October 15, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

THE SIMPSONS: God and St. Peter contemplate what merits a soul getting into heaven, while citizens of Springfield remember their divine encounters in the all-new “My Way or the Highway to Heaven” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, Oct. 14 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. THE SIMPSONS ™ and © 2018 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Let’s talk about Sunday TV!
THE SIMPSONS: The BOB’S BURGERS couch gag was by far the best part of the episode. I’m pretty hit-miss on episodes that significantly alter the show’s format (outside of “Treehouse of Horror,” which is an annual delight), and I feel like on first watch, it was more of a miss.
SUPERGIRL: I fully expected President Marsdin to be killed off when the news broke that the VP would have a bigger role this season. That could still happen, but her being outed as an alien will make things interesting…and throw gasoline into the fire of the racism that is currently ongoing in the series. (Seeing J’onn and Kara conflicted on alien vs. human conflict is rough.)
BOB’S BURGERS: Of course Bob’s Burgers would have a dine and dasher that liked the food so much he came back three times. Though his trick of giving Bob the $20 to hold on to and then manipulating him into giving it back was hilariously bad…and still worked.
FAMILY GUY: Brian and Stewie have an occasionally co-dependent relationship, but it was sweet to see Brian, normally the more mature of the duo, get jealous when Stewie had an honest friend.
CAMPING: I want better for so many of these actors. Alas.
CHARMED: I found the show, well, charming? I didn’t watch the original series, but the dynamics are interesting—both as the trio of sisters have to contend with their newfound powers and adjust to their new familial ties. I’m really interested to see where the show goes from here.
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