwight Schrute Bobblehead

 Looks like NBC does listen the fans of The Office!! 

Yes Office fans, after overwhelming demand the bobblehead is finally here! The infamous Dwight Schrute bobblehead made its debut appearance on the Valentine’s Day episode of “The Office”. Upon finding Angela’s gift on his desk (a bobblehead made in his likeness) he exclaimed, “It’s me! I’m the bobblehead! Yes!” Her gift really “rocked the house.”

Click here to buy your very own Dwight Schrute Bobblehead.

P.S.  NBC thanks for the bobblehead, but what about the Supersized Season Finale of The Office?

It’s Marshall Flinkman’s World & We Just Live In It

April 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Marshall Flinkman

Marshall Flinkman





Alias Recap: SOS/Maternal Instinct (Contains Alias Spoilers)

April 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Michael Vartan, TV Drama, TV News

Alias logo


It’s the moment you have waited for…Alias is back!!!!  It’s the final 6 episodes, so expect the unexpected.  I’ve done my very best to recap last night’s 2 hour episode, but damn, it was tough.  I forgot how complicated this show is.  I guess when I am just watching it, and I get lost or confused about their missions, I can just blow past it. But when I am recapping the entire episode for someone who may or may not have seen it…dude, it is tough. 

I’ve done my best.  Honestly.  I don’t know how those TWOPers do it.  Then again, if I were getting paid for this, I might be more inclined to watch the show a few more times and write a crazy detailed recap.  But for now, my only goal is to get this puppy posted before midnight so I can go to bed (note: yeah, didn’t quite make it.  I had to shut it down around midnight and resume this morning).

Previously on Alias…
Um, yeah, previously there were 4 and a ½ seasons full on mystery, suspense, and intrigue, so if this is your first time watching or reading about Alias, you might want to take an Alias 101 course. 

A quick refresher…The Prophet 5 people, led by Peyton (Amy Acker) have Syd on a cargo ship somewhere on the ocean.

We first seen Sydney Bristow as she tries to figure out where the hell she is.  Not much time for that since she quickly encounters the Prophet 5 gang (P5ers). She manages to elude them and finds herself in the navigation room of the ship.  In between contractions, or some other pain associated with the baby, Sydney finds the frequency to communicate with APO, and informs them of her location. The P5ers manage to bust down the door, but Sydney is already gone.  Peyton instructs her people to find and erase Sydney’s transmission.

Over at APO, Jack is trying to track down Sydney.  Marshall can retrieve Sydney’s transmission, but about half way through the file is erased from the system.  Jack knows what’s up and gathers all the APOers in the conference room.  Thomas, Rachel, Sloane, Marshall and Dixon (who is rockin’ the sweet Billy Dee William do) all listen as Jack informs them that someone within the CIA was the one who intercepted and erased Sydney’s transmission.  There mission, if they choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the CIA servers, and find the missing transmission.  Jack reminds everyone that this mission is a form of treason…like that matters to the APOers.

Masrhsall and Dixon go undercover on a CIA visitor tour in order to get inside of Langley, and help Rachel and Thomas locate the right server.  Question: has Marshall’s codename always been Merlin, because I never picked up on that….and I love it.

Rachel is doing her thing and making her way into the servers.  Thomas does his job, and then takes it upon himself to check out a few classified CIA files.  I mean, if he’s already there, why not, right?  Shocker, another Alias character with a dual agenda.  Thomas is looking up the file of a dead woman.  We later learn that the woman is Amanda Grace – Tom’s deceased wife.  While there, he takes a good glance at some guy whose picture was in dead Mrs. Grace’s file.  Interesting.  What are you up to Thomas Grace.  My mom always said never to trust a guy with the last name GRACE.  I should have listened.

Rachel finally come across the transmission, but it’s been removed from the computer.  The only way to retrieve it is to physically steal the hard drive.  Jack instructs her to do so all the while knowing that removing the hard drive would result in a security lockdown of the CIA.  She does, and the lockdown is in full effect.

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Ace Young is Booted From American Idol

Ace Young

American Idol is ready to kick another kid off the island, but who will it be. The contestants are split into two groups. On one side of the stage we have Elliott, Kellie and Katharine. On the other, Chris, Paris and Ace. Taylor, we quickly learn, is safe. Woo hoo!! Soul Patrol!!

