24 Recap: Day 6, 6:00 – 7:00pm - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

24 Recap: Day 6, 6:00 – 7:00pm

March 13, 2007 by  

Title: “Day 6, 6:00 – 7:00pm”
Original Airdate: 3/12/07
GMMR Recapper: LaLa

Nooooo!!! Ok, I know you all might think that I have a short memory or something, but seriously, I do not want 24 to kill off Logan!! He is such an awesome character, especially now that he’s been re-born as a bearded, renewed purpose on life, Al Gore-type of character (which is apparently how Gregory Itzin sees him, interestingly enough). I for one really like the new Bearded Logan, and I like the fact that he is suddenly awesome on foreign policy and is essentially playing the same role that David Palmer did in Season 4 (i.e. the whole former President coming to advise and solve the clueless new President’s foreign policy problems). So I’m going to be really mad if he’s dead by the next episode – and that beeeeeeep flatlining in the ambulance was a big clue that that will happen. Boooooooo!!

But did anyone else guess that Martha would suddenly stab him like that?? Because I didn’t! Oh Martha… not only did she return, but her crazy, unstable behavior also returned in full force (even the “Crazy Martha” violin solo was back!). I loved that she and Aaron are together, but not so sure I loved the fact that Aaron is not so much her boyfriend as her ever-patient nurse and companion (seen as how she ended up in a bungalow-style mental institution!). Oh well. I guess the 24 peeps figured that they preferred Crazy Martha over Smart, Cunning Martha – plus, it gives Jean Smart more levels and complexities to play, so she was probably all for that. And by the way, if Smart and Itzin don’t win Guest Emmy Roles this year for their brilliant work – which they SHOULD have won for last year – then there will be serious hell to pay from yours truly!

Anyhoo, I was really glad, though, that Crazy Martha managed to stay sane long enough to call the Suvarovs and convince them that their Russian Ambassador was a traitor. And I’m even more glad that the Suvarovs consequently condoned the attack on the Russian Embassy, because seriously, we did NOT need another China type scandal. Speaking of that attack, so I guess Ricky Schroeder (who previously wanted to be called “Rick Schroeder” on NYPD Blue, but is now apparently back to “Ricky”) is now joining the show as CTU agent Doyle, a supposed badass in the field Doyle who is also kind of a jerk (dude! Stop roughing up Morris! Sheesh!). Didn’t see too much of him tonight, though, so hopefully we’ll get to know him better in the coming weeks.

Of course, the person on the show who is by far the biggest jerk right now is Vice President Noah Daniels. I mean, this man was IN on the assassination of President Wayne!! And now he’s forcing weasel-once-again Tom to lie about Assad being the assassin so Daniels can threaten to nuke an innocent (and still conveniently un-named) Arab country!! Man, I felt so bad for that poor, nice Ambassador – who was just trying to help the U.S. and totally hated Assad – when Demon Daniels was threatening him like that. I noticed in the preview that Karen was warning that if the U.S. goes to war with this country, it could start World War 3. Gosh, let’s hope that 24 doesn’t come to that!! Unless, of course, that was the producers’ plan all along… Well, I guess when you have a hugely high stakes show like 24, the only way to keep it going is to keep raising the stakes. And, well, I guess at this point, a World War is maybe the only way to go! Yikes.

Jack Cool Move Watch: That little belt move he did was awesome! I’ll have to remember that one, so the next time I’m held at gunpoint, I’ll just snap the gun away with my belt! Sweet.

Jack Eating Watch: Still in starvation mode, yet somehow still has tons of energy, as usual.

Jack Bathroom Watch: Guess this doesn’t really apply if you haven’t eaten anything all day. Makes me wonder if the Chinese fed him before they released him – and if so, did he get to go potty before his long trip home? I know my mom always made sure everyone went potty before taking trips. Though, somehow I doubt the Chinese were that considerate… Which once again begs the question: how long can a man last without going to the bathroom? “Next season on 24, Jack faces his biggest threat yet: a horrible bladder infection!!”

Sorry… I’m little sleep deprived from Daylight Savings…

LaLa is a writer who currently resides in LaLa Land, aka Los Angeles. LaLa also likes to sing. LaLa also knows some lawyers in a law office. LaLa is also prone to making bad jokes, like this one. And of course, LaLa also loves her some quality television shows with quality actors on them, like House… and The Office… and 24… and, well, pretty much any smartly written show that doesn’t include a fat guy with a hot skinny wife or the words “two and a half men” in the title.


Filed under 24, 24 Recaps


4 Responses to “24 Recap: Day 6, 6:00 – 7:00pm”

  1. Marie on March 13th, 2007 10:26 am

    LaLa – I didn’t see that knife action coming either, and I literally yelled, “OH MY GOD!” And then I said it again, “OH MY GOD!” And about the next whole minute, into the commercial break and everything, I was saying variations of “Holy cow!” and “Oh my God!” and “Jeepers crow!” and I don’t even know what else, AND covering my mouth – at one point with BOTH hands!!! I LOVED this episode!

    Thanks for the recap!

  2. Jake on March 13th, 2007 1:55 pm

    It was a good episode, and I agree with you. Bearded Logan was great, and it’s a shame he’s probably gone. I saw the knife move coming as soon as Crazy Psycho Martha started chopping up the fruit in the kitchen. So Crazy Martha had easy access to lethal weapons in a MENTAL INSTITUTION? You’d hope they would be more careful than that….in a MENTAL INSTITUTION!

  3. Kris on March 13th, 2007 5:36 pm

    I liked seeing Crazy Martha and Aaron back, but was super pissed when she stabbed Logan. I do NOT want Logan to die. Unfortunately, i think he is dead b/c that ending kind of gave it away. I know Aaron loves Martha (or i think he does–not sure), but, if i were him, i would NOT want to piss her off. She just might stab him next ^^;; Sheesh.

    I’m sorry, but i just can’t seem to take Ricky Schroeder seriously as an agent. I don’t know…he ends up making me laugh. Actually, to be completely honest, i find myself laughing and then getting annoyed when he jumps off the handle and attacks CTU employees (like Morris). It’s a little ridiculous. Someone needs to smack him. I want Milo to choke him w/ his sling. Owned. Kidding, but seriously someone needs to put him in his place. Jack, you do it.

    On a final note, i was back to be disappointed w/ Tom turning weasel again. I hope he lets Karen in on the truth and how the VP is a warmongering idiot. VP Daniels…gives me the biggest headache. Sigh. Anyway, another great recap, LaLa.

  4. Natty on March 14th, 2007 11:50 pm

    This is my first time at this and I found your comments on la 24 right on! I am a fan and as far as Martha is concerned I wanted her to be that cunning presidential lady she is in her sane side and live happily ever after with Aaron but that isn’t suspense theater is it. Logan was a baddy and “deserves to die” but not so soon maybe… but frankly where would they go with him now. He was headed back to the farm anyway with that smarmy look (beard or no beard…ooh that look). I think Ricky will be good once he knows whose the boss!!!! (Chloe…at least at CTU) but of course Jack is Jack is Jack is Jack! The Man! (or is he a man? no eating, no potty)