LOST Season 4 Trailer
December 12, 2007 by Kath Skerry
When people I meet find out I have a certain “interest” in television I am inevitably asked one question more than any other question…”When is LOST coming back”. For so long I would say “February 2008” and be met with eyes bulging out of heads followed by a few “WTF!” and “What are they The Sopranos”.
But friends, February 2008 isn’t that far away any more. Then again, we don’t know for sure that LOST will premiere in February. Due to the WGA strike there’s been talk of pushing the premiere back to April, or (gasp) holding out until 2009 (although I don’t see that really happening). What I do know is that ABC held off so long between seasons 3 and 4 so it could have a nice, uninterrupted season. But as it stands, this season of LOST only has 8 new episodes to air before they run of out of new scripts. Wah Wah!!
Let’s keep happy thoughts, and focus on the positive – like the first trailer released for Season 4 of LOST. Let the speculation begin.
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holy crap that was awesome! I SWEAR I saw Charlie towards the end…..hmm…