The bottom three this week is OMG OMG OMG Chris Daughtry, Paris Bennett, and Ace Young. OMG…Chris, are you kidding me?! I am going to throw up….Seacrest just get to the damn results already. Whew…Ace Young is outta here, as Daniel Powter pays in the background. You had a bad day…

Ace Young is no longer in the running to be America’s Next Top..oh, wrong show…I mean, American Idol. Bye bye Ace!!

Can we PLEASE talk about Chris Daughtry? I am beyond shocked. I think next week’s theme is going to be tough for my little rocker boy. See, Andrea Bocelli is going to be coaching the Idol kids next week as they tackle the world’s greatest love songs. That’s going to be one hell of a show. I must say, I really love how the celebrities are being utilized this season.

Ok, I have to get back to Alias. I’m trying to recap the show, and let me tell ya, it’s NOT easy to recap Alias. So much going on, I can hardly keep up.

John Krasinski on Conan: 4/24/06

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John Krasinski on Conan O'Brien

For those of you who missed it the first time around, NBC is replaying John Krasinski’s appearance on Late Night with Conan O’Brien this Monday.  John was super adorable (per usual) and talked a bit about his time as Conan’s intern, as well as his hometown of Newton, MA (holla)!

You should definitely watch John on Conan LIVE, but if you are looking for an immediate J. Kras fix, then I know a little site where you can watch it…click here.

And just for the record, it’s been 4 months since John Krasinski agreed to meet me at the Cask & Flagon for a drink.  Still waiting buddy!!!

Alias is Back!!!!!!!!!

April 19, 2006 by  
Filed under Michael Vartan, TV Drama, TV News

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Alias Alias..the boys

Ok, I’m running SUPER late for a client meeting this morning, but I had to leave a quick note to remind everyone that ALIAS IS BACK tonight!!  Woo hoo!!  Sydney Bristow…Will Tippen…Jack Bristow…Marshall Flinkman and friends – I have missed you all.  But Michael Vaughn, I’m counting the minutes until I can see you alive and kicking.  I’m going to rest up after work and get ready for the mega-recap I have to write tonight.

More on Alias later.

Gilmore Girls Recap: I Get a Sidekick out of You (Contains Spoilers)

April 19, 2006 by  
Filed under Gilmore Girls, Lauren Graham, TV News

Gilmore Girls

As Joe Cocker soulfully sang it in The Wonder Years theme song, “I get by with a little help from my friends”.  Some of my new Give Me My Remote friends are becoming part of the team, and I couldn’t be more excited. 

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a great response to the recaps I’ve been posting.  I’d love to do recaps for all my shows, but there just aren’t enough hours in day. But with the help from a few new “guest” recappers, Give Me My Remote will be offering more recaps on some of your favorite shows. 

Our very first guest recapper, Julie took on last night’s Gilmore Girls…and much like Lorelai – Julie was hammered. Kidding, kidding…no she rocked!  So enjoy a recap of last night’s Gilmore Girls, and if you enjoyed Julie’s recap then make sure to leave a comment and let her know!!

“I Get A Sidekick out of You”

Last time on Gilmore Girls, Logan planned a basejump off a cliff plus river rafting trip with the Life and Death Brigade. Lorelai offered to tailor Mrs. Kim’s old wedding gown for Lane. Rory went to Jess’ bookstore opening, where she bumped into Luke and April.

We open with Mama Kim in typical bossy form, arranging food preparation for Lane’s wedding. She’s busy and preoccupied, and she won’t let Lane do a thing. Lorelai pops by with the much-altered wedding dress (hey, it’s got a waist!). To Lane and Lorelai’s surprise, Mama Kim is so distracted that she gives her approval without much hesitation.

But upon hearing the Luke is out of town and Lorelai plans to go stag to Lane’s wedding, Mama Kim is jolted from her stupor. She runs out the door after Lorelai, insisting that she bring a date, lest she be thought, you know, for sale. Gosh, Mama Kim, way to put it delicately. As she exits, Lorelai says to herself, “Lorelai Gilmore: disappointing mothers since 1968.” Aww.

