Top 13 TV Shows of 2012 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Top 13 TV Shows of 2012

December 31, 2012 by  

Once again, I need to start off my list with a caveat: I’m behind on some quality shows. So yes, there may be some amazing television not listed here, but I’m not going to pretend to love a show that gets universal praise just to do it. I love what I love and I certainly watch enough television to speak about a whole lot of shows I do watch. And heck, this list expanded twice (went from 10 shows to 12 until I ultimately settled on 13), and if I had let myself think about it more, it’s likely I could have added another two shows (or 20).

So, with that being said, here are my top 13 television shows of 2012 in descending order…


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DEXTER is back! After having an off year with season 6, the show massively rebounded as Dexter struggled with his sister, Debra, knowing the truth of who he is. And while Deb found herself getting deeper into her brother's life and troubles, Dexter found a kindred spirit in Hannah. While it seemed destined for failure -- two serial killers in a relationship together? Nearly killing your future romantic partner doesn't normally trigger=happy ever thoughts -- Dexter's struggle to figure out whether what he was feeling was love and ultimately having to give that up was a new layer for our favorite serial killer. And with Deb choosing to kill Maria in order to protect her brother, things can't be the same when the show returns in 2013.

Let’s hear it…what show do you love that I left off the list? Or do you think a show should be higher/lower ranked?

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6 Responses to “Top 13 TV Shows of 2012”

  1. Sandy on December 31st, 2012 3:50 pm

    Glad to see Fringe ranking so high on your list.

    I still love the show like no other and I completely agree that I still care about these characters like I always have

  2. Angie on December 31st, 2012 4:44 pm

    CASTLE is missing. Rick & Kate together and not losing the sexy sparks. #1 in my book.

  3. Paula on January 1st, 2013 5:33 pm

    You don’t watch Haven? This season is awesome. The best Sci Fi show this year.

    Although I am still watching Fringe, I am not enjoying it anymore. Just 2 plain reasons for getting back: 1. John Noble 2. is the last season (thanks God!)

    May you and your readers have a terrific 2013.

  4. Lisa on January 11th, 2013 5:26 pm

    Love seeing Raising Hope and Suburgatory on here, but was quite surprised that Parenthood wasn’t mentioned. You laugh, you cry, you scream, and you relate all within the hour and it is one of the best shows in primetime right now, it doesn’t need special effects, outrageous events and murder to be good.

  5. Malia on January 11th, 2013 6:09 pm

    I love Suburgatory and not just because Jeremy Sisto is in it and Clueless is my favorite movie. My sister actually met him, her friend was having a dinner with some other students from her film school. When he heard she is from Hawaii he asked my sister if she surfed? I watch all the sitcoms mentioned except for Modern Family.

  6. Jan on January 11th, 2013 6:46 pm

    Where’s Touched? The Middle? NCIS, which is in the top 10 every week, even when it’s a repeat against non-repeats.