GMMR TV Awards: Best Musical Number – Vote Now! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

GMMR TV Awards: Best Musical Number – Vote Now!

June 28, 2013 by  

It’s time to vote for the GMMR TV Awards!

Give Me My Remote readers sent in their top nominations for nearly 30 different categories, and now it’s time for you to choose your top pick! Most of the categories have five nominees, but due to ties, the number can vary. (And, as a reminder, each category can only have two nominees per show, so only the top two vote-getters moved forward.)

Next up: “Best Musical Number.”

Take a look at your nominees and then vote for your choice below!

'No One Will Ever Love You' (Nashville)

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With so many musical shows on this past year, it's only natural we got some incredible numbers from them. Which performance was best in your mind?

And make sure to vote in all the other GMMR Awards categories here.

Want to make sure your pick takes the top spot? Tweet it! Tumble it! Facebook it! “I just voted for [your choice here] as Best Musical Number in the GMMR TV Awards: Vote now!” and we’ll retweet/reblog some of the replies that amuse us the most from @GiveMeMyRemote and our Tumblr account.

The polls close on Friday, July 5th at 5 PM PT (8 PM ET), so happy voting!

Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans on GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s official Facebook page.

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Filed under #1 featured, GMMR Awards


3 Responses to “GMMR TV Awards: Best Musical Number – Vote Now!”

  1. Restless on June 28th, 2013 2:24 pm

    Hard choices! But, I really love The Neighbors, 😀 My favorite show this year, and that was one of my favorite episodes.

  2. HQ on June 29th, 2013 2:23 am

    Ha, I had to go with American Horror Story’s The Name Game. A nun railroaded into electro shock therapy consequentally is having trouble with memory lapses and hallucinates a musical number starring the inmates of the asylum when she is asked “Do you know my name?” I mean, you don’t see that every day. Judy Judy Bo boody banana fana fo foody…

  3. imawesome on July 3rd, 2013 12:24 pm

    That song was amazing. HIMYM forever <3