ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Poor Unfortunate Soul' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Poor Unfortunate Soul’ Photos

March 20, 2015 by  

ONCE UPON A TIME is diving into Ursula’s backstory with the appropriately titled “Poor Unfortunate Soul” (which was a song from THE LITTLE MERMAID), and in present day, the Queens of Darkness have, um, not great plans for poor August.

Check them out!


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ONCE UPON A TIME - "Poor Unfortunate Soul" - Hook leverages his complicated history with Ursula to find out what she knows about Gold's endgame. Gold and the Queens of Darkness torture August for information about the Author as Emma, Mary Margaret and David race to find them. Regina grows concerned for Robin Hood's safety while she struggles to maintain her cover with the villains. In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, when a restless young Ursula enlists Hook's help to run away from home, she soon learns it isn't wise to trust a pirate, on "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, MARCH 22 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eike Schroter) ROBERT CARLYLE, EION BAILEY

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8 PM on ABC.


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Filed under Once Upon A Time


One Response to “ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Poor Unfortunate Soul’ Photos”

  1. Neal on March 25th, 2015 6:50 pm

    Can somebody please explain to me the following…

    How is Cruella DeVille in the same villian league as the others and when did she have any magic power over anything? She looks the best in human form on this show, but c’mon people…is this just the least expensive character the show could afford, or is that horrible “hat” worn by the very attractive except in this show Kristin Bauer van Straten as Maleficent who was not a villian, but a victim or greed and jealousy by her young lover. And forgive me, but I’ve no idea who Ursula is and since when has the Greek God Poseidon become a different race? And such a wimp on top of it all. I like Ernie Hudson from Ghostbusters, but here?? No way!! I liked this show even when it ran out of ideas that it started with and chose to bring in other fantasy characters and alter their histories. But this return of Gold (best dual character in the whole flippin show Robert Carlyle). From normal human with some paperwork gets to come back to Storybrooke after being banished? And so it’s been gong from there. And lastly from day one, I think Ginnifer with her young boy Beatle haircut looks ridiculous and compare her as Snow White with a wig of long female style hair. It’s her life, but why a woman would choose that and think it’s good is beyond me. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for the next garbage the writers dredge up to keep this now terrible series going. Let me look at my Disney collection and see who is left. Well here’s a few more Disney & others…Aladdin, The Golden Compass and its two successive books as written, not as done in the movie, Beauty & the Beast, Nightmare Before Christmas, Willow, Shrek, Dark Crystal, Ratatouille, Happy Feet, etc. The list goes on and on.Enough with the happy endings…there are no happy endings. And why not bring in the Flintstomes and Jetsons while you’re at it. Put things back as they were and end the show at least as good as it started. Fair enough?