The CHICAGO FIRE EPs, Alberto Rosende on How Carver is Shaking Things Up - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

The CHICAGO FIRE EPs, Alberto Rosende on How Carver is Shaking Things Up

October 4, 2022 by  

Chicago Fire season 11 theme

CHICAGO FIRE — “Every Scar Tells a Story” Episode 1102 — Pictured: (l-r) Alberto Rosende as Blake Gallo — (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)

As Carver (Jake Lockett) slowly earns Firehouse 51’s trust on CHICAGO FIRE, there might be a bit of tension before he’s really a part of the close-knit crew.

“I think for Gallo, who’s been the kind of star on [the] truck up until now, to have somebody come in who’s got a little more experience and is also a badass kind of kamikaze-vibe firefighter is [hard],” CHICAGO FIRE co-showrunner Andrea Newman acknowledges to Give Me My Remote. “He’s just as bold and brave as Gallo is—there’s gonna be a little tension there.”

While Alberto Rosende downplayed that, a bit—”he doesn’t feel the need to fight for his place as much as he does need to fight to be better firefighter,” he explains, in the video below, to reporters—the actor acknowledged how fun it’s been to have Lockett on set.

“As an actor, this show is not an easy show to shoot,” he says. “We shoot in all the elements all year round, 22 episodes, nonstop…that’s a hard pace to keep up. So, whenever someone new comes in, it’s really cool to kind of watch them flourish in that environment, and where they need help or where they decide to ask questions…[it] makes you realize what you’ve learned working so far, which is really cool. And then you’re still learning new things through that person that now is seeing it with new eyes.”

Chicago Fire season 11 theme

CHICAGO FIRE — “Completely Shattered” Episode 1103 — Pictured: (l-r) Christian Stolte as Randy “Mouch” McHolland, Jake Lockett as Sam Carver, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Adrian S Burrows Sr/NBC)

But it won’t entirely be smooth sailing for Carver and Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo), either. When questioned about a possible showcase episode later in the season—a la Boden’s big hour last season or “My Lucky Day”—Newman points to the Carver and Kidd dynamic as something they’re thinking about exploring further.

“It’s getting more and more complex as the season goes on,” she says. “So one of the things that’s been brought up that I think we’re all interested in is a episode that really highlights Carver, because he’s such an intriguing character, and Carver and Kidd’s relationship. So that’s where we’re headed right now.”

As for season 11 as a whole, Newman reveals that when they thought about their theme for the year, it “was in that mindset of reflecting.”

“We want to reflect what everyone’s going through in the world, and the audience’s mindset too,” she says. “So it’s felt like a darker time, and people are going through some stuff right now. And our characters are gonna go through some stuff. And we had the theme of: When you’re going through something, who do you turn to and who can lift you up? And for our show, and for our guys, it’s each other. It’s the firehouse family.”

“So we’re gonna have some darker things go on this year, darker experiences, and darker calls—but also the hopeful side that we really feel like the show represents, which is how do you pull yourself out of that darkness?” she continues. “And we’ll be doing a lot of that—our guys experiencing things and then the others helping them through and helping them get out of that dark place.”

Adds CHICAGO FIRE co-showrunner Derek Haas: “One of the hardest things for firefighters is going to these calls and you want to rescue everyone, [but] you can’t save everyone. How do you deal with that? When there’s a loss, it is rough.”

CHICAGO FIRE, Wednesdays, 9/8c, NBC


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Filed under Chicago Fire


One Response to “The CHICAGO FIRE EPs, Alberto Rosende on How Carver is Shaking Things Up”

  1. Exhausted on October 5th, 2022 12:21 am

    Newman is Stella’s dark cloud and she likes keeping that dark cloud over her 😕