Meanwhile, Rory’s hard at work at the newspaper, bantering with Paris over a story. Two girls, apparently dating other members of the Life and Death Brigade, arrive with a proposition for Rory: fly to Costa Rica to meet their men at the foot of the river. With Lane’s wedding to attend, Rory declines. Doesn’t sound like she’s missing her lad quite as much as the other lasses.

Back at the Dragonfly, Michel has graciously offered to attend the wedding with Lorelai, and is adding a few stipulations: namely, that she wear a blue dress (to coordinate with his ensemble) and be prepared to dance (because he likes to get down). As Lorelai answers a call from Chris, Michel hilariously demonstrates his dancing skills. Chris is calling to ask if he can buy Rory a Sidekick. Lorelai, no stranger to the need for rapid-fire communication, says of course.

When Rory heads to Kim’s Antiques, she runs into a rapidly-moving Lane and Mrs. Kim, frantically Buddha-izing their home in anticipation of Grandmama Kim’s surprise arrival. Grandmama Kim hasn’t left Korea in 45 years, is a devout Buddhist, and has no idea the Stars Hollow Kims are Seventh Day Adventist. When GK arrives, she gives Lane an energetic hug, after which much Korean is spoken with a critical tone and an upturned nose. Looks like disappointing moms isn’t just a Gilmore talent.

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Kellie Pickler Drowns, Chris Daughtry Croons, Taylor Hicks Rocks, & Katharine McPhee Shines

April 18, 2006 by  
Filed under Reality TV, TV News

American Idol

…oh there were a few other performances tonight, but those aren’t the ones that we are going to be talking about around the watercooler tomorrow.

Tonight the future Idol’s are working with Rod Stewart and singing selections from his Great American Songbook. I’ll be honest, I’m soooo not a fan of Rod Stewart, but I do like the standards, so I think this could be a great night. Here’s my thoughts on each of the performances.

Chris Daughtry sang a “What a Wonderful World”, and oh how it was. He was charming and captivating. I loved that Chris’s signature raspiness came through ever so sweetly. I thought he nailed it, and the judges agreed.

Paris Bennett…oh Paris, what was your stylist thinking? I can’t believe none of the judges commented on your hideous, flight attendent-inspired red business suit. I thought Paris nailed her version of “Foolish Things”, but I was a bit distracted at points…I thought she was a bit nasaly (is that a word?)

How I love you Taylor Hicks!! I found myself clapping and yelling for you before the song was even over. Your rendition of Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me” was near perfect. It was an incredible performance, and a spectacular ending. What a blast.

Elliott Yamin has a great voice, but I just don’t think it was his night. He sang “It Had to Be You”, and sang it well, but something wasn’t quite clicking. I disagree with Simon when it’s comes to Elliott’s personality. I think Elliott is endearing and he seems like maybe the smartest one of the bunch, but it wasn’t the performance he needed after being in the bottom group last week.

Kellie Pickler fell apart before our eyes. Her version of “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered” started off strong, but it went to hell right in the middle. It was a train wreck. But I really liked that she owned up to it. Not sure if she’s acting or really that loopy, but I liked how she handled herself tonight. Um. any chance Kellie Picker got a nose job? I think she looks so different again tonight.

Ace Young is singing that song from The Wedding Singer. Sorry, but I can’t hear anyone but Adam Sandler singing the song. Dude…is that Ace or Kevin Federline? He had his hair pulled back tonight, and I really didn’t recognize him. He really looks different. I haven’t figured out if I like it or not, but I’m leaning towards no. Ace was much better than he has been in recent weeks, but he’s still going to be in the bottom three tonight.

This should be Katherine McPhee’s night. I’m typing this just minutes before her performance begins. Katherine is nothing if not classy, and I’m expecting a phenomenal performance. She is singing “Someone to Watch Over Me”, which happens to be one of my favorite songs of all time. Wait for it….Katherine was….very good, but not as good as she could have been. I didn’t get the chills, and I always get the chills listening to this song. I think I was distracted by her phrasing. She was breathing way too much, and breaking up the flow. Her voice is truly beautiful though, and there is no denying that. Simon really loved her, which is odd because he predicted the end was near for her.

Who’s in and who’s out…

Based on tonight’s performance, Kellie Picker should be going home tomorrow night. She will definitely be in the bottom three, along with Ace and Elliott. I’m thinking it’s unfortunately going to be Elliott leaving us tomorrow night. Although out of those three, he is by far the best.